von BK-Nils | 03.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

FW: Vorschau auf Râza and Delgamar

Forge World zeigen auf der Warhammer-Community zwei neue Modelle für das Herr der Ringe Strategiespiel.

Forge World Preview: Râza and Delgamar

If you’re a servant of Sauron whose armies hail from the kingdoms of the South, you’re set to receive some new reinforcements next week in the form of Râza and Delgamar. In addition to being two fantastic miniatures to add to your collection, these lads are pretty handy in a tight spot!

Forge World The Lord Of The Rings Preview Râza And Delgamar 2

Râza, Fang of the Serpent

Râza is the unshakably loyal bodyguard of the Serpent Lord, Suladân. Not only is he an implacable defender of his master, Râza is a deadly assassin who fights with incredible skill once he has sought out his chosen quarry.

Forge World The Lord Of The Rings Preview Râza And Delgamar 3

Râza is a Hero of Fortitude for the Serpent Horde army, able to command 12 followers in battle. He’s great on his own, but if your army includes Suladân, then taking Râza as well is a great idea due to his Sworn Protector (Suladân) ability.

Delgamar, Gatemaster of Umbar

The tyrannical Corsair Captain, Delgamar, holds the title of Gatemaster of Umbar, a status second in command only to the Fleetmaster Dalamyrhimself. His bellowed orders are followed without hesitation by the Corsairs under his charge, for he will waste no time in lashing the skin from the backs of any who would dare to question him.

Forge World The Lord Of The Rings Preview Râza And Delgamar 4

His lofty station as Gatemaster sees Delgamar as a Hero of Valour, able to lead a warband of up to 15 followers. He can inspire nearby Corsairs on the battlefield, though it comes at a risk to their own lives should they disappoint him…

These two Southron commanders will be available to pre-order next week. In the meantime, you can check out their rules in the Gondor at War expansion, available online now.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Find ich beide schick, deutlich angenehmer als die letzten FW HDR Sachen.
    Schlangenhorde und Korsaren stehen auch auf meiner „irgendwann mal“ Liste, damit gibt es eine kleine aber reale Chance das einer der beiden zu mir findet.

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