von BK-Christian | 04.10.2019 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

HS Stencil System: Wave 3 Kickstarter

Anarchy Models sind wieder bei Kickstarter.

After the great success of our previous campaigns, we have been busy shipping stencils worldwide, but now its time to head back to kickstarter to expand the range even further.

As always, our organic patterned „creature features“ designs have been very popular, and even after expanding the range last campaign people still want more. So we are bringing several more designs to that range, as well as a few other requested items.

Time permitting, we may even be able to squeeze in some requests, so please private message us if you have any.

AM HS Stencil System Wave 3 2

Although these videos are from our now current range, they are used in a similar way to the new kickstarter stencils.  New videos coming soon.

HS stencils are:

  •  Fully re-usable – With proper care, HS Stencils will last for years.
  •  Semi-transparent – You can see where you are putting the stencil.
  •  Washable and solvent proof– Simply clean with a suitable substance for the paint you are using. (cleaning video at the bottom of the page)
  •  Thin and flexible– Will produce a softer edge – In some cases you may not want a really crisp edge like our HD stencils provide.
  •  Not sticky – HS are used either freehand or by taping to the model/item.
  •  Quick to use – you do not have to spend time making sure the stencil is stuck to the item, and in some cases you may not need to mask off the rest of the item.
  •  Easy to use – create amazing paintwork, quickly, with even a basic level of skill.
  •  Best used with an airbrush

New Designs List:

Please see the New Designs area (below the freebies) for pictures.

The New HS designs for this project are:

  •  #36 – Tri Grid   ==Micro==
  •  #37 – Brickwork ==Micro==
  •  #38 – Negative Hex Mesh Small + Mini
  •  #39 – Anarchists Toolbox 2
  •  #40 – Tri Grid Small + Mini
  •  #41 – Creature Features – Less Mottled
  •  #42 – Creature Features – Blotchy
  •  #43 – Brickwork Small + Mini
  •  #44 – Creature Features – Bigger Mottled
  •  #45 – Creature Features – Blotchy ==Micro==
  •  #46 – Creature Features -???????
  •  #47  – Creature Features -???????
  •  #48 – Creature Features -???????

??????? = Hopefully unlocked as the campaign progresses

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Choosing a Pledge level

Due to having a different price for the HS and ==Micro== HS it makes things tricky for making perfect pledge levels for everyone, so we have tried to provide a broad range. To help with creating a suitable pledge, please note the following:

  •  You may select more than one pledge during the pledge manager. So, if for example you wanted 1x HS stencil and 2x HS ==micro== (for which there is no perfect pledge), you chose the higher pledge (£24 for 2x HS ==Micro==) as your level, and increase the amount by £15 to cover the additional 1x HS stencil pledge. So your total pledge on kickstarter would be £39.
  •  Backers selecting a pledge level of £58 or more may add additional individual stencils. You do this by increasing the pledge amount to cover the following prices, and you may order more than 1.
  • 1x additional HS stencil is £13
  • 1x additional HS ==Micro== is £9.
  • So, for example you wanted 1x HS stencil, and 6 HS ==Micro==, you would select the 6x HS ==Micro== pledge (£58), and add £13, making your total pledge on kickstarter £71.
  • In either case, please select the highest suitable base pledge.

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Freebies are added FREE to the indicated pledge levels.  Additional Freebies will be added as the campaign progresses.

The first Freebie will unlock at £3000

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– All sizes given may very slightly.

– Unless otherwise stated, Anarchy Models and our products are in no way affiliated with any manufacturer of models used in pictures on the project, models used are only as a canvas to demonstrate the stencils, and do not represent the sole use of a product.

– Backers of this project will not receive full retail packaging for stencils. (If you are a retailer and would like retail packaging, please contact us)

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und endet in 31 Tagen.

Quelle: HS Stencil System – Wave 3 – from Anarchy Models


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Puh … auch wenn ich es (gerade für symmetriesche Schablonen)interessant finde, muß sich sagen, preislich ist es nichts für mich. ZUMAL wird ja noch abwarten wie es mit dem Brexit aussehen wird.

    Es gibt genug Möglichkeiten so was zu improvisieren oder (insbesondere bei weniger regelmässigen Strukturen) es selbst zu machen.

  • Also ich habe ein paar der HS Stencils (snake skin für Eldar Panzer) und bin begeistert. Mit etwas Übung funktioniert es wirklich gut so wie in den Videos.
    Danach konnte ich sie einfach mit etwas Küchenrolle und Airbrushreiniger sauber wischen.
    Für mich eine sehr gute Erleichterung die ich nicht erst zeitaufwendig improvisieren muss.

    Bin dabei und werde meine Stencils um ein paar Bögen für neue Projekte erweitern.

  • Finde ich ziemlich cool, aber dafür, dass ich die Dinger dann vielleicht ein-, zweimal verwenden würde, ist mir der Spaß zu teuer.

  • Off topic: wäre es vielleicht Mal als Hobbykeller Beitrag möglich, verschiedene alternative Schablonen zu zeigen? Ich habe z.b. für meine phr bei DfC mit kartoffel- und Zwiebelnetzen experimentiert.

    Wäre interessant, mit was andere hobbyisten so arbeiten.

  • Ich habe für meine Aquan Prime ein BH Wäsche Netz benutzt um ein feines Netz Muster zu erzeugen.
    Durch die unebenen Schiffsformen lag das Netz aber ungleichmäßig an, das hätte mit den Stencils wahrscheinlich auch nicht besser geklappt.

    • Ja, solche Tips in der Art meinte ich. Wie man vorhandene Muster für den Zweck entdecken kann.

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