von BK-Christian | 26.03.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

DreamForge: Eisenkern Grav-StuG Kickstarter

Dreamforge Games versuchen derzeit, ein neues Hartplastik-Fahrzeug für ihre Eisenkerne auf Kickstarter zu finanzieren.

This Kickstarter will fund the mold creation and initial production of the Eisenkern Grav-StuG.

The multi-part model kit will be produced in high impact polystyrene (HIPS) plastic and will require assembly using standard modeling tools and glue.  1/56 (28mm) Scale MSRP $55.00

Product availability outside the initial Kickstarter.

Product availability outside of Kickstarter will be limited. Only 100-300 units beyond the total needed to fulfill the Kickstarter will be run for post Kickstarter inventory. Some of that will be soaked up by the inevitable issues; damaged kits, mispacked or missing items from a kit and kits that were lost in transit and never made it to the backer.

How will this Kickstarter differ from some campaigns?

This is a very focused Kickstarter to produce a single kit. My primary goal to keep the per kit price as low as possible. To achieve this, stretch goals, add-ons and other marketing driven rewards will not be offered.

Retailer level rewards.

I am happy to support our retail partners with pledge levels dedicated to the retail and wholesale customers. If you run a FLGS or are a distributor and would like to participate, I offer bulk pricing discounts. We can have our partners in China ship to your chosen drop-shipper in China or Hong Kong to save on shipping costs, if you do not have a HK drop-shipper we can work with you to locate one.

* Retailers please note: The post Kickstarter availability will be extremely limited and restocks will not be an option. Please plan accordingly.
* Retailer level rewards are for brick and mortar stores. We want to support those who support our gaming community with walk in establishments and gaming outlets that directly interface with the gaming and hobby community.
* If you are an E-tailer or an online distributor or a retailer who would rather not back publicly through the pledge format, please message me here and I will get back to you ASAP.

In order to control cost vs. net, I must limit the number of discount kits offered within the campaign. Given the structure of Kickstarter and its funding goal limitations, (Pass/Fail), I must ensure the project is funded and that all costs have been accounted for.  

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Und so soll das Modell aussehen:

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Und hier die Abmessungen:

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The short infantry support gun (shown above) will be in the kit, the options below may or may not make it into the  final kit. This depends solely on the available space on the sprue, If we run out of room, one or more options may not be available…

Any barrels that do not make it on the sprue due to space constraints, will be available to backers as a water-tight .STL file (at no charge), for printing on their home printers or sending in to a service provider such as Shapeways.

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So sehen die Pledges aus:

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Und so die Pläne zum Porto:

Shipping charges and any tax/VAT or other charges related to importation to your destination country will be the responsibility of the backer.

Taxes/VAT are typically collected by invoice from your local mail carrier but may require a trip to your local post office to pay the required fees. These fees vary by your location so please make yourself aware of what to expect.

Shipping will be invoiced to the backers after the close of the Kickstarter.

I expect to invoice for shipping just prior to the fulfillment of backer rewards. Expect an invoice in late July or early August.
We won’t know the exact weight of the kit until I receive the T1 test shots from China with a box sample. I have estimated the weight based on our APC release. (while accounting for the size and sprue differences). Backers will be invoiced the actual shipping and handling charges that were billed to DreamForge to ship your rewards.

Retailer level rewards:

Retailers are also responsible for shipping and any associated tax/VAT of their destination country. If you do not have a drop-shipper in HK, I am to work with you to locate a suitable option. Please contact me if you require assistance.

Below are the current shipping cost ‚estimates‘ based on the backer reward levels. 

Shipping will be handled through HK post, using e-Express where available. e-Express service extends to the following countries:

United States, Canada, Brazil, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Israel, Russia, Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Macao, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.

If you do not see your country listed, the pledge will need to be sent by HK-Speed Post or HK-Air Parcel, both of which are substantially more expensive (roughly 4 to 6 times more than the e-Express fees). So please plan accordingly.

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Why Kickstarter?

Kickstarter allows for possibilities that may otherwise not be achievable. Tooling costs for plastic kits are outside the realm of many small companies such as DreamForge. Without crowd funding the capital required would be insurmountable.

Not every project will succeed. By utilizing Kickstarter, you the backer decide. Considering the sizable upfront costs of a venture such as this, it is far better to know in advance a product’s viability.

Why back now?

Due to the limited production run, availability outside of the Kickstarter is not guaranteed. The reason for this is the minimum order quantities required to initiate a production run and the additional costs for a small batch run. The kit may be made available in future Kickstarter’s as an add on item, after the close of that campaign. This will still require that we meet the product minimum order quantity.

