von BK-Nils | 23.09.2019 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k und Mittelerde

Zwei neue Battletomes, Regelbücher im kleinen Format und die Legionen der Untoten, Games Workshop haben für kommenden Samstag für drei Systeme Neueheiten vorgestellt.

Coming Soon: Middle-earth, Mortal Realms and More!

Games Workshop Coming Soon Middle Earth™, Mortal Realms And More! 1

From new battletomes to Middle-earth goodness – next week has all sorts of awesome stuff for you to pre-order!

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Cities of Sigmar

When rampaging Orruks are at your gates, sometimes all that stands between civilisation and anarchy is a very fancy hat…

At long last, the cities you first explored in the Realmgate Wars, then later defended during the Seeds of Hope campaign and battled for in Firestorm, have a battletome of their own! Battletome: Cities of Sigmar is your guide to the seven greatest metropolises in the Mortal Realms,* forging several previously disparate factions into one cohesive whole that still manages to capture each city’s distinct thematic flavour.

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A Living City army, for instance, could consist of battalions of hardy Dispossessed Ironbreakers ambushing from the flanks while a column of Shadowblades Dark Riders surge across the centre field, while a Hammerhal force could include bold, charging Demigryph Knights backed up by batteries of Ironweld Arsenal artillery. This book offers almost unparalleled choice to army builders, with loads of warscrolls, allegiance abilities, warscroll battalions and more!

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Battletome: Cities of Sigmar isn’t just about the rules – it’s also your chance to discover the cities of the Mortal Realms in incredible detail through reams of new lore. From the spires of Tempest’s Eye to the libraries of the Collegiate Arcane, you’ll have the chance to see just what “ordinary” life in the Mortal Realms is like. With no fewer than seven short stories from acclaimed Black Library wordsmith Josh Reynolds, you can get more insights into the Cities of Sigmar than ever before.

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With so much choice available, the only question is – where do you start your Cities of Sigmar army? Well, there’s good news – it’s about to get even easier with two new Start Collecting! sets. Start Collecting! Anvilgard gives you a selection of Scourge Privateers with which to raid the Mortal Realms, while Start Collecting! Greywater Fastness gives you a doughty company of duardin capable of shredding enemies at any range. Bear in mind that these sets can be used to start any Cities of Sigmar army, not just the ones they’re named after, making them an ideal place to begin.

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With such a vast array of units available for your Cities of Sigmar forces, you’ll want to grab some Warscroll Cards too. That way you can have the rules you need easily to hand, without all that rummaging mid-game.

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Orruk Warclans?

Enuff cities. Enuff moustaches. Enuff hats. You’re a hard-bitten worshipper of Gorkamorka, and all you know about civilisation is that it’s very hard to spell. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered too.

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Battletome: Orruk Warclans takes the Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz and SMASHES them together into one awesome army – or, if you like, three awesome armies. Inside, you’ll find rules for your Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz, including powerful updated allegiance abilities for both AND a third set of allegiance abilities for the Big Waaagh! These truly terrifying hordes are formed when orruks stop fightin’ over whether armour or warpaint is better and start breaking everything else…

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As if countless warscroll battalions, sub-factions, spells, artefacts and command traits weren’t enough, this book is as comprehensive a collection of Orruk lore as there ever was. Inside, you’ll discover the long (and often hilarious) history of greenskins in the Mortal Realms, right up to their role in the ongoing Soul Wars.

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To minimise the time you spend flicking through your battletome mid-game (and thus maximise the time you spend smashin’ stuff), we’d recommend you grab some Orruk Warclans Warscroll Cards.

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The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gaming Book

Matched play is a cracking way to experience Warhammer Age of Sigmar, whether you’re fighting a balanced bout with a friend at home or taking part in the thriving tournament scene. We know that sometimes it can be a bit of a hassle flicking through multiple books looking for your favourite battleplan, an artefact of the Realms or just a key rule, which is why we’re releasing the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gaming Book – a curated rules collection containing the most popular supplementary content for matched play.

