Last Sword: Undead Miniatures Kickstarter
Last Sword finanzieren bei Kickstarter diverse Untotenmodelle.
Welcome to our first Undead 32mm miniatures project. It is a pleasure to be back on Kickstarter after our succesfully Reichguard Knights, Elven Lords, Dragon’s Roar and The Jungles Awakening campaigns.
The Fallen County of Ampurias models are compatible with most 28mm-32mm fantasy miniature games. Futhermore, we are also collaborating with The 9th Age project and the models for our The Fallen County of Ampurias kickstarter can also be used for their Vampire Covenant faction. You can download for FREE both The 9th Age rules and Vampire Covenant Army Book.
Check the pledges and select the one who is better for you. If the Pledge does not contain all items that you like, all them are avariable as Addons. To take a Pledge and Addons increase the ammount of your selected Pledge with the sum of addons value before to place your contribution.
Remember that you can change your contribution as many times as you need before the campaign finish. Pledge and Addons can be change in the Pledge Manager, but contributions can come down.
Undeads, The Fallen County of Ampurias miniatures are organizated in severals Pledges. After backers recieve their parcels, all miniatures will be avariable at but we are offering a discount to kickstarter backers. Furthermore these discounts are higher if you select an Early bird. Take your time and choose wisely.
All models are supplied with bases.
Models with plain bases can be supplied with:
- Square 20mm.
- Round 25mm.
- Round 32mm.
You will be able to choose the type during the Pledge Manager.
Take addons is so easy, just sum their values and add it to your kickstarter contribution.
Remember, some addons are a stretch goals too and you will take them for free.
Gelände gibt es auch:
We have sculpted some scenery elements to take atmosphere pictures of our miniatures. Nowadays we think is a good idea share them with all you. You can use them in our bases or as scenery elements.
Stretch Goals ebenso:
There will be additional free models as the campaign progresses through stretch goals! Support the campaign and reap the rewards!
Along the Pledge manager you will find our whole catalogue. But only the addons and pledges of this campaigns sum to check if you order is high enought to get stretch goals.
Our Skeleton Warrios are multi-part miniatures that you can mix. This systems offers to you a wide range of variete models that you can glue.
But they are multipose miniatures too. It means that you can glue the same bit in different postures. Could you imagine how many different models will you take?
Plastic resin is a new material developed by Alemany Minitures . You have never seen something like this before. Is not Poluirethane resin or even other companies as Finecast resin or Bones.
Miniatures crafted in plastic resin have unique features.
- High detail miniatures.
- High heat resistance miniatures.
- Easy to glue. This materials is light and can be glued with cyanoacrylate glue (common glue for metal miniatures). No pin necessary.
- Shock resistance miniatures. Our miniatures are soft enought to be blend if crash agains the floor or hit something. That provides a very long life to finest bits as spears. In the other hand you will not notice any different in the touch when you take them to paint or play.
- Shape memory. If one of your bits is blended, it will back to their first shape.
- Basecoat is not neccesary before painting.
Alemany Minitures has manufacture to us the following campaigns in plastic resin: Reichguard Knights, Elven Lords, Dragon’s Roar and The Jungles Awakening (no finished yet).
To clean plastic resin models, we highly recommend use a sharp knife instead of sandpaper. If you are stubborn but a nice guy use only 280-320 water sandpaper.
Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 25 Tage.
interessant. hat jemand mal ein rwview von den Produkten dieser Firma gesehen oder besitzt persönliche erfahrung?
Was soll plastic resin sein?
Wieder so ein schöner fency Marketingbegriff für PVC?
Plastic Resin bezeichnet Resine auf Oleolbasis, die von den technischen Eckdaten wie Torsion, Bruchfestigkeit, Shore Härte etc. HIPS Plastik sehr Nahe kommen. Die Smooth Cast 320er Serie ist zB so ein Resin.
Interessant, wieder was gelernt.
Plastic Resin – ist das Restic?
Sehr schick
Leider zu teuer!!!!
Sonst wirklich coole Minis.
Also durchaus interessant die Frage ist nur inwiefern das Material zu bewerten ist Detailgrad und auch diese Ankündigung das es einfacher bzw nicht so bruchempfindlich ist
Hier gibt es zumindest mal schlechte Bilder:
Hiya guys!
Danke to sharing here our campaign. Unfortunately I have not idea about german, so if anybody wants to ask something to us, just drop a message to
Anyway I will try to follow this thread.
I saw that people is asking about Plastic resin. Well is not plastic and deffo is NOT PVC. It is a new material that we are develope with our manufacturer.
You can see a review of that here:
This is our fifth campaign and we have use Plastic resing in all them. People are happy with this new material.
Whatever that you need guys, I will be here.
Take care!!