von BK-Christian | 15.06.2019 | eingestellt unter: Weltkriege

Heart of Leviathan: Previews

Ein weiteres Flottenspiel ist auf dem Weg.

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Heart of Leviathan box art close to finalization. The game itself has gone through some fundamental adjustments. Originally planned as a table top engagement between a pair of High Seas Fleet Light Cruisers and a single Grand Fleet super dreadnought, the core box will now introduce Heart of Leviathan in a slug-fest between a pair of Battleships for both sides. HMS Iron Duke and HMS Benbow will take up arms against SMS Konig and SMS Markgraf in a unique tactical engagement. If you are interested, you can find more info here: https://www.imagestudios.us/ More to come as we get close to the release of Heart of Leviathan Miniatures Game.

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We are pretty close to completion – at least with the initial game parts. We have ordered a few initial prints for the game from The Game Crafter. Thorough playtesting to refine the game follows. Many of the components will be produced by us here at imageStudios. Here are images of the box art and some of the game components.

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Heart of Leviathan’s Iron Duke outfitted and spoiling for a fight…

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Here is a pic of the ship model parts included in the Core Game. Separate turrets and superstructure parts are cast in lead-free pewter. The hull is a single casting in high detail resin. Both the hull and turrets have depressions to allow you to add .10″ x 1/32″ magnets (not included) so the turrets can be rotated. Construction is designed to be quick and easy (glue and spray) – or – highly detailed – your choice. We even include a set of super detail stainless steel photo-etched parts to make each ship model „pop“. Detailed instructions and ship history are also included in a Ship Log for each vessel.

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Here is a look at the ship counters that hasn’t really been shown. If you are not into building and painting ship models, the graphics on the counters are highly detailed renderings of the actual 3d printed models used to create the resin/pewter ship kits.. And, since the hull and most of the superstructure is a one-piece resin casting (with a positioning tab on the bottom) it can be used alone (without assembly) in game play to give some added depth. The counters, whether serving alone as game pieces or in combination with the ship models, is double sided (notice Konig). So, if your opponent brings the same ships to the fight, you can distinguish between them. The counters have a removable center slot to accommodate the tab of the ship model.

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How to Play… Here is the Command Placard unique to each ship and used by ship Captain to fight their ship. The placard contains three dials to help you keep up with Movement Value, Hull Strength and Orders given during the turn. Designated Target Tokens are placed with an order along side your intended target to increase your chance to hit. Movement Markers are an aid to help your record which ship has been activated and moved during the current turn. Gunnery Tokens are used to specify the firing arc and side of fire Order during combat. The Designated Target and Movement Markers are two sided to distinguish your ship in case your opponent brings the same one to the fight…

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How to Play… Setup. Before game play begins, one red dice is rolled to determine initiative. The player rolling a hit has the option of becoming Player One and moving first or Player two. Here, the British player has become P1 and received the First Player Token which is swapped back and forth across the table on each turn alternating initiative between players. The Critical Damage Cards have been shuffled and placed alongside the Engagement Area.

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How to play… The Plot Phase. During the Plot Phase, ship Captains secretly prepare their ships for combat.

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The Movement Phase.

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You can choose your Movement Template in the Movement Phase after choosing your Movement Value (speed) in the Plot Phase.

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Fighting Your Ship. Blows are exchanged during the COMBAT PHASE. That’s the basics… Simple rules – easy to learn – a challenge to master.

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Building your ship… Getting your ship into battle is pretty simple – Use a little CA (Super Glue) glue to attach the pewter superstructure parts and simply spray paint it the color of your choice (we recommend and prefer gray) – or – Paint it in High Definition and use the included stainless steel photo-etched parts to take the detail up to the next level.

Wir beobachten das Ganze natürlich weiter für euch!

Quelle:  Heart of Leviathan bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Da ich ja auf praktisch jedes Flottenkampfspiel stehe, was da so rauskommt, werde ich hier auch mal reinschauen. Ein WW II Flottenspiel soll ja auch noch von Fireforge Games Games kommen, aber mit gefallen auch die WW I Dreadnaughts und Schlachtschiffe. Und das hier scheint ja auch ein recht ausgeklügeltes, Bord Game artiges Spielprinzip zu sein. In der Preview wirkt es jedenfalls sehr durchdacht.

  • Im Vergleich zu Broadside und VaS sehe ich da wenig Marktchancen. In 1:2400 oder 1:3000 ist man zu gut versorgt, als dass man sich ein vergleichsweise limitiertes System antun müsste, bei dem jenseits der Core-Schlachtschiffe unklar ist wie es weitergeht.

  • Nach einem Post auf Facebook soll es 1:1200 sein.

    Zitat (von „Heart of Leviathan“ FB):
    „Heart of Leviathan It is a very condensed 1/1200 scale“

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