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Combining the Core Rules, Pitched Battle rules, Realm of Battle rules (including Artefacts and Spells of the Realms), the Grand Alliance allegiance abilities and 31 Pitched Battle battleplans, it’s the perfect companion for your next matched play game.

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Warhammer 40.000

Warhammer 40,000 – The Rules

The Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook is a thing of beauty – but nobody could claim that this magnificent tome of lore and rules is particularly portable. If you’re running short on bag-space in advance of your next battle, you’ll want to get your hands a copy of Warhammer 40,000 – The Rules, a nifty little book that takes all of the rules from the main book and de-biggens** them for your convenience!

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Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game

The Dead Will March!

Meanwhile, in Middle-earth, we’re very excited to unveil the all-new, all-plastic King of the Dead and Heralds!

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Bringing to life one of Middle-earth’s most terrifying characters in stunning detail, the King of the Dead is the ideal leader for your Army of the Dead, while Heralds are perfect commanders for other warbands in your force. If you’ve already got the Battle for Pelennor Fields boxed set, he’s a no-brainer!

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Of course, no regular dice would suffice for such a terrifying ruler. Our team sought high and low for a fitting set. Eventually, in the depths of a hidden catacomb, we discovered a stock of the most evil dice known to man – while the Dead of Dunharrow failed to answer Elendil’s call to war, these dice won’t do likewise.*** Ancient oaths now bind these dice to your service – IF YOU DARE. Also, they glow in the dark!

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Less glow-in-the-dark but just as useful are the Profile Card Packs, a new kind of accessory for Middle-earth gamers that makes it easy to check your army rules at a glance. The profile cards themselves let you check the rules for specific models, while each set also comes with a variety of army bonus and legendary legion rules for your convenience. At launch, you’ll be able to get your hands on cards for Mordor, the Fallen Realms, the Defenders of Pelennor and a set of handy Magical Powers cards, too!

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Check back on Saturday the 5th of October to pre-order everything here – and stay tuned for more previews of Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans throughout next week.

* Azyr (and Azyrheim) are technically outside of the Mortal Realms, and while they support the conflicts perpetrated by Sigmar’s armies, rarely directly engage to the extent that frontier city-states like Anvilgard or The Pheonicium do.
** A perfectly cromulent word.
*** We can’t guarantee that they’ll roll 6s, however.

Warhammer40.000 ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasywelt erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community



Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Eigentlich kann ich die AoS-Namen ganz gut überlesen. Aber ‚AnvilGARD‘ für eine DUNKELELFENstadt (und damit die Box) und ‚Greywater Fastness‘ für was auch immer das mit den Zwergen zu tun hat? Da rollen sich mir die Zehennägel hoch.
    Ansonsten bin ich zwiegespalten. An sich ist die Cities of Sigmar Idee sehr cool, aber man schon merkt dass GW im Moment keine Lust hat sie ordentlich durchzuziehen und in der Form auch nicht langfristig mit ihr plant (kein Held, kein Gelände, keine endless spells).
    Das Buch für die Orks finde ich schwach. Die Trennung in Wildorks und Eliteorks hat eigentlich gut funktioniert und nebeneinander sehen die Modelle einfach nicht so toll aus. Da hätten 1-2 neue Einheiten pro Fraktion gereicht um die weiter so laufen zu lassen finde ich.

    • Grauwasser ist eine schwer industrialisierte und von Menschen und Zwergen befestigte Stadt in einem Sumpfgebiet (daher der Name) im Reich des Lebens.

      Anvilgard/Ambosswacht ist eine Hafenstadt im Reich den Feuers. Sie dient unter anderem vielen Elfenkorsaren als Heimathafen.

  • Ich freu mich schon auf das Ork Buch und hoffe, dass da ein paar schöne neue Regeln rauskommen. Momentan sind die Ironjawz nur noch bedingt Konkurrenzfähig.

  • So ne Hydra ist natürlich immer sexy, aber seit sie die Start-Collecting-Boxen nicht mehr auf einem einheitlichen Preisband laufen lassen, freu ich mich lieber nicht zu früh.

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