von BK-Nils | 18.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe, Necromunda

FW: Neuheiten für Necromunda und Mittelerde

Diese Woche kommen zwei neue Kopfgeldjäger für Necromunda und für Mittelerde kommen neue Hobbits und Schurken.

Forge World Necromunda Underhive Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark 1 Forge World Necromunda Underhive Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark 2 Forge World Necromunda Underhive Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark 3

Forge World Necromunda Underhive Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark 4 Forge World Necromunda Underhive Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark 5 Forge World Necromunda Underhive Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark 6

Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark – 33,00 Euro

Apollus Kage was a member of the Orlock gang the Sump Dogs, but after a failed leadership challenge he decided it was time to go freelance. Krotus Hark, on the other hand, is a former Goliath who was born with that most dangerous of gifts – intelligence.

Having left behind their former House alliances, these two Hired Guns can be taken on by any gang that needs some support to survive the savagery of the underhive. Apollus Kage has also been specially designed so that his head, arms and backpack are compatible with a large proportion of the Necromunda miniatures range should you wish to use them for conversions.

These models are made of resin, and supplied with 1x 25mm Necromunda round base, 1x 32mm Necromunda round base. Rules are supplied in the packaging, making using them in your games easy.

Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Personalities Of The Shire™ – Will Whitfoot And Baldo Tulpenny 1 Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Personalities Of The Shire™ – Will Whitfoot And Baldo Tulpenny 2 Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Personalities Of The Shire™ – Will Whitfoot And Baldo Tulpenny 3

Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Personalities Of The Shire™ – Will Whitfoot And Baldo Tulpenny 4 Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Personalities Of The Shire™ – Will Whitfoot And Baldo Tulpenny 5

Personalities of the Shire – Will Whitfoot and Baldo Tulpenny – 17,00 Euro

Plump and portly, Will Whitfoot was a jolly Hobbit who had held the post of mayor of Hobbiton for many years prior to the arrival of the big-folk. Meanwhile, there are few, if any, Hobbits who can claim to throw a stone as well as Baldo Tulpenny; his stone-throwing achievements at the Buckleberry games are legendary in the Shire.

It may look like a walking cane but mayor Whitfoot isn’t scared to use it to strike anyone who threatens the Shire. Baldo prefers to keep his distance, flinging stones to scare off interlopers. He also carries a length of rope for tying up any Ruffians that he knocks out with his well-aimed projectiles.

This highly detailed multipart resin kit builds one Will Whitfoot and one Baldo Tulpenny and is supplied with two 25mm Citadel round bases. Rules for using these models in games can be found in the Scouring of the Shire supplement.

Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Ruffian Leaders 1 Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Ruffian Leaders 2 Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Ruffian Leaders 3 Forge World Middle Earth Strategy Game Ruffian Leaders 4

Ruffian Leaders – 27,00 Euro

The leader of Sharkey’s Ruffians, Sid Briarthorn was a huge brute of a man who possessed great strength – at least in the eyes of the Hobbits of the Shire. His enforcer, Rowan Thistlewood, revelled in bullying and tormenting the Hobbits of the Shire and burning the Hobbit-holes at Woody End. Completing the trio of rogues is Bill Ferny, a minor spy from Bree who had dealings with the four Travellers as they left the Prancing Pony for Rivendell – and was given a swift kick in the behind by Bill the Pony for his trouble!

These three Ruffians are armed with a mix of weaponry and each carry a set of manacles. They are perfect for tormenting any Hobbits that get in your way as you seek to claim control over the Shire.

This highly detailed multipart resin kit builds one Sid Briarthorn, one Rowan Thistlewood and one Bill Ferny. It is supplied with three 25mm Citadel round bases and rules for using these models in games can be found in the Scouring of the Shire supplement.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ist Forgeworld auf 3D Drucker umgestiegen ? besonders bei Will Whitfoot sind die Layerschichten erkennbar.

    • Schon länger, das sind alles 3D-Drucke. Allerdings nutzen sie die Möglichkeiten teils nicht wirklich aus.

      • Das sieht nicht nach 3-D Drück aus sondern eher nach per CNC gefrästen Gussformen (da die Minis ja am Pc entworfen werden und nicht mehr per Hand modelliert werden kann man keine herkömmlichen Gussformen machen sondern kann die Datei der Miniatur meist per Umwandlung in ein negativ für eine Form umwandeln und diese dann fräsen lassen und da so kleine Sachen nur in graden Linien zu fräsen gehen sieht das dann halt etwas komisch aus.)

        Ich habe eine Zeit lang als Werkzeugmechaniker im Schwerpunkt Spritzgusstechnink und Formenbau gearbeitet und da sah es genau so aus .
        Um so etwas zu vermeiden werden die Formen noch poliert jedoch Stelle ich mir das bei solchen Sachen sehr schwierig bis gar unmöglich vor.

    • Kein Tolkienscher Charakter. Baldo Tulpenny ist von GW erfunden worden, fügt sich aber ganz gut in die Hobbits ein

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