von BK-Thorsten | 25.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity/Aristeia!: Mai Neuheiten

Klein aber fein. Die Neuheiten im Mai für Infinity und Aristeia!.

CB INF Dire Foes 8 Nocturne 01 CB INF Dire Foes 8 Nocturne 02 CB INF Dire Foes 8 Nocturne 03 CB INF Dire Foes 8 Nocturne 04 CB INF Dire Foes 8 Nocturne 05

Dire Foes Mission Pack 8: Nocturne – 30,95 Euro

There are few things that can bring Knauf out of his retirement. Generally, it must be a request by his former ally Emily, and said request must involve civilians who are in danger. After so many years, this former Hexahedron agent and sniper still believes that helping the weakest can silence the ghosts of his past. This is why he found himself in Vedi in the service of StarCo in the middle of a conflict between the Comuna, the crime syndicate of Acontecimento, and the Druze Society.

This box includes three miniatures: Knauf, Outlaw Sniper, main character of the comic Outrage, the Security Chief Arslan, leader of the Druze Bayram Security and the NGO Volunteer. Enjoy these two archenemies in the exciting Nocturne Mission.

CB INF Patsy Garnett Submachine Gun 01 CB INF Patsy Garnett Submachine Gun 02 CB INF Patsy Garnett Submachine Gun 03

Patsy Garnett, Orc Troops Varuna Div. NCO (Submachine Gun) – 11,95 Euro

Patsy Garnett is an Orc Troop, a resilient Heavy Infantry that will provide versatility to your Varuna Immediate Reaction Division thanks to her NCO Special Skill allowing her to take advantage of the Special Lieutenant Order as a wildcard she can use it in any Fireteam of this Sectorial Army.

Zhayedan Intervention Troops 1 Zhayedan Intervention Troops 2 Zhayedan Intervention Troops 3 Zhayedan Intervention Troops 4 Zhayedan Intervention Troops 5

Zhayedan Intervention Troops – 30,95 Euro

The Zhayedan Intervention Unit, wryly called “the Immortals” by their enemies, who find it hard to take them down. Veterans of dozens of battles, Zhayedans are old warhorses, seasoned soldiers, professionals to the core who have survived everything the chaos of war could throw at them.

Box contains:

  • 1x Zhayedan (Marksmanship L2) (Sniper Rifle)
  • 1x Zhayedan (HMG)
  • 1x Zhayedan Doctor Plus (Medikit) (Boarding Shotgun)
  • 1x Zhayedan (Missile Launcher)

Taagma Schemers Viral Sniper Rifle 1 Taagma Schemers Viral Sniper Rifle 2 Taagma Schemers Viral Sniper Rifle 3

Taagma Schemers (Viral Sniper Rifle) – 11,25 Euro

Deceive your enemy and give him an unpleasant surprise when he realizes that this harmless troop turns out to be a Viral Sniper Rifle hidden by Holoprojector. Add it to your of Spiral Corps force

Zhencha Hacker 1 Zhencha Hacker 2 Zhencha Hacker 3

Zhēnchá, Armored Reconnaissance Regiment (Hacker) – 14,95 Euro

They are not the Invincible Army for nothing. This Heavy Infantry will be in charge of protecting the advance of your troops, taking advantage of their Camouflage and their Infiltration. With his Hacking Device you will accomplish missions and avoid threats from enemy hackers, so that your Invincible Army will win.

Fullmetal Kozmo 1 Fullmetal Kozmo 2 Fullmetal Kozmo 3

Fullmetal Kozmo – 29,99 Euro

The skin chosen by popular vote on our social networks arrives in stores! Kozmo reintroduces himself as an imposing metal golem accompanied by his little pilot, Yue.

This high-quality metal version of Kozmo offers an alternative design, perfect both for players and collectors

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Community-Link: O-12.de

Link: Offizielle Infinity Homepage


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Liegt das an mir, oder ist die Auflösung der Bilder ziemlich bescheiden?

    Abgesehen davon gefallen mir die Zhayedan richtig gut, wusste noch garnicht das es da ein neuen Sektor gibt.

    • Die Auflösung der Bilder ist so gut, dass das Limit der Bemalung sichtbar wird. 😉

      Schöne Modelle, aber wohl nichts für mich dabei.

      • Die Bilder zeigen massive Kompressions-/Bearbeitungsartefakte, wer auch immer das verarbeitet hat, das ging ziemlich in die Hose.

  • Sehr hübsche Minis vor allem auch für Leute die Infinity als RPG spielen. Ich habe nur 3 Fragen/Gedanken…
    – Security chief Arslan, zuviel FarCry gespielt ;-P
    – Gibt es für Knauf auch ein PanO Profil oder nur als N2?
    – Der ORC-Sarge ist cool, aber leider nach dem Sani das zweite Varuna Modell mit einer schiefen Fußhaltung wegen Ihres TacticalRocks(TM), das macht das Ummodeln für andere Basen wieder unnötig schwer (brauche langsam doch eine Juwelier-Säge)

    • Knauf darf doch im Moment nach wie vor bei quasi jeder Truppe mitlaufen. Genauso wie die Authorized Bounty Hunters, Miranda Ashcroft, Le Muet usw usf. Was im Infinity Army steht gilt. Und solange man nicht das Häkchen in den Optionen setzt um alle NA2 hinzuzufügen ist das was einem angeboten wird auch turnierlegal.

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