von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Knight Models: Neuheiten

Knight Models veröffentlicht Neuheiten.

Apokolips Apokolips 1 Apokolips 2 Apokolips 3 Apokolips 4 Apokolips 5 Apokolips 6

Knight Models – Apokolips Invasion Force – 44,95 GBP

Among the greatest threats Earth has ever faced, Darkseid is an ancient and powerful cosmic warlord, who rules the hellish world of Apokolips with an iron fist. With his ‘New Gods’ ready to smash his foes asunder, and his horde of Parademons serving as his vanguard, Darkseid is a force to be reckoned with. This boxed set contains six highly detailed resin miniatures and their Character cards, representing the denizens of Apokolips.


  •              Darkseid
  •              Steppenwolf
  •              Big Barda
  •              3 Parademons
  •              6 Character cards
  •              6 plastic bases

Justice League Dark Justice League Dark 1 Justice League Dark 2 Justice League Dark 3 Justice League Dark 4 Justice League Dark 5 Justice League Dark 6 Justice League Dark 7

Knight Models – Justice League Dark – 44,95 GBP

The Justice League Dark is an organization of heroes with uncanny powers, dedicated to protecting the world from mystic and supernatural threats. When conventional super heroes are at a loss to combat the weirdest magical threats, the Justice League Dark venture where others fear to tread… This boxed set contains seven highly detailed resin miniatures and their Character cards, representing the core members of the Justice League Dark.
• Constantine
• Zatanna
• Swamp Thing
• Black Orchid
• Deadman
• Jason Blood and Etrigan
• 7 Character cards
• 7 plastic bases

Justice League Justice League 1 Justice League 2 Justice League 3 Justice League 4 Justice League 5

Knight Models – Justice League – 44,95 GBP

The Justice League is an elite metahuman team, comprising Earth’s greatest super heroes. Founded by Batman and Wonder Woman, they are dedicated to protecting the world as the first line of defense against terrestrial, extra-terrestrial, inter-dimensional and supernatural threats. This boxed set contains five highly detailed resin miniatures and their Character cards, representing the key members of the Justice League as depicted in the extended universe cinematic saga.


  •              Superman
  •              Batman
  •              Wonder Woman
  •              The Flash
  •              Aquaman
  •              5 Character cards
  •              5 plastic bases

Crime Syndicate Crime Syndicate 1 Crime Syndicate 2 Crime Syndicate 3 Crime Syndicate 4 Crime Syndicate 5

Knight Models – Crime Syndicate – 4o,95 GBP

Hailing from a parallel universe where evil wins and good is a distant memory, the Crime Syndicate is a twisted version of the Justice League. Travelling to our Earth for sport, they have many times come face-to-face with their heroic nemeses, the Justice League.

This boxed set contains five highly detailed resin miniatures and their Character cards, representing the key members of the evil Crime Syndicate.


  •              Superwoman
  •              Owlman
  •              Power Ring
  •              Ultraman
  •              Johnny Quick
  •              5 Character cards
  •              5 plastic bases


Knight Models – Batman’s Villains – 58,50 GBP

If a hero is defined by the variety and quality of the villains he fights, then Batman is a mighty hero indeed. His nemeses include some of the most dangerous individuals in the DC universe. It is Batman’s greatest burden of guilt that his very existence has inspired many villains to escalate their reign of terror over Gotham. It is his greatest motivation, however, that he is always there to stop them.

This boxed set contains six highly detailed resin miniatures and their Character cards, representing some of Batman’s arch-rivals, ready to wreak havoc in Gotham.


  •              Ra’s Al Ghul
  •              Bane
  •              The Riddler
  •              Scarecrow
  •              Solomon Grundy
  •              Clayface
  •              6 Character cards
  •              6 plastic bases
Bat Box Doom Patrol Bat Box Doom Patrol 1 Bat Box Doom Patrol 2 Bat Box Doom Patrol 3 Bat Box Doom Patrol 4 Bat Box Doom Patrol 5 Bat Box Doom Patrol 6

Knight Models – The Doom Patrol – 73,88 GBP

For some, super powers are anything but a blessing. The Doom Patrol, appropriate to their rather dire-sounding name, are a group of superheroes who, for one reason or another, have found themselves struggling against the constraints of a society that may not always understand them or their gifts. Dubbed ’the world’s strangest heroes’, the Doom Patrol are the heroes you call when things get weird…

This set contains everything you need to start playing with a Doom Patrol Team!


  • 5 finely detailed resin miniatures (The Chief, Robotman, Elasti-Girl, Negative Man and Crazy Jane) 
  •  Unique resin Albino Donkey Objective marker
  •  6 Unique Methacrylate markers
  • Character Cards
  • Equipment Cards
  • Quickstart Rules
  • Special Doom Patrol Scenario and Team Rules

Link: Knight Models

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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