von BK-Christian | 20.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Colony 87: The Third Wave Kickstarter endet

Der aktuelle Kickstarter von Crooked Dice endet heute.

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Colony 87 had grown in power over the decades. It was now the most important centre for trade, industry, science and arts in the sector. Millions flocked to the Colony; the rich and the powerful, the ambitious and the desperate. There was a place for them all, no matter how high-born or lowly. 


The aim of this project is to produce NEW 28mm scale sci-fi civilian miniatures for the Colony 87 range for use in RPGs and tabletop wargames. Plus there is an opportunity to pick up the figures in the previous two successful kickstarter campaigns – and some new add-ons. This Kickstarter will enable the figures to be production moulded and cast in white metal.

The figures have been designed with a retro sci-fi aesthetic by fantasy illustrator Will Beck and sculpted by ace figure designers Michael Anderson, Micheal Lovejoy, John Pickford, Andrew May and Ernst Veingart. In addition to a new set of SIX civilians, there are new additional characters, pets and accessories available as Add Ons and Stretch Goals.

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Following the two previous Colony 87 kickstarters run by Jon Boyce, Crooked Dice are proud to be the new owners of this wonderful range of sci-fi civilians.

„I’m delighted that the Colony 87 range is finding a new home with Crooked Dice. Handing over the reins not only means that the range will be more easily accessible, but will hopefully see many more new additions and continued support. I can’t wait to see how things develop!“


The six new characters in this third campaign are another eclectic mix of citizens of Colony 87. 

As you would expect from a vibrant trading hub, it is possible to buy almost anything on the streets of Colony 87. Reputable merchants operate from permanent emporia or licenced stalls, whilst street vendors hawk cut-price goods delivered by trade ships from the Livid Nebula and beyond. Busy citizens browse the marketplace, or pass through en route to the spaceport – ready to travel offworld or make deliveries.

  • Socialites Syra & Ustina are barely seen apart. They engage in sampling the very best the colony has to offer. A permanent fixture at every party, function and soiree, who would ever suspect this delightful pair of anything untoward…
  • The genial Tech Trader Drok Henkman offers up pre-owned datatab, freshly wiped info-scrolls and other discarded tech items. No guarantees. No returns.
  • Courier Jak Fenwick knows all the best routes through the colony’s districts. Trusted as a safe pair of hands by such diverse clientele as the Port Authority,  the Dendrite Sisterhood and the Cousins Olinzi – Jak always delivers – no questions asked.
  • Pilot Freeman Liste is a member of the slave race grown to serve the Amphiran as deep space workers.  Having gained his freedom in unknown circumstances, Liste now runs independent charters with Captain Van Gaal – always accompanied by his felionid navigator, Zee.
  • Need safe passage across the Dog Wastes or undercut Orange Star’s import tariffs, then hire Helena van Gaal – the captain of the Serena Joy – a private hopper available for reliable charters and goods runs across the six planets.
  • As more jumps open to the Amphiran Pool Worlds, travellers increasingly return with exotic goods. This unfortunately brings them into contact with cantankerous customs official Adjunct Gilda Citlax. She has a form for everything.

The figures are 28mm to the eye (with some variation across the range) and scale well with other Crooked Dice figures.

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There are five simple pledges to pick from:

  •  REMOTE OBSERVATION – just show your support and remain a loyal citizen!
  •  ONE SET (six miniatures) – choose just ONE of the Colony 87 sets from Waves One, Two or Three!
  •  TWO SETS (twelve miniatures) – choose any TWO Colony 87 sets from Wave One, Two or Three!
  •  THREE SETS (all eighteen miniatures) – receive ALL THREE Waves!
  •  ALL IN – receive ALL THREE sets and Pet Merchant, Alien Pets and Containment Pen ADD ONs.
  •  CYBER/SECURITY – ***NEW*** Just receive the new cyberpunk figures:  FOUR Downtown Denizen figures DENIZENS,  FOUR Port Security Officers, 2 Hover Cars
  •  MEGA-PLEDGE – ***NEW*** Receive everything in the campaign! All THREE sets from the three waves in the Colony 87 range (18 figures) PLUS ALL Add Ons: Alien Pet Merchant, Alien Pets (3) and Containment Pen (4 pieces), 2 Hover Cars, Downtown Denizens (4 figures) and Port Security Officers (4 figures).

Das sind die Stretch Goals:

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While the campaign will be short and sweet, there’s always room for some extra rewards! So as some encouragement for our loyal backers, we have some extra sculpts of some alien creatures and citizens that will hopefully get unlocked at key funding milestones. One of each unlocked figure will be free available to all backers who pledge over £30.

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  •  2K UNLOCKED – KARLSTON is FREE to all backers. With his loyal robot companion ZoZu, Karlston waits patiently with his Aunt Octavia, ready to travel offworld to visit the Livid Nebula. Sculpted by John Pickford and cast in white metal.
  •  4k UNLOCKED – the TESTUDO BIRD is FREE to all backers. Imported from the Core Worlds for its delicious meat and rock-hard shell, this flightless creature is renowned for its stupidity. Sculpted by Andrew May and cast in white metal.
  •  6k UNLOCKED – the OWL-SHREW nest is FREE to all backers. These wingless mole-like mammals hover through a mild form of telekinesis. Attempting to catch these darting creatures is a popular game amongst children and street gamblers. Sculpted by Andrew May and cast in white metal.
  •  8k UNLOCKED – the HORNED URZ CUB is FREE to all backers. Fully grown, these prized alien bears are over 20 feet tall and are ferocious predators. Even as a cub the creature has to be restrained with a zencollar and muzzle for safety. Sculpted by Andrew May and cast in white metal.
  •  10k UNLOCKED – LUDO is FREE to all backers. This waif is a cunning pickpocket, waiting dough-eyed around the marketplace with her lovable ant puppy. She earns good coin pilfering from kind-hearted fools. Sculpted by John Pickford and cast in white metal.
  •  12k UNLOCKED – the FEATHERED HOPPER is FREE to all backers. A native of the colony’s southern rainforests, the luminous feathers of this adorable amphibian are worn by the dilettantes of the Spires as a vulgar mark of their wealth. Sculpted