von BK-Marcel | 22.05.2019 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Necromunda

Games Workshop: Preview dieser Woche

Es gibt mal wieder neues bei Games Workshop diesen Samstag.

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What’s New With Jim & Bob

Jim: Welcome to another episode of What’s New With Jim & Bob. I’m your host Jim Johnson, and with me as always is Bob Bifford.

Bob: Hi Jim. I have to say, I’m not a great fan of these new Blood Bowl stadiums.

Jim: What do you mean, Bob?

Bob: Our commentary position. We’re just too far away from the action.

Jim: No Bob, we’re not far away… that’s just the new Halfling team! They’re quite small.

Bob: I always have time for any team that are all about food, Jim!

Jim: Well Bob, they’re certainly better at eating than they are at Blood Bowl.

Bob: I don’t know Jim, occasionally they manage to scurry through someone’s legs and into the end zone.

Jim: It’s going to take one hell of a coach to take them to success, Bob.

Bob: It’s going to take one hell of a coach to get them out of the stadium restaurant, Jim!

Alongside the team, you’ll also be able to pick up a Halfling-themed pitch, team cards, lucky dice* and issue five of the Spike! Journal, featuring all of the rules you need to get your Halflings playing Blood Bowl.

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Also, for one week only, a pair of classic models are coming back for the Halflings – a Treeman and the Halfling Hot-pot. These are going to be available on a Made to Order basis so if you want to grab them, you’ll have to be quick!

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Two infamous Bounty Hunters return to Necromunda, men whose legendary adventures have inspired many an underhive folk tale, men who have had nearly as many aliases as they’ve had hot rat kebabs. Yes, Kal Jericho and his trusted sidekick Scabs are coming back!
Dashing, rugged, rogue, swashbuckler – these are just some of the words that Kal Jericho uses to describe himself. Allegedly the illegitimate son of Lord HelmawrKal has time and again proved himself an expert at getting himself out of (and into) trouble. Armed with twin hotshot laspistols and a duelling sabre, he is more than a match for any enemy that tries to get up close and personal.
Scabs, the half-Ratskin, is Kal’s constant companion. Armed with a plasma gun and a stub gun, he’s able to lay down a steady stream of supporting fire while Kal advances and takes all the glory.

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The Halflings, and Kal and Scabs, will be available to pre-order from Saturday! In the meantime, talk tactics (or pie recipes) over on the Blood Bowl Facebook page and tell us which bounty hunters you’re hiring over on the Necromunda Facebook page.

* While Halfling teams need all the help that they can get, we can’t guarantee that these dice will actually be “lucky”.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Warhammer40.000 ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasywelt erhältlich.

Link: Warhammer Community


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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  • Ich hab gesehen, das Kal und Scabs aus Plastik sind. Eigentlich dachte ich sie wären aus Resin. Aber bei Plastik hol ich mir die vielleicht als Malprojekt. 🤔

  • Mal sehen, wenn sie beim Suppenkatapult nicht so maßlos übertreiben wie bei manch anderer made to order Mini hole ich mir sicherlich 2-3 für meine Warhammersöldner. Lumpin Croops Kampfhähne wollen schließlich auch adäquat verköstigt werden. „Zum Sieg! Zum Sieg! Für Mootland! Für Mootland!“ 

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