von BK-Herr Kemper | 31.03.2019 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Crooked Dice: Pulp Heroes & Villains Kickstarter

Für das kommende 7TV Pulp! finanziert Crooked Dice zwei Sets mit Helden & Bösewichten per Kickstarter.


Get ready for 7TV: Pulp with a new range of pulse-pounding pulp miniatures from Crooked Dice!

With this campaign, we hope to fund the production of TWELVE highly detailed 28mm white metal miniatures to support the upcoming release of the 7TV: Pulp boxed set in June 2019.

These miniature designs are based on the Star and Co-Star profiles from the forthcoming 7TV: Pulp game.  However, while they complement the existing Crooked Dice range and 7TV skirmish rules, they are suitable for any pulp, horror or modern gaming settings.

Sculpts have been brought to life by the very talented Ernst Veingart and will be cast in white metal. If we are successful, we have a small number of stretch goals – also sculpted by Ernst. All miniatures are supplied unpainted.

Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS

Pledge Level:

 There are four simple miniature pledges to choose from:

  •  Sidekick – just show your support and crooked love!
  •  Pulp Heroes Pledge – six heroic archetypes!
  •  Pulp Villains Pledge – six villainous archetypes!
  •  All In Pledge – all twelve miniatures!

Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS2

PULP HERO PLEDGE (left to right): Crusading Crimefighter, Renegade Royal, Cynical Gumshoe, Occult Investigator, Intrepid Adventurer and Jungle Paragon.

Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS3

PULP VILLAIN PLEDGE (left to right): Ancient Evil, Unholy Cardinal, Degenerate Monarch, Femme Fatale, Kingpin of Crime, Hulking Henchman.

Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS4

Stretch Goals:

While the campaign will be short and sweet, there’s always room for some extra rewards! So as some encouragement for our loyal backers, we have four small scenic objective markers that will hopefully get unlocked at key funding milestones.

  •  2K UNLOCKED – The Golden Idol is FREE to all backers. The centrepiece of any ancient, crumbling temple, the Golden Idol is as much trap as treasure. Sculpted by Ernst Veingart and cast in pewter.
  • 4k UNLOCKED – The Priceless Jewel is FREE to all backers. Displayed in museums or private collections, this enormous gemstone can attract unwanted attention from cat burglars and obsessive collectors.
  • 6k UNLOCKED – The Unholy Tome is FREE to all backers. This blasphemous text is rumoured to hold cosmic truths not meant for the human mind to comprehend.

Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS5 Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS6 Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS7 Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS8

Add Ons:

There are also some existing pulp-related packs from the Crooked Dice back catalogue that you can add to your pledge. The cost for these are not included in any base pledges, so you will need to increase the value of your pledge for each add on you require. All Add Ons are supplied unpainted.

Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS9 Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS10 Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS11

Wer sind „Crooked Dice“ und was ist 7TV : Pulp?

Crooked Dice Game Design Studio has been part of the wargaming hobby since 2010. We specialise in wargames rules and 28mm miniatures inspired by the many and varied iconic worlds of Cult TV and film. We have a range of over 400 miniatures and an extensive selection of resin terrain and vehicles.

We also publish the 7TV skirmish system. These fun and flexible, cinematic skirmish rules allow you to recreate any type of cinematic action on the tabletop. We currently have two settings Inch High Spy-Fi and Apocalypse and will be bringing 7TV: Pulp  to the tabletop in June 2019. The launch of this campaign is to help create miniatures to support that new game.

7TV: Pulp is a tabletop skirmish game inspired by the American cinema serials and pulp magazines of the 1930s and 1940s. It is the product of a unique collaboration between Crooked Dice Game Design Studio, developers of 7TV and 7TV: Apocalypse, and Creative Writing students from Edge Hill University in the northwest of England.

Crooked Dice Pulp Minis KS12

Link: Pulp Heroes & Villains Kickstarter


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    • Im Pulp-Spiel. Einige wenige Miniaturen sind offenbar angelehnt, die meisten aber frei entworfen nach Pulp Klischees.
      Ein weiblicher Indie ist bei den Pulp Heroes Nr 2 von rechts. Nummer eins von links ist ein weiblicher Shadow. Warum? Keine Ahnung, vielleicht weil es die „Originalen“ bereits bei anderen Herstellern gibt?
      Ich finde die Range jedenfalls super!

    • Da verweise mal auf den letzten Absatz.


      Pulp Alley würde mir spontan einfallen – schau mal im BK Archiv, da solltest du fündig werden.

      Als Regelwerk etwas älter – und nicht mein persönlicher Stil – 45. Adventures… es gibt da draußen also wirklich genügend Regelwerke.

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