von BK-Christian | 10.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Antike, Crowdfunding

KafArt Studio: Spartan Kickstarter

Spartiaten! Was ist euer Beruf?

First of all, thank you for looking at this project. This is my very first kickstarter project, but not my first experience in the miniature world. I’m Arnaud Fournet from France aka KafArt Studio, 2D/3D amateur artist. I model and print 3D miniatures since 2014. in 2016, I created a small range of miniatures: https://www.sygillforge.com/

This project aims to share these spartan models with you, if like me you are a role-player or figurine player,  you may find a character figurine that you will like.

This fan movie inspired and „heroïc-fantasy“ miniature project aims for having fun, collecting, playing or painting these legendary warriors… The SPARTAN.

Many skirmish and wargame offer a free choice of miniatures such as Iron and Honor, Song of blades and heroes or more recently SAGA in the age of magic, and more…. Here is a warband for this kind of game.

Die Modelle:

The miniatures are digital sculpts and 3D printed (with EnvisionTec Perfactory Micro, HD printer), then they are produced in high quality resin. All the miniatures are in multiparts, unassembled and unpainted.

The manufacture of resin cast miniatures will be ensured by Anakron studio. Anakron is also a talented sculptor and painter, he is just as effective in casting ! Take a look at the work of this complete artist : https://www.anakron.fr

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Das sind die Pledges:

The Core Set and Add-ons

The Core Set is a set of models available to my backers, according to various options :

  • For the 12 € backers (Hilote pledge), the choice of 1 miniature (and 1 textured base) in the core set, you can of course choose other miniatures, just increase your contribution by 12 € per miniature of the Core set.
  • For the 40 € backers (Citizen Pledge), the choice between the Lambda box or Kieros box (including 4 different miniatures and 4 textured bases).
  • For the 72 € backers (Hoplite Pledge) the entire core set (8 miniatures and 8 textured bases) with the Phalanx box.

Add-ons are avalaible for all bakers, you just have to increase your pledge amount by the amount of the chossen add on. For the king pledge, no choice is to be made all is included.

  •  STL Files, You have your own 3D printer, and you prefer to make your own miniatures, then choose the Spartalloween contribution for 70 €, you will receive the download link for all the STL files of this campaign (Core Set and Add ons). Spartallowen contribution can be considered as an add on, you just have to increase your pledge by the amount of 70 €.

By choosing this contribution, you agree to make strictly personal use of the files (you cannot sell or share them, or sell prints of those files).

You can resize the files.

The download link of the files will be sent to you by email after the end of the campaign (from End of December). No shipping costs are applicable.

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Infos zum Maßstab gibt es auch:

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Genau wie zum Porto:

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Quelle: Spartan bei Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Das sind irgendwelche Fantasy-Püppchen, keine historischen Miniaturen. Macht bei der Vorarbeit weniger Mühe. 😉

  • Halbnackte Menschen mit Speeren und Schilden… Die Frauen hätten aber noch sehr viel mehr Steroide gebraucht. Die sehen neben den Männern so zerbrechlich aus…
    Danke, aber mir reicht der Film zur Befriedigung. Der ist schon übersteuert genug. 🙂

  • Ja, historisch sind die nicht. Aber zu Arena Rex würden sie eventuell ganz gut passen. Und dass hier sowohl die Resin-Minis als auch die Dateien für den 3-D Druck angeboten werden, finde ich auch cool.

  • Historisch fast uninteressant, stelle ich mir vor, doch als Fantasyspieler finde ich die Modelle richtig cool.

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