von BK-Herr Kemper | 25.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Infinity, Terrain / Gelände

Micro Art Studio: Painted Sets

Micro Art Studio hat nun fertig bemaltes Gelände im Programm.

MASkokkyo 3

MASkokkyo 3 Market Painted.jpg MASkokkyo 3 Market Painted 1.jpg MASkokkyo 3 Market Painted 2.jpg

Kokkyo 3 Market – painted – 85,00 EUR

This is a special product that is created only on demand. Please notice that it may take up to 4 weeks to create it.

Your order will be painted by a commission painter that has done most of our Infinity terrain so you have certainty that you won’t be disappointed by it.

The Kokkyo-3 Market set consists of 2 buildings, which can be combined in various positions. What’s more, multiple Kokkyo-3 Quarters and Market buildings can be stacked together! The set is dedicated for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.

Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.

MASkokkyo 3 Quarters Painted.jpg MASkokkyo 3 Quarters Painted 1.jpg MASkokkyo 3 Quarters Painted 2.jpg

Kokkyo 3 Quarters – painted – 45,00 EUR

The Kokkyo-3 Quarters set consists of 2 buildings, which can be combined in various positions. What’s more, multiple Kokkyo-3 Quarters and Market buildings can be stacked together! The set is dedicated for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.

Link: Micro Art Studio FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Als ich das erste Bild sah, dachte ich noch „wow, und das für 85 Euro?!“

    Dann sah ich die Folgebilder und verstand, dass es sich um kleinere Bundles handelt. Da hole ich mir doch lieber günstigere und größere unbemalte Bundles anderer Hersteller 🙂

    Was nicht heißen soll, dass der Preis bei der Bemalung nicht gerechtfertigt ist! Aber ich möchte meins eh zu Endzeit umgestalten, da bleibt dann nicht viel der schönen Bemalung übrig 😀

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