von BK-Nils | 26.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Ambots und Skaven

Aus den lichtlosen Tiefen von Necromunda kommen die mechanischen Ambots, außerdem kommen klassische Skaven als Auftragsfertigung.

Pre-order Next Week: Ambots, Titanic Weaponry and Speed Freeks!

Games Workshop Pre Order Next Week Ambots, Titanic Weaponry And Speed Freeks! 1

We’ve got quite the selection of exciting releases up for pre-order next weekend – some new and some available separately for the first time. Let’s take a look…

Warhammer 40.000

First up, we’ve got the Shokkjump Dragsta and Kustom Boosta-blasta. These Ork vehicles were previously only available in the Speed Freeks game and will make a great addition to your greenskins collection. Not only are they super fast (which is why they starred in Speed Freeks!) but they pack some serious firepower with which to shoot, blast, zzap or shokk your enemies!


What happens when you cross an Ambull with a Galvanic Servohauler? You get an Ambot – or more specifically, Luther Pattern Excavation Automata – an industrial lifter that’s conclusive proof that everything in Necromunda, right down to the machines, is about five times more horrifying than it has any right to be.

As those of you with your copy of Gangs of the Underhive will know, Ambots can be added to any Necromunda gang in need of some extra mechanical muscle, as Brutes. They’re also cracking for enterprising arbiters looking to spice up their campaigns with a monster or two.

Games Workshop Pre Order Next Week Ambots, Titanic Weaponry And Speed Freeks! 4

While we’ve previewed the Ambot before, we’ve not looked at the whole story. You see, while the models we’ve shown you are just an example of the Ambots you can build using the set. Delve into the sprues, and you’ll find each Ambot can be posed differently – with a choice of head, too – meaning you’ll be able to ensure each of these bionic bugs looks distinct from your others. What’s more, if enormous tunnelling claws weren’t deadly enough for you, you’ll have the option to equip both with your choice of melta or grav weapons.

Being made of plastic, this kit is going to be cracking for converters. Perhaps you’ll kitbash it with some Meganobs to make some particularly scary specimens. Maybe you’ll combine it with the Kastelan Robots to give them a more ramshackle, industrial feel. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Games Workshop Pre Order Next Week Ambots, Titanic Weaponry And Speed Freeks! 5

If you’re looking to add an underhive flavour to your gang’s larger bases, you’ll be able to pre-order 40mm Necromunda bases in handy packs of 5 next weekend too.

Adeptus Titanicus

As promised, the next batch of Adeptus Titanicus Weapon Upgrade Frames for the game’s Warlord and Reaver Titans are set to be available separately for the first time. If you’re looking to test out some different weaponry, or have already found your perfect combination but lack the exact components, you won’t have long to wait!

And if you’re a fan of the Legio Fureans, you’ll also be able to pre-order the Legio Fureans Transfer Sheet –  replete with iconography for the Titan Legion’s Warlords, Reavers and Warhounds, as well as their associated knightly allies from House Perdaxia. Using transfers makes adding intricate details an absolute doddle, so why not make your painting projects a whole lot easier?

Check back throughout the coming week for more previews, and let us know what you’re looking forward to most on the Warhammer 40,000 and Forge World Facebook pages.

Made to Order: Legends of the Skaven

Games Workshop Made To Order Legends Of The Skaven 1

Skaven are one of Warhammer’s most iconic factions. First introduced three decades ago, these insidious ratmen have captured the imagination of writers, artists and gamers across the world. With Chaos Battletome: Skaven bringing these scurrying fiends into the Mortal Realms in force, we thought it’d be the perfect time to look back at their rich history, giving you the chance to own some much-requested and fan-favourite models from their past.

We’ve delved into our archive and, next week, we’ll be making new batches of some classic models with a Made to Order wave. This is your chance to own some of the most legendary heroes from the world-that-was for yourself – ideal if you’re looking to complete a classic collection, fancy grabbing something unusual to paint or want some awesome alternative models for your new skaven army.

This wave will see classic miniatures for Thanquol and Boneripper, Deathmaster Snikch, Queek Headtaker, Ikit Claw, and a Grey Seer each become available once more in metal. Rules for these models will be available in a free Warhammer Legends PDF covering the skaven.

Games Workshop Made To Order Legends Of The Skaven 5 Games Workshop Made To Order Legends Of The Skaven 6

Orders start next weekend. Make sure to secure yours quickly – they’ll only be available for one week before they slip into the mists of time once more…

In the meantime, if you’re looking to start a skaven army, secure your copy of the new battletome today.


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die Ambots sind wirklich interessant, gerade als Lieferant für AdMech-Umbauten…wenn mein „Pile of shame“ jetzt bur nicht so riesig wäre.
    Die Sache mit den AT-Gußrahmen find ich auch prinzipiell gut (vor allem für Leute die erst jetzt in AT einsteigen) und die alten Skaven-Minis find ich heute noch toll. 😊

  • Die Ambots sehen wirklich klasse aus und scheinen als Modell auch sehr flexibel zusammenzubauen zu sein. Gefällt mir.

    Und bei den Skaven haben die Fans der Armee und Sammler noch einmal die Chance, hier echte Klassiker zu ergattern, die das heutige Aussehen der Armee wesentlich mit definiert haben.

  • Ich dachte der Ambull ist eine Alien Rasse. Wieso baut das Imperium dann Kampfroboter die aussehen wie diese Aliens?
    Ich finde diese Kampfroboter übrigens auch extrem gelungen.

    • Ich glaube, das sind eher Arbeitsroboter… zumindest wurden sie so in „Kaisergrenadiere“ beschrieben… die dann als Kampfmaschinen eingesetzt/umgebaut wurden…

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