von BK-Nils | 17.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Forge World: Horus Heresy Night Lords

Die Legion der Night Lords bekommt Verstärkung für die Schlachten der Horus Heresy von Forge World.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Legion Praetor 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Legion Praetor 2 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Legion Praetor 3

Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Legion Praetor 4 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Legion Praetor 5

Night Lords Legion Praetor – 27,00 Euro

Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to the god-like Primarchs in martial skill and generalship. These lords of the Imperium hold the power of life and death over whole worlds, with the direct control of entire war fleets and armies in their hands. Each is a vastly experienced warrior and warlord, unique in character, who has writ a legend in blood for themselves, and carries into battle the finest wargear and weapons known to Humanity. In their ranks can be found Chapter Masters and Lord Commanders, First Captains, Khans and Tribunes as the traditions of their Legions dictate. They are the masters of war and have commanded the hosts of the Great Crusade that have conquered worlds unnumbered.

This multipart resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Night Lords Praetor. Equipped with a jump pack and vicious chainglaive, he is posed in mid-strike, ready to take heads from his enemies in the name of the Night Haunter.

The kit comes in 12 components, including a choice of bare and helmeted heads, and is supplied with a 32mm round base. Rules for Praetors are available in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List, and Night Lords rules can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Legion Praetor In Tartaros Terminator Armour 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Legion Praetor In Tartaros Terminator Armour 2 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Legion Praetor In Tartaros Terminator Armour 3

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Night Lords Legion Praetor in Tartaros Terminator Armour – 31,00 Euro

Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to the god-like Primarchs in martial skill and generalship. These lords of the Imperium hold the power of life and death over whole worlds, with the direct control of entire war fleets and armies in their hands. Each is a vastly experienced warrior and warlord, unique in character, who has writ a legend in blood for themselves, and carries into battle the finest wargear and weapons known to humanity. In their ranks can be found Chapter Masters and Lord Commanders, First Captains, Khans and Tribunes as the traditions of their Legions dictate. They are the masters of war and have commanded the hosts of the Great Crusade that have conquered worlds unnumbered.

This multipart resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Night Lords Praetor in Tartaros Terminator Armour. Posed at a standstill and firing his wrist-mounted volkite serpenta, he holds a chainglaive in his left hand and his armour is adorned with all manner of grisly trophies.

The kit comes in 13 components – including a choice of bare or helmeted heads – and is supplied with a 40mm round base. Rules for Praetors can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List, and Night Lords-specific rules can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought 2 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought 3

Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought 4 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought 5

Night Lords Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought – 62,00 Euro

Made available to the Legions only in limited quantities before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnoughts were highly valued and recognised as savagely powerful hunter-killer units. These constructs placed an onerous and ultimately lethal strain upon their occupants, with the Leviathan’s incumbent burning brightly but briefly in their second life. Many in the Mechanicum were deeply uneasy over the design, but for a legion as murderous and torturous as the Night Lords, they were not only a terrifying tool to deploy against their enemies, but also grim tomb for those warriors who had not been devious or intelligent enough to avoid their first death.

Leviathan dreadnoughts are hulking machines capable of bringing devastating weaponry to bear on their foe both at range and in close combat. The Night Lords version of this unit is no different, and has been sculpted to include various ornamentations associated with Konrad Kurze’s legion, including leering skulls, flayed flesh and the red-winged sigil synonymous with the VIII Legion.

The Night Lords Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought is a multi-part resin kit. It includes a choice of torso-mounted heavy flamers and volkite calivers, an optional Phosphex discharger and an 80mm round base. Weapon arms shown in some photos are sold separately.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Leviathan Dreadnought With Siege Claws Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords Leviathan Dreadnought With Siege Claws 2

Night Lords Leviathan Dreadnought with Siege Claws – 96,00 Euro

Made available to the Legions only in limited quantities before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnoughts were highly valued and recognised as savagely powerful hunter-killer units. These constructs placed an onerous and ultimately lethal strain upon their occupants, with the Leviathan’s incumbent burning brightly but briefly in their second life. Many in the Mechanicum were deeply uneasy over the design, but for a legion as murderous and torturous as the Night Lords, they were not only a terrifying tool to deploy against their enemies, but also grim tomb for those warriors who had not been devious or intelligent enough to avoid their first death.

Leviathan dreadnoughts are hulking machines capable of bringing devastating weaponry to bear on their foe both at range and in close combat. The Night Lords version of this unit is no different, and has been sculpted to include various ornamentations associated with Konrad Kurze’s legion, including leering skulls, flayed flesh and the red-winged sigil synonymous with the VIII Legion.

This bundle includes a complete Night Lords Leviathan Dreadnought with a pair of Leviathan siege claws. It is made up of the following resin kits:

– 1 Night Lords Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought, made up of 25 resin components including optional weapons, and supplied with an 80mm round base
– 2 Leviathan Siege Claws, each made up of multiple resin components, and posable in a variety of ways

Rules for the Leviathan Dreadnought can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List, and rules for the Night Lords Legion can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions. Both books are available separately in hardback and eBook formats.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords The Horus Heresy Legion Dice Night Lords 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords The Horus Heresy Legion Dice Night Lords 2 Forge World The Horus Heresy Night Lords The Horus Heresy Legion Dice Night Lords 3

The Horus Heresy Legion Dice: Night Lords – 20,00 Euro

This is a set of 16 6-sided 16mm dice with rounded edges, in the sinister dark blue of the Night Lords Legion. The colour is marbled, and the pips are in blood red – most appropriate for the savage murderers of Nostramo! In place of the ‚6‘ is the Legion icon of the Night Lords – a menacing winged skull. This will leave your opponents in no doubt of your loyalties, even as your legionaries strike from the shadows and bring them grisly death.

Forge World The Horus Heresy This Week's Night Lords Pre Orders

This Week’s Night Lords Pre-orders – 154,00 Euro

Of all the Space Marine Legions, the Night Lords are perhaps the most feared. Even before their fall into darkness and the worship of the Ruinous Powers, they were known as depraved and merciless killers. Recruited from among the worst of the criminal underclass of their home world, Nostramo, their excesses were legendary, and even the rumour of their involvement in a campaign could bring a world to peaceful compliance out of sheer terror – and when they did wage war, there were rarely any witnesses left to describe how vicious they were in battle.

This bundle contains three resin miniatures to add to your Age of Darkness Night Lords collection.

– Night Lords Legion Praetor: a deadly hero equipped with a jump pack and armed with a chainglaive, perfect for leading flights of Assault Squads in head-on charges into enemy lines
– Night Lords Legion Praetor in Tartaros Terminator Armour: a leader and warrior clad in nigh-invulnerable battleplate and armed with a sinister volkite serpenta and a murderous chainglaive
– Night Lords Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: a mighty behemoth of a war machine armed with two brutal Leviathan siege claws, perfect for spearheading an assault and devastating enemy vehicles of heavily armoured elites

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • 76 Pfund sind aktuell 87 Euro nicht 96 wie FW haben möchte, also weiterhin Nö. FW nimmt seinen eigenen Umrechenkurs, man kann also nicht wie früher in Pfund zahlen. Wird immer wieder gern vergessen.

  • 96,- für den Siegedread incl. Claws – ich glaub ich lüch 😉 Nee – nicht mal wenn ich NL fan wäre.

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