von BK-Thorsten | 28.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Kings of War

Kings of War: Vanguard Ice & Iron

Mantic Games werden auf der GenCon erste Exemplare der ersten Erweiterung von Kings of War Vanguard, Ice & Iron, im Gepäck haben.

It’s only a week away until the biggest games show in the worrrrrrrrrrld! We’re currently getting the final bits and bobs ready to make this Gen Con our biggest yet. Of course, we’ve already announced that Wild Hunt, the new Hellboy expansion will be making its Gen Con debut, and talked about the super intimate Mantic Night… but that’s not all!

KoWV Ice And Iron Cover Mockup WEB

Ice & Iron, the new Vanguard supplement will be available (in limited numbers) three weeks before its retail launch. In this new book, you’ll find a brand new campaign setting, new equipment, new scenarios and updated unit stats. Think of it like Command Protocols for Deadzone or Clash of Kings for Kings of War.

We’ll be delving deeper into the world of Ice & Iron after Gen Con, but just trust us when we say this is going to be an essential purchase for any Vanguard player.


KoWV VAN Dark Forest Portal 3 Way Battle WEB

As if Ice & Iron wasn’t already exciting enough, we’ll also have the pre-launch of the Undead faction (seen in this sneaky preview above). Have you always wanted a vampire halfling? What about an Arkosaur necromancer? Perhaps your heart’s desire is a zombie orc (zorc, for short)? Well, the Undead faction is the thing for you, my slightly creepy friend.

Again, we’ll be delving into the undead faction in more detail once we’re back from Gen Con but this warband launch adds plenty of unit options to the faction… and a few units may eventually work their way into Kings of War Third Edition *hint, hint*

Of course, you could get a lovely discount on all of the above by attending the exclusive Mantic Night! All attendees receive a $30 voucher that they can spend on the booth at any time during the show. So, you can pop down on day one to snap up the Vanguard releases before anyone else. Get your ticket here.

For those not heading to Gen Con, don’t worry! All of these new releases will be available for pre-order from the new and improved Mantic website in a couple of weeks. Exciting times!

In der Facebookgruppe Kings of War Fanatics ist außerdem noch das folgende Bild aufgetaucht:

KoWV Undead Prev

Quelle: Mantic Games


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ooohhh jaaaaaaa! Auf diese Erweiterung in Buch Format freue ich mich auch schon extrem! Das wird großartig, vor allem durch die erweiterten Kampagnenregeln sowie einer Vielzahl an neuen Szenarien, zuzüglich der Updates alle bisher veröffentlichten Warbands! Ich bin vor allem auf die Hintergrund Geschichte gespannt, welche soagr den Plot vom Kings of War Universum insgesamt fortsetzt! Im August ist es endlich soweit! 🙂

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