von BK-Christian | 03.06.2019 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Creature Caster: Drakon

Von Creature Caster kommt eine neue gigantische Bestie.

CC Creature Caster Drakon 1 CC Creature Caster Drakon 2 CC Creature Caster Drakon 3 CC Creature Caster Drakon 4 CC Creature Caster Drakon 5 CC Creature Caster Drakon 6 CC Creature Caster Drakon 7 CC Creature Caster Drakon 8 CC Creature Caster Drakon 9 CC Creature Caster Drakon 10

Drakon – £112,80 VAT is included


The Drakyanns came from a lush jungle world, filled with gargantuan predators that made them seem weak and small by comparison. Much like humans, their species came to dominate the planet due to intelligence, not physical might. Poets, philosophers, scientists, musicians, engineers, artisans, and artists; the Drakyanns were all this and more. Blessed with lifespans that could measure tens of thousands of years, each Drakyann was the master of multiple disciplines. Brutal battles had been fought between warring tribes, but with age comes wisdom, and violent conflict had long been forgotten. They achieved an advanced civilization that existed in harmony and balance with the natural world.

Then the Demons came.

Each Drakon or Drakania, the leaders of their species, holds ultimate authority over their clutch of Drakyann. While they have a noble nature, existence within the demonic realms leaves little room for compassion. Whether just or cruel, they are always merciless dictators who cannot leave room for their authority to be challenged. Each Drakon has earned his or her place through both physical prowess and keen intelligence, and challenging them is almost always folly. As such, it is rare to see changes in the power structure of their race.

While some Drakyann have fallen into demonic servitude, most of their species is committed to exterminating all of demonkind. Each Drakon and Drakania is a peerless warrior capable of challenging the most dangerous of demons and emerging victorious. They are inherently resistant to demonic corruption and will utilize wards and blessings to cleanse and strengthen themselves and their clutch. Ancient, intelligent, and implacable, the Drakyann are the only non-demon creatures capable of survival in the demonic realms. Some amongst them believe it is not only possible to survive, but to one day thrive in such a place.

The Drakon is hand cast in pure, unfilled, resin. He comes with a custom 100mm round base and has a height of 17.7cm from the bottom of his scenic base to top of his horns. Model is unassembled and unpainted. Intended for ages 14+.

Quelle: Creature Caster


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Holy crap, is das Ding krass O_O

    Bei sonem Teil is ja sogar so ein Preis gerechtfertigt….

  • Sehr geiles Modell, aber bei der Nahaufnahme des Gesichts sieht man doch noch sehr deutlich die Treppeneffekte vom 3D Druck.

  • Großartig.
    Hab selber 2 Modelle von CC und muss sagen das die zum besten gehören, was ich jemals an resinbausätzen hatte, und gesehen habe.
    Die Qualität ist fantastisch

  • Bei der Kopf Variante mit Helm geht das mit den Treppeneffekten noch.
    Die Variante werde ich auch verbauen.

    • kann sehr gut sein, dass der Master nachgearbeitet und dann erst gegossen wird, dann gehen die Treppen weg.

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