von BK-Christian | 13.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Kickstarter: The Saga of BELIUS the black

Es gibt wieder Fantasymodelle bei Kickstarter.

Belius the Black is a giant with mysterious origins. We say about him that it is the reincarnation of a god, or even, the guardian of an ancient temple. In short, according to the babarian tribes of the North, it is a black legend related to Bregan Lorelei’s great-grandfather.

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Bélius is a 70 mm figurine sculpted by me, not counting my hours, in order to obtain the incarnation of the warrior of evil, chaos and destruction. The resin cast will be made by Mr Dès, former melter of Rackham , a pledge of high quality. This project , a range of dark fantasy figurines, is important because I can create from A to Z what i want while satisfying the fans of my work.

Indeed, I have been sculpting figurines for more than 20 years : First, for Rackham for 9 years and then for various freelance brands such as Mierce Miniatures, Monolith with Conan, Mythic Battles and Claustrophobia which are successful on Kickstarter.

The Kickstarter platform will allow me to finance the moulds for all the figurines, which are all my personal creations. Knowing that the fans of my work will be able to hold them in hand, paint them, or play with them in any kind of games is really a great pleasure for me. This first step is important because i imagine that these figurines are destined for a game in the future.

Belius is accompanied by two brothers, Angus and Branag (35mm): They are barbarians from northern tribes. They are elite soldiers ready to do anything to protect their lands and the Elebore Forest from any intrusion in the name of their leader, the demigod Siegfried.

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STRETCH GOALS have black frame and ADDONs have red frame.They are all optional buy, increase your pledge with the miniatures (prices of the miniatures after the sign +) of your choice.
You can take the same figurine several times, increase your pledge by the amount that suits you, exemple: if you want 2 Lorelei increase your pledge by 2X15=30€
The miniatures are unassembled, unpainted and without base.



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NEXT SG to come:3480€

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This addon are optional buy, choose your hero (increase your pledge with the right price)

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Next SG:ABRAXAS, the set contain 2 heads ans 1 new head and one new weapons!he is an exclusivity for Kickstarter, you will receive a dedicaced card with it!!

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Next SG: a free nude head for all Belius!

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Next SG:Jakal, a Cannibal warrior from the darkwoods!i will post a video soon

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Well! Jakal is unlock, congratulations! the next is AMOK, an evil sorcerer, a collector of eyes, for the Cannibal faction!

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New ADDON Lord Death, the first horseman of Apocalypse! and Elric and Lucius:

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Shipping informations:

The shipping costs are the same for all pledges and for a number of unlimited miniatures.

  • France:7 euros
  • UE:8 euros
  • Rest of the world:10 euros

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 27 Tage.

Quelle: The Saga of BELIUS the black


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Habe ja lange kein Kickstarter Projekt mehr unterstützt, aber bei diesem bin ich dabei. Sehr schöne Modelle von einem meiner am meisten geschätzten Modellierer. Da ich ab und an eines der Modelle gekauft hatte, die er so nebenbei für seine eigene Range modelliert hat, kann ich auch sagen, die Gussqualität der Resinminiaturen ist sehr gut. Der Kontakt war auch immer sehr nett. Freu mich schon sehr auf die Modelle 🙂

  • Ich mag Simon. Sein Art zu modellieren ist mir zwar manchmal sehr speziell, aber ein paar der Figuren gefallen mir wirklich gut.

  • Deathdealer und Slaine sind evident, gibt’s noch mehr Anlehnung, die ich nicht (er-)kenne?

    Schon spannend modelliert.
    Slaine erinnert wohl eher an seinen Vater in der Stämmigkeit… ^^

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