The pricing on this kit will not get better post Kickstarter. I will need to pay to have any new runs sent from China to the US. This is an expense that often costs more than the initial production cost and will need to be folded into the kit price. I will not be running deep discount sales on these items. The inventory inherited from the WGF transition (My current kits and stock on hand) and my agreement with WGF allows for deep discount sales of existing stock. I will not have that option with any new production kits.
Shipping from the US to anywhere outside of the US, is EXTREMELY expensive; sometimes doubling the total purchase price.

It has been said, ”Support the art you enjoy”. Each success can build for the next, allowing DreamForge to release new kits, and in time, reach back into the existing catalog to rework and re-run some old favorites. Even if this kit is not one you see in your collection, perhaps you have a friend that would love one as a gift. Without your support, this kit will not see production as a plastic scale model.

An eye to the future:
The long-term goal is to have all molds reside within the US, allowing for local production and reducing the cost of delivery. Increasing the margin available for the health of the company and the flexibility in pricing or shipping discounts offered to the customer. Providing the margins necessary to re-enter the distribution network, so that we might see DFG kits available at your FLGS.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 22 Tage und hat rund ein Drittel ihres Ziels erreicht.

Quelle: DreamForge-Games Eisenkern Grav-StuG


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich würde mich wirklich freuen, wenn Dreamforge mit diesem Kickstarter wieder Fuß fassen und in eine aktivere Zukunft durchstarten könnten. Diese Firma hat das Hobby in Sachen Sci-Fi-Plastik echt bereichert!

    • Stehe ich voll dahinter, Christian…
      Mark hatte in einem der alten KS mal ein Bild des „Eisenkern-Universums“ gepostet, wo auch noch andere Fraktionen dargestellt wurden, wäre echt genial – zumindest in literarischer Form – etwas über die zu erfahren… vielleicht in einem Buch oder einer Reihe ähnlich Gaunts Ghosts oder so…
      Früher gab es mal „Renegade Legion“ mit 3 Bänden… sowas in der Art…

      Ansonsten werde ich meine Eisenkerne mit den StuGs stark erweitern… aktuell sind in den Kommentaren ja auch schon weitere Modelle ins Gespräch gebracht worden… vielleicht kommt – bei Erfolg – noch mal ein weiterer Kickstarter dafür…

  • I was hoping to pledge for your already released vehicles…but when I read the discribtion it sounds as if this isnt possible cost-wise

  • Sieht schon echt cool aus der Tank! Und die bisherigen Plastiksets von Dreamforge waren immer spitze. 🙂

  • Bilder mit den Abmessungen wären schön gewesen, wenn man ne alte Kettenstug nimmt wäre der Panzer 12cm lang. Welcher Wiederverkäufer kauft denn im Kickstarter 30 Stugs, bedienen sie den regulären Handel sonst nicht?

    • Ein Bild mit den Abmessungen findest du auf der Seite des KS.

      Und nein kein Einzelhandel nach dem KS weil des ein One Shoot ist. Und Läden wie Wayland nehmen auch schon mal bissle mehr.

      • Jupp… in einer Mail? stand mal, dass man von 1200 Modellen ausgeht, die produziert werden sollen… danach ist Ebbe..

        Also jetzt mitmachen, oder hoffen, dass man noch Reste bekommt.

  • Unpopuläre Meinung: Mir haben die Eisenkernmodelle noch nie gefallen, schon die Miniaturen fande ich damals optisch nicht ansprechend und die Fahrzeuge und Panzer muss man mögen. Das ist bei mir nicht der Fall.

    Dennoch haben sie und das erkenne ich an, gerade am Anfang als es los ging das viele kleinere Firmen entstanden und Alternativen anboten dazu beigetragen, dass es ein sehr vielseitiges und umfangreiches Sortiment an Alternativen gab. Ich erinnere mich daran, dass die Eisenkernmodelle die ersten nicht GW Modelle waren, die bei meinem Einzelhändler mit im Regal standen. Direkt neben der Imperialen Armee.
    Armeen mit Pig Iron Köpfen schossen aus dem Boden und mehr und mehr bestanden Armeen aus alternativen Modellen und trugen dazu bei den Markt zu öffnen, sowohl für alternative Modelle als auch immer eigene Spielsysteme, die unsere heutige Vielfalt im Tabletop ausmacht. In dem Sinne Danke dafür und viel Erfolg mit dem Kickstarter.

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