von BK-Thorsten | 12.03.2019 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity/Aristeia!: Vorbestellungen

Die Adepticon naht und Corvus Belli starten ihre dazugehörige Vorbestellaktion für Infinity und Aristeia!.

CB INF Daedalus Fall 01 CB INF Daedalus Fall 02 CB INF Daedalus Fall 03

Daedalus‘ Fall – 49,95 Euro

“Daedalus‘ Fall” is a campaign and expansion book that advances the history of the Infinity universe. If the previous book detailed the tactical acumen of the Combined Army, we now introduce the devious tricks of the Tohaa Triumvirate.

The players will be able to relive the most important moments in the Human Sphere after the collapse of the Tohaa jump gate thanks to the campaign rules. A total of 18 narrative missions are collected in “Paradiso Crossroad” and “Daedalus’ Fall”.

In addition, Infinity’s new book delves into the history and updates what has happened to the Haqqislam, Nomads, Combined Army and developments within NA2.

Undoubtedly, one of the main aspects of this book are the new rules. We are introducing five new sectorialss (Spiral Corps, Shasvastii Expeditionary Force, Ramah Taskforce, Foreign Company and Dahshat Company). Some improvements and profile modifications will also be announced. All this data will be available to the community in Infinity Army on March 27.

The purchase of the “Daedalus‘ Fall” book will include the exclusive “Brawler Hacker” miniature only during the pre-order period.

CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 01 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 02 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 03 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 04 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 05 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 06 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 07 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 08 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 09 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 10 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 11 CB INF Spiral Corps Army Pack 12

Spiral Corps Army Pack – 89,95 Euro

“Spiral Corps” is an NA2 Army Pack that features a mercenary company acquired by the Tohaa Triumvirate to hide their actions within the Human Sphere. They are also known as Shasvastii Hunters, and are a joint mercenary Operation.

The box contains 10 unreleased miniatures and everything you need to play: dice, poster playmat, easy to assemble terrain, markers, and templates.
In addition to all of this, the exclusive “Hatail Spec-Ops” miniature will be included only during the pre-order.

CB INF Saito Togan Limited Edition 01 CB INF Saito Togan Limited Edition 02 CB INF Saito Togan Limited Edition 03 CB INF Saito Togan Limited Edition 04

Saito Tōgan Limited Edition – 16,50 Euro

The “Saito Tōgan” alternate model will be launched to complete the Adepticon package. This limited-edition copy can only be purchased during the pre-order period.

Dazu gibt es das folgende Kombiangebot:

CB INF Daedalus Fall Deal

Aber es gibt auch etwas neues für Aristeia!:

CB Aristeia Chemical Brothers 01 CB Aristeia Chemical Brothers 02 CB Aristeia Chemical Brothers 03 CB Aristeia Chemical Brothers 04 CB Aristeia Chemical Brothers 05 CB Aristeia Chemical Brothers 06 CB Aristeia Chemical Brothers 07 CB Aristeia Chemical Brothers 08

Chemical Brothers – 17,99 Euro

Chemical Brothers is an expansion for the Corvus Belli’s funniest board game: Aristeia! Two new aristos from Haqqislam arrive to turn the HexaDome upside down. The brothers Bachmann and Hammerhead won’t hesitate to use poison, their favorite weapon, to get to the final victory.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Community-Link: O-12.de

Link: Offizielle Infinity Homepage


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Pinselt Angel Giraldez nicht mehr für CB?
    Die Sculps Sind in Gewohnter Qualität und wissen zu gefallen.
    Der schwere Tohaa sieht aber recht stark nach Pan O. aus finde ich.

    • Doch, tut er. Daran wird sich so schnell wohl nichts ändern. 🙂

      Das Aristeia-Set gefällt mir! Da kann man sich bemaltechnisch auch ordentlich austoben!

  • Das sieht aber so gar nicht nach Angels Malstil aus, eher so Standardbemalung, und nichtmal sauber.
    Das Buch ist natürlich sehr interessant.

  • Angel bemalt doch schon längst nicht mehr alle Releases selber. Ausgehend von der Quali könnten das Jose (Infinity) und Jorge (Aristea) bemalt haben.

  • Figuren sind nice, leider habe ich nicht mal meine Coldfront Aleph, geschweige denn die Invincible Army die zu Weihnachten kam fertig. Neues zu NA2 hört sich aber schon wieder nice an.

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