von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Antike

Gangs of Rome: Bread and Circuses

Brot & Spiele – ein neuer Starter und die „Sons of Orcus“-Erweiterung für Bandkämpfe in den schmutzigen Gassen Roms von WarBanner.

Gangs Of Rome Bread And CircusGangs Of Rome Bread And Circus2 Gangs Of Rome Bread And Circus3 Gangs Of Rome Bread And Circus4

Gangs of Rome – Bread and Circuses Starter

•Bread and Circuses: the new Gangs of Rome starter set•

Election day looms, and the young dominus Hostilius is standing as a candidate for the plebeian aediles. Hostilius has gained and cemented great support from the plebeian electorate by forcibly seizing control of bakeries and giving away bread to the masses.

Now Hostilius has his sights on the next bakery. Said to be the best in the Subura, this bakery is run by the famous freedman Eurysaces. Hostilius, therefore, dispatches his lieutenant Vermio to seize the bakery.

Hostilius’ plans, however, have been unearthed by a rival gang. Vermio’s sister, Bruttia, hates her brother with a violent passion, and—caring not for bread or politics—she determines she will ambush Vermio at the bakery and finish him off once and all.

These two gangs converge on the bakery at sunrise, just as a host of the Subura’s hungry citizens gather, enticed by the smell of Eurysaces’ famous bread…

Available for pre-order this week, Gangs of Rome: Bread and Circuses will include 22 miniatures, a new and exclusive bakery from Sarissa Precision, a rulebook, and all the cards, tokens, dice etc you need to play this innovative skirmish game.

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Sons of Orcus – Boxed Set – 18,00 GBP

Devoted to the god of the Roman underworld, the Sons of Orcus haunt the Subura like spectres. Now you can add this terrifying trio to your Gangs of Rome experience.

With three finely sculpted white metal miniatures, cards and a selection of unique denarii, this Rome’s Most Wanted box set contains everything you need to unleash the Sons of Orcus on your foes.

This Sons of Orcus box set includes contains the following:

  • Three gang fighters
  • Three gang fighter cards
  • Three jigsaw bases
  • The Sons of Orcus coin plate containing four denarii
  • Four corresponding coin cards
  • Three Gangs of Rome D6 roman numeral die
  • The Mouth of Orcus terrain piece
  • A printed scenario and special rules

All miniatures are white metal and are supplied with the required MDF base for Gangs of Rome. May require assembly.

Link:  WarBanner FB



BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Das neue Starter-/Szenarioset ist auf jeden Fall gesetzt! Das erste war schon fantastisch und vor allem vom Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis unschlagbar und ich hoffe, dass die Spielerschaft mit der deutschen Edition dieses Jahr dann auch endlich größer wird.

  • Das Szenario mit der Unterwelt des antiken Rom ist in der Tat sehr faszinierend. Wenn es eine deutsche Version geben wird, werde ich da sicher auch einmal reinschauen.

  • Count me in für eine dt. Version, welche hoffentlich kommen wird, den dsa letzte Starter Set von GoR war großartig und extrem schnell ausverkauft! 🙂

  • Ich konnte es letztens schon mal auf der Kiepencon antesten und werde es mir nochmal auf der Tactica anschauen.

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