von BK-Nils | 28.05.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

GW: Achte Adeptus Sororitas Vorschau

In der neuen Vorschau für die Schwestern des Adeptus Sororita wird die schwere Feuerkraft der Retributoren gezeigt.

Battle Sister Bulletin – Part 8: Retributors First Look

Games Workshop Warhammer 40.000 Battle Sister Bulletin – Part 8 Retributors First Look 1

It’s time for some retribution! When it comes to the Adepta Sororitas, this of course means squads of Battle Sisters wielding massive guns. That’s right – today we’re looking at Retributors!

Many of you may remember that when we first announced that we were working on a new Adepta Sororitas range, we showed you a few early examples of their weapons and wargear – including a certain heavy bolter.

Games Workshop Warhammer 40.000 Battle Sister Bulletin – Part 8 Retributors First Look 2

Well, here it is again, this time being borne by a Retributor in all her glory!

Games Workshop Warhammer 40.000 Battle Sister Bulletin – Part 8 Retributors First Look 3

The Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas are traditionally armed with a bolter, flamer, or melta weapon – known to their Orders as the Holy Trinity. In the case of Retributors, who specialise in providing fire support, this means carrying either a heavy bolter, heavy flamer or multi-melta. In addition to multiple options of each weapon type and a Sister Superior to lead them, the Retributors will have a number of head options, including bare, helmeted, or ones equipped with rebreathers – all of which have their own additional flourishes of detail. For example, the full helm of the Retributor shown above has a built-in targeter for accuracy.

However, if you prefer your heretics chargrilled rather than perforated with heavy bolter rounds, chances are you’ll be looking to equip your Retributors with a heavy flamer or two. Check out this alternative build that can be assembled from the kit…

Games Workshop Warhammer 40.000 Battle Sister Bulletin – Part 8 Retributors First Look 4

The heavy flamer’s twin nozzles have been designed in the style of Gothic braziers, matching the vehicle exhausts and other similar details we’ve seen so far across the new range. Nuances of design such as these not only help to unify a miniatures range, but reinforce its own unique identity. In the case of the Adepta Sororitas, this principle is especially important, as they’re one of many military institutions within the Imperium and their Battle Sisters utilise weapons and wargear that are common among them.

Armorium Cherub

That’s not all! The new kit is also set to include a brand-new feature in the form of an Armorium Cherub.

Games Workshop Warhammer 40.000 Battle Sister Bulletin – Part 8 Retributors First Look 5

The (cute?) little winged creature is carrying a fuel canister for a heavy flamer. After all, nothing ruins a good purge like running out of promethium before you’ve burnt all the heretics!

Which combination of heavy weapons are you planning to arm your Retributors with? Let us know on our Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page.

Warhammer40.000 ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasywelt erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer-Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Sehr, sehr nice. Die neuen Retributorinnen gefallen mir sehr gut. Interessant auch, dass GW bei denen ein anderes Rüstungsdesign verwendet als bei den bisher gezeigten Standard-Schwestern oder der Seraphim.

    Einzig die Heavy Flamer Retri gefällt mir nicht ganz so. Die Frisur wirkt etwas arg glatt. Da wird man Freude haben, da Strähnen reinzumalen. Außerdem finde ich den oberen Griff am Flammer etwas unpraktisch bzw. die Waffenhaltung wirkt dadurch arg unnatürlich.

  • <3 der kleine dicke fliegende Oger mit der Handtasche… HERZALLERLIEBST 😀 DEN will ich!

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