von BK-Christian | 07.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Dreamforge Games: Eisenkern Grav-StuG Update

Der Kickstarter zum Eisenkern Grav-StuG nähert sich langsam seinem Ziel.

Mit diesem Video hatte alles angefangen:

Und inzwischen gibt es Bilder des 3D-Drucks:

DFG Eisenkern Grav StuG 1 DFG Eisenkern Grav StuG 2 DFG Eisenkern Grav StuG 3 DFG Eisenkern Grav StuG 4 DFG Eisenkern Grav StuG 5 DFG Eisenkern Grav StuG 6

The Grav-StuG is a small infantry support tank.

The term ‘Grav’ is a bit of a misnomer, not an actual anti-gravity device but a force projector that lifts the vehicle from a solid surface, distributing the vehicles mass over a larger area and providing lift. Viewed with IR or EM lenses the projections from the drive unit can be clearly seen.

The drive unit can provide some limited forward and lateral movement, although slow and at the cost of lift. The engines at the rear and side of the vehicle are its primary source of movement, using the lift generated from the drive unit to almost skate upon a hard surface.

Dreamforge will be kickstarting several new kits in the coming year.

Each new product offering will be very focused, a single product, its actual production costs and any profits expected will need to be folded into the overall funding goal. This is a strong departure from the retail model, where revenues are gained over time and the investment/debt is front loaded.

Product availability outside the initial Kickstarter.

Product availability outside of Kickstarter will be limited, only 100-300 units beyond the total needed to fulfill the Kickstarter will be run for post Kickstarter inventory, some of that will be soaked up by the inevitable issues, damaged kits, mispacked or missing items from a kit and kits that never make it to the backer and were lost in transit.

There may be re-runs offered on popular kits in future Kickstarter’s, but there will be minimums that need to be met, typically a 500-unit run will be needed. The best way for a customer to approach this is to buy what you want and what you think you will need at the time of the offering, I cannot make a promise that there will be a second run if the overall interest is not there.

Kickstarter Shipping.

Customers will need to pay for the actual shipping costs for the products they back. Shipping, as we all know is very expensive from the US to anywhere outside its borders. Each Kickstarter will be shipped directly from China to mitigate the expense to the customer as much as possible, this means most of the world will likely see a drastic cost reduction, but the US will experience a small increase. Why don’t I just ship the US backers from the US? Because it’s a hidden cost, shipping to the US, warehouse staff and other costs would need to be calculated into the Kickstarter and would increase the price once the true costs are factored in.

How are the Kickstarter’s structured?

Each Kickstarter will absorb the costs and required profits into a 1000 minimum unit run. If it costs $40,000 for the molds, production, boxes and other service costs, then the cost of each unit would be $40.00.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 10 Tage.

Quelle: DreamForge-Games Eisenkern Grav-StuG


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Schade, das Ding ist ja winzig im Vergleich zu dem Infanteristen. Hatte kurzzeitig mit einer Beteiligung beim Kickstarter geliebäugelt…

  • Zwei Dinge:
    Erstens ist der Valkyre Trooper neben dem Stuck etwas größer als ein normaler Marine (dazu einfach mal hier auf dem Brückenkopf in der internen Suche nach Dreamforge suchen)

    Zweitens ist ein Stug sehr klein gewesen (grade mal 6,70m x 2,95m x 2,20m [LxBxH] ) die Proportionen passen also sogar sehr gut zum gezeigen Tropper.

    Size doesn’t matter, proportion does 😉

    • Ich gebe dir absolut recht. Die meisten Panzer in Tabletops sind entweder überdimensioniert, oder haben falsche Proportionen. Ich finde diese StuG Version erfrischend anders.

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