von BK-Christian | 06.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Feldherr: Warband Shelter Kickstarter

Feldherr finanzieren wieder Transportlösungen für allzu bekannte Fantasy-Banden.

FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 1

Warband Shelter and  foam trays for tabletop miniatures from Warhammer Shadespire

We create custom shaped foam inserts to hold your miniatures safe. In sum eight foam trays – each tray well shaped for a specific Warband. Enough space to comfortably put in and take out the figures. Foam inserts will always come in a cardboard box. We call this box Warband Shelter. Small enough to transport without extra luggage. You will be satisfied!

FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 2 FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 3 FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 4 FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 5

Pledge 1 allow you to choose two half foam inserts for a Warband Shelter. There will be eight foam inserts to choose from for your Shadespire Warband. Alternatively, you can also select a large foam tray. There are four different shapes available. Three of them are for tabletop miniatures and one for accessories. You can choose!

FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 6

Pledge 2 is for a cost saving bundle – our Big Pack. This bundle is full with 5 Warband Shelter boxes, 8 foam inserts for your Shadespire Warbands. The bigger Warband Shelter foam insert will hold your Warhammer Arcane Hazards miniatures, Cards, dice and accessories.

FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 7

Big Pack

Ein animiertes Bild der Boxen:

FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 8

Und das sind die Stretch Goals:

FH Feldherr Warband Shelter 9


The foam inserts are also compatible with Games Workshops‘ case for Nightvault miniatures. So, if you happen to own the EVA case, replace your current foam with one of our big or two of our half foam inserts.


If our campaign is successful, you will get an email shortly after the campaign has ended. The email will include a login link to our Pledge Manager, where you will be asked to specify (and/or upgrade) your desired rewards, to state your shipping address and to add the applicable shipping costs (see shipping section) to your pledge.

Two days before the Pledge Manager closes, we will send you another email, asking those of you whose shipping address has changed to state your new, final shipping address.


Shipping is NOT included in your pledge and will be calculated/charged once the campaign has completed. We recommend waiting until the pledge manager to add the exact amount required. See below regarding import fees, VAT and other taxes.

We currently estimate that the shipping costs for the pledges will be approximately:

  • Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, USA, starting from 8 € (depending upon the amount of sets)
  • Rest of the world: starting from 10 € (depending upon the amount of sets)

All optional extras will have their shipping calculated and charged in the Pledge Manager after the campaign has finished.

Estimated shipping times vary according to the country you would like to have your rewards shipped to and are as follows:

  • Australia, Asia, Canada, USA, New Zealand: 15 – 30 days
  • Europe: 5 – 10 days
  • Rest of the world: 30 days

Die Kampagne läuft noch 12 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: Warband Shelter with foam trays for Shadespire miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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