von BK-Markus | 27.09.2019 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Empress Miniatures: Neuheiten

Empress Miniatures präsentieren ihre Neuheiten auf Facebook.

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 01

We have a huge amount of Iron Duke released so its probably best to give each one their own post.

IMLA 35 Assorted Civilians.

Consists of 4 bhisti water carriers (3 variants); 2 seated hackery/cart drivers with whips; a snake charmer,; 6 walking or standing hackery/cart drivers with sticks; and a prone ‚Bob the Nailer‘, the notorious Lucknow sniper, said to have been an African euncuh, together with his spotter, seated alongside him on the rooftop. (16-fig set).

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 02

IMLA 34 Static Limber Set.

Consists of Limber Kit (IMLA 2), 4 standing artillery draught horses (IMH 9), 2 European drivers and 2 Indian drivers; use for either side. [Note that two of the four drivers are supplied free of charge, so that you are not out of pocket].

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 03

IMREB 30 Irregular Infantry Command (II) [Afghan]. (4 figs).

(Suitable for Afghan mercenary elements in 1857-8, or more generally for Afghanistan and NW-Frontier Province at any point in the 19th century).

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 04

IMREB 31 Irregular Infantry Command (III) Mahratta headdress. (4 figs).

[Use with IMREB 25].

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 05 Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 06

IMREB 33 Irregular Cavalry (I), native dress, armed with lances, (leader with tulwar), Mahratta headdress. (4 figs).

[For horses use IMH 4 or IMH 5].

IMREB 34 Irregular Cavalry (II), Bengali native dress, armed with lances, mixed headdress. (4 figs).

[For horses use IMH 4 or IMH 5].

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 07

IMREB 35 Rebel Infantry Command, supplemental variants, mixed orders of dress. (8 figs).

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 08

IMREB 36 BNI sepoys, native dress, muskets, firing line (III), additional variant figures, mixed headdress. (8 figs).

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 09

IMREB 37 ‚Sepoy Rabble‘, Firing Line. Robes, mixed headdress, matchlocks. (8 figs).

‚Sharp Practice‘ Army Lists refer.

Mix with orthodox sepoy firing line codes, say in a 50% or 33% ratio, to give lower grade troop type for Sharp Practice Army Lists.

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 10

IMREB 38 ‚Sepoy Rabble‘, attacking. (16-fig set). (£28).

‚Sharp Practice‘ Army Lists refer.

Ready-mixed assortment of tulwar and musket armed sepoys in native dress.

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 11

IMBC 53 Mounted Field Officers. (6 riders, 6 horses).

Suitable for almost any regiment or HQ staff officers. [Note that in this instance horses are integral to the code]. (£25.50).

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 12

IMBC 54 Mounted Personalities and Staff (Set II. (6 riders, 6 horses). (£28.00).

Includes personality figures of Major-General Sir Henry Lawrence, Major-General Sir James Outram (wielding his cane in a cavalry charge), Brigadier John Nicholson and his Sikh Orderly, a generic general officer waving the troops forward with his helmet and a staff officer with covered sun helmet and revolver. [Note that in this instance horses are integral to the code].

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 13

IMBC 55 Bengal Artillery, all-European gun team at the gallop, (8-fig set).

Officer & carbine armed outrider, 3 drivers and 3 seated gunners.

[For artillery horses use the 8-horse code IMH 6. For gun and limber use IMLA 1 & 2.]

Empress Miniatures Neuheiten 14

IMBC 57 Bengal Artillery, gun team at the gallop, (8-fig set).

Mixed crew; European gunners and native drivers. Officer, trumpeter, 3 drivers and 3 seated gunners.

[For artillery horses use the 8-horse code IMH 6. For gun and limber use IMLA 1 & 2.]

[For Static Limber Teams see IMLA 34 at the ‚Common to Both Sides‘ dropdown.]


Quelle: Empress Miniatures auf Facebook


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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