von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.05.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Corvus Games Terrain: Junk Dealer

Eine Erweiterung für die „Pilgrim City“-Reihe gibt es von Corvus Games Terrain: den Junk Dealers Corral als STL Datei.

Corvus Games Terrain Junk Dealer Corvus Games Terrain Junk Dealer2 Corvus Games Terrain Junk Dealer3 Corvus Games Terrain Junk Dealer4

Pilgrim City Junk Dealers Corral Digital STL 3D printable – 20,00 EUR

„Are you on the hunt for a DX-120 hyperdrive? Or how about a stol .., eh, ’salvaged‘ conepot type generator for your home dwelling? Call into Davlo’s Junk Dealership and pick your up a bargain.“

This 3D printable terrain piece comes as 27 pieces to allow you create a huge modular compound however you like. The main Junk Dealer’s building prints as 3 parts for faster printing and features a ladder to the upper floor, allowing you to place your units with a higher line of sight. Brilliant companion piece to both the Pilgrim City bundle and the Pilgrim City Commerce Guild models

All the buildings have removable doors and roofs so you can place your miniatures inside. The supplied walls have a mixture of damaged, regular and greebie-attached pieces, with both corners and straights in the set.

The main entrance archway features a massive arch flanked by two taller towers, both of which print as 3 pieces. The archway has a ladder embedded at the back for access to the walkway, while the opening has plenty of room for units to fit through.
Also included are standalone items like a Cargo Pallet and a Walkway for connecting the Storage Building to the Garage Building.


Junk Dealers Building Lower – 191mm x 173mm x 68mm
Junk Dealers Building Upper – 140mm x 140mm x 61mm
Junk Dealers Building Roof – 99mm x 83mm x 28mm
Garage Building Lower – 193mm x 144mm x 86mm
Garage Building Roof – 158mm x 106mm x 13mm
Storage Building Lower – 92mm x 132mm x 68mm
Storage Building Roof – 80mm x 120mm x 25mm
Archway – 159mm x 92mm x 136mm
Tower Lower – 63mm x 110mm x 119mm
Tower Upper – 75mm x 87mm x 75mm
Tower Roof – 61mm x 87mm x 13mm
Straight Wall – 120mm x 32mm x 60mm

Link: Corvus Games Terrain

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Das Teil gefällt mir unglaublich gut… ich werde mir – wohl oder übel – doch mal einen 3D-Drucker zulegen müssen…

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