von BK-Christian | 07.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

HeroClash Saison 1: Crowdfunding

Happy Games sind derzeit mit einem neuen Crowdfunding-Projekt aktiv.

Welcome to this campaign: Heroclash – Season 1!

Happy Games Factory is proud to present you its first game in a Medieval fantasy universe.

Heroclash is a fast and tactical game for two players (at the moment). Each player is a hero who must overcome his opponent, using violence or cunning!

Thus you can win either by completing the previously drafted missions to gain more supremacy points than your opponent, or by eliminating the enemy hero.

Each player will be able to personalize their hero at the beginning of the game through a system of cards of abilities. You can choose to recruit auxiliaries who will accompany your hero in combat or may acquire powerful magic equipment or unique martial skills before the confrontation!

The set-up and the game only last 30 minutes, it will be easy for you to play several parties in a row or to organize friendly tournaments!

Das sind die Pledges:

 HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 2 HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 3 HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 4 HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 5 HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 6 HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 7

Add-ons gibt es auch:

HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 8 HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 8 1

Und natürlich Stretch Goals:

HGF HeroClash Saison 1 Crowdfunding 9

Und hier noch Infos zum Spiel:

Heroclash is very close to a board game while keeping the sensations of a miniatures game. For example, no measurement is needed because the board has squares. Let’s look at the fundamental principles:

  • How to win the game?

There are three ways to end the fight:

The first is very simple, just destroy your opponent’s hero. This will automatically grant you victory.

The second is to claim 4 objectives among the common objectives drafted at the beginning of the game. When this happens, the game stops and the player with the most supremacy points win.

Finally, once each player has played 6 rounds, if no hero has achieved one of the two previous victory conditions, then again, the one with the most supremacy points wins.

Obviously, depending on your strategy you will pursue more one of the victory conditions. But your opponent is aware of this!

  • How to activate these figurines?

Each player begins with 3 activation runes that are used to perform actions (such as movement or fighting). But at the end of his turn, he must give all the runes he has used to his opponent. Thus, the game offers an alternating activation. Each player will have the possibility to use all or part of his runes, with the risk that his opponent benefits decisively.

  • How to draft the objectives?

At the beginning of each game, the 12 Objective cards are dealt among the players. Then, each player choose a card that he keeps in his hand and a card that will be in a shared missions deck. The players then exchange the rest and proceed again until everyone has a hand of 3 cards and the shared missions deck contains 6 Objective cards. Thus, each game will be different and you will have the opportunity to dismiss missions to try to favor one playing style over another.

Then each player convert the remaining cards in his hand into a pool of starting supremacy points. The player with the lower total choose who can deploy and act first.

The strategy starts even before the first dice roll!

  • How to customize your hero?

Before the game starts, each hero have to be equiped.

The hero has 3 slots intented for Ability cards. These cards represent either an auxiliary, a skill or an equipment. Since there are 9 different Ability cards for each hero, the player have to choose his playing style: maximize skills and equipments but be outnumbered or be accompanied by auxiliaries but have less equipment?

Everyone can play his hero in his own way!

  • And the strategy cards?

At the end of their turn, players are able to play Strategy cards (they will have chosen 7 at the beginning of the game). As these cards cost supremacy points (points which can lead you to victory), you will have to choose to play your cards at the right time to get the greatest benefit.

In the starter, a 7-cards hand is preset for each player to facilitate handling of the game. But once the basics are assimilated, you can easily customize your hand of Strategy cards. Especially with the many extra cards that could be unlocked during the campaign.

  • Why different sorts of dice?

Heroclash uses different sorts of dice to solve certain actions, including fighting. The success threshold is always set to 3, regardless of the die roll. Thus a combat action that uses 8-sided dice is more likely to do a lot of damage than a combat action using 4-sided dice.

Die Kampagne ist fast finanziert und läuft noch eine Woche.

Quelle: HeroClash Saison 1


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hat was von WH:Underworlds, oder?

    Was mich nur ein bisschen irritiert ist, wieso denn beim „All-in“ der eine Barbar ausgetauscht wird.

    Das sind weiterhin 3 und somit fehlt doch dann der ursprüngliche Barbar, oder?

    • Bin auch ein bisschen irritiert. Beim all-in sind zusätzlich zu den beiden Banden des Starters noch die Necromanten Bande und eine andere Barbaren Bande drin…falls du diese meintest 😉

  • Auch wenn mir Happy Games sympathisch sind, glaube ich nicht, dass sie hier sehr erfolgreich sein werden. Auch wenn das Spiel noch so super ist (was ich persönlich glaube), ist doch eine Ähnlichkeit zu WHUnderworlds nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Und in dem Bereich wird es schwer die Käufer zu überzeugen. Leider.
    Bin aber am überlegen ob ich das Projekt dennoch unterstützte, einige der Minis gefallen mir sehr gut und das Spiel dürfte es wert sein.

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