von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Crooked Dice: Pulp Kickstarter

Crooked Dice haben ihren zweiten Pulp! Kickstarter gestartet – diesmal ist das Thema Retro SF im Stil von Flash Gordon.

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Pulp Sci-Fi Heroes and Villains – 28mm Miniatures


Reach for the stars and expand your forces for 7TV: Pulp with a new range of retro sci-fi pulp miniatures from Crooked Dice!

With this campaign, we hope to fund the production of SIXTEEN highly detailed 28mm white metal miniatures to support the 7TV: Pulp skirmish game.

These miniature designs are based on the Star, Co-Star and Extra profiles from the 7TV: Pulp skirmish game.  However, while they complement the existing Crooked Dice range and 7TV skirmish rules, they are suitable for any pulp or sci-fi gaming settings.

Sculpts have been brought to life by the very talented Ernst Veingart and Ian Mountain and will be cast in white metal. If we are successful, we have a small number of stretch goals – also sculpted by Ernst. All miniatures are supplied unpainted.

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There are four simple miniature pledges to choose from:

  •  Space Monkey – just show your support and crooked love!
  •  Pulp Heroes Pledge – eight heroic archetypes!
  •  Pulp Villains Pledge – eight villainous archetypes!
  •  All In Pledge – all sixteen miniatures!

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Stretch Goals

While the campaign will be short and sweet, there’s always room for some extra rewards! So as some encouragement for our loyal backers, we have a series of small scenic objective markers useful for a variety of pulp settings, that will hopefully get unlocked at key funding milestones – plus some extra Add Ons to unlock for the discerning collector!

All backers who pledge for the Heroes, Villains or All In pledges (or make a minimum pledge of £30) will recieve the FREE stretch goals.

  •  2K UNLOCKED – The Canopic Jars are FREE to all backers. These ancient vessels contain the very power of the long dead pharoahs – only the foolish would tamper with them.
  •  4K UNLOCKED – The Big Score is FREE to all backers. Stuffed with moolah, this briefcase is either a pay-off or the ill-gotten gains from some hoodlums latest score.
  •  6K UNLOCKED – The Imperial Idol is FREE to all backers. Adorning the Emperor’s palace are these exquisite carvings of the glorious galactic leader. All Hail!
  •  8K UNLOCKED – The Crystal Skull is FREE to all backers. This peculiar relic is said to hark from another world and capable of bestowing unparalleled psychic power to those who can master its alien gifts.
  •  10K LOCKED – The 7TV: Menagerie of Terror profile deck ADD ON. This new 72 card deck for 7TV: Pulp consists of nearly 50 new printed profile cards for animals, dinosaurs and mythos creatures – plus 18 new perils! Just add £15 to your pledge to include this paid Add On in your rewards.
  •  12K LOCKED – The Atomic Device is FREE to all backers once unlocked. Wires, tumblers and a ticking countdown clock spell disaster for the world unless you can cut the right connection at the last moment!
  •  14K LOCKED – The Treasure Map is FREE to all backers once unlocked. No explorer’s camp would be complete without this makeshift table – containing map, compass and a reliable firearm.
  •  16K LOCKED – The Major Domo Drone is FREE to all backers once unlocked. No galactic conqueror can arrive without fanfare from this floating metal sycophant!
  •  18K LOCKED – The Kanshara Stones are FREE to all backers once unlocked. The three holy stones, venerated for their supernatural powers have fallen into the hands of an evil cult who would use the jewels for evil…

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There are also some existing pulp-related packs from the Crooked Dice back catalogue that you can add to your pledge. The costs for these are not included in any base pledges, so you will need to increase the value of your pledge for each add on you require. All Add Ons are supplied unpainted.


Der Kickstarter hat sein moderates Ziel erreicht und endet am 1. Dezember 2019 21:00 CET.


Link: Crooked Dice Pulp KS


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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