von BK-Herr Kemper | 02.09.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Imperial Terrain: Industrial District Kickstarter

Imperial Terrain startet ihren ersten Kickstarter: Cochin Industrial District.


Imperial Terrain – Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter11 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter12 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter13

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter2 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter3 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter4 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter5 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter6 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter7 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter8 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter9 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter10

Stretch Goals:

For some of the stretch goals you will see multiple concept art shots, these will be voted on by backers and refined down to a single model or two. The stretch goals that do not have renders / sketches are the ones that I have in my head and will flesh out as the Kickstarter goes on. The concept art is property of Imperial Terrain and may not be reused for any reason.

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter20

$7.5k Greeble Pack

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter21

$10k Repulsor Cargo Truck

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter22

$12.5k Ship Construction Components

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter23

$15k Bounty Hunter Ship

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter24

$17.5k Industrial Build Out

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter25

$20k Shipyard Crane

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter26

$25k SP-6 Light Freighter with Playthrough Interior

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter24

$30k Cochin Themed Floor Tiles

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter24

$40k Ship Construction Warehouse


Hobby Section –

The Hobby side of our addictions is also a key part of the Kickstarter. We are working closely with The Terrain Studio to present ideas, concepts, and methods to hobby the 3d printed designs in this Kickstarter to create awesome, unique game boards for Wargaming or RPG play. SkullForge studios is kicking in with concept art, miniatures, and additional hobbying techniques.  Warsigil has provided a custom themed terrain mat that is order-able in a size that can be customized when doing your final survey / checkout. Hardware studios is assisting on ship design and hard surface modeling.

Model Detail:

Shipwright’s Row 

Shipwright’s Row is our interpretation of a futuristic space ship construction yard. We used modern day shipyards as our design inspiration. Designed to make hobbying easy with tons of options for layout and crafting. Pieces are equipped with OpenLOCK connectors to enable modularity and re-playability.

Shipwrights Row Themed Files include:

  • Fuel Tanks w/ Stackable Frame option using Warlayer interconnect technology
  • Construction Tug and Barge – OpenLOCK Equipped
  • Ship Frame Type 1 / 2
  • Industrial A Frames / Cross Beams / Walkways – OpenLOCK Equipped
  • Pipes – OpenLOCK Equipped
  • 3 Story Cooling Tower with Exhaust Pipes, either side is optional.
  • Ground Generator and Conduit

Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter28 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter29 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter30 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter31 Imperial Terrain Cochin Industrial District Kickstarter32


Cargo Platform

Cargo Platform files include:

  • Platform Straight Section Variant 1 & 2 – OpenLOCK Equipped
  • Platform Corner Section – OpenLOCK Equipped
  • Platform End Access Ramps – OpenLOCK Equipped
  • Platform Refueling Side Piece
  • Platform Cargo Lift – Lift raises and can be locked in place with a piece of filament


Derzeit steht der Kickstarter noch ganz am Anfang – das Ziel sind 5000 USD.

Er endet am 29. September 2019 18:04 CEST.

Link: Cochin Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ist auf jeden Fall sehr viel cooles Zeugs für SW Legion dabei.
    Hab mir mal das STL Bundle geholt und wünsche Dave und dem Team von Imperial Terrain ganz viel Erfolg mit dem KS

  • Da ist sehr viel schickes Zeug dabei.
    Könnt ich mir für meine Infinity-Dockyard-Platte auch vieles davon vorstellen.

    Leider hab ich keine Möglichkeit die STLs selbst zu drucken.

    • Ehh.. man sollte sich auch die Kickstarter-Seite genauer ansehen.
      Das kann man ja auch in fertig gedruckt kriegen.

  • Für Battletech Alpha Strike sehen die Sachen auch gut aus. Da müsste man nur schauen ob FDM Druck nicht zu grob ist.

  • Sehr cooles Gelände (für Legion). Leider wieder einmal nur ein Kickstarter und somit nichts für mich 🙁

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