von BK-Herr Kemper | 14.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Durgin Paint Forge: Previews

Durgin Paint Forge zeigt Bilder der kommenden Veröffentlichungen.

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Durgin Paint Forge – Previews I

The two Agents of M.A.S.K sculpted by Davide Tedeschi!
Finally ready to be forged in resin, the lady is only available with the Second Government Mighty Mega Box

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Durgin Paint Forge – Previews II

One of the craziest scene we ever designed: the Grimorian (and apprentice, of course. Ok and a lot of Flonzi).
I added also the Magic Chest to the scene, just to increase the amount of Flonzi, which is always a wise thing to do.
I’ve spent an hour, trying to assemble all the components using patafix (for obvious reasons, I can’t glue the pieces!), but finally I’ve managed to take a pic!
I hope you like it, as always I want to remember that the Late Pledge event is still open, you can join our backers and preorder our new range here: https://tinyurl.com/yyjpwwgs

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Durgin Paint Forge – Previews III

More and more 3d prints of our new range, ready to be forged in resin!
The Bluecoat Soldier, in all his adventurous vibe, has been the very first Second Government character that we designed! The Redcoat Soldier, however, is based on my friend Marko Miladinović, of Craftworld Studio. I thought it would be funny to sculpt a character that looks like to a real person, and the result is supercool! See Marko? Now I have a mini-Marko on my desk!
Last, but not least (at all, these guys claimed a huge success!), our Mechanical Familiar MKIII. These little robot are the second reason why we will make a Zorn Uzul release, soon. They are highly addictive, you will see more and more of them.

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Durgin Paint Forge – Previews IV

Today I’ve received the last wave of 3d prints, including all the Stretch Goals unlocked during the campaign!
Here are more characters that I’ve started to work on, to prepare them for the final production, in specific: the Redcoat Veteran, the Bluecoat Captain (one of my fav characters!), the Pug and the Basset Hound. Plus two scenic bases, just to have a clear view of our characters assembled on them (oh yeah, they look nice!).
I’m particularly pleased by the Redcoat Veteran, cause it’s made by a single component: that means, basically, less work to prepare it for painting, when it will be on our desks XD
for a lazy person like me (I hate cleaning and assembling miniatures .__.), this guy is awesome.

As always, if you want to grab these characters (and many, many others) and make this August mightier than ever (it’s my birth month, after all!), follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/yyjpwwgs

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Durgin Paint Forge – Previews V

Preparing the 3dprints for the resin production it’s always terrifying for me, it’s like defusing a bomb
These 3d prints are made using the best resolution available, they are really expensive and fragile (the 3d print „resin“ -or kind of- is even less flexible and more fragile than normal resin!), so when I have to sand them or adjust the joints (or both!) I always pray not to make disasters with my piggy hands XDXD
However, here are the latest characters ready to be forged in resin!
As always, you can preorder all our new range here: https://tinyurl.com/yyjpwwgs

Quelle: Durgin Paint Forge auf Facebook


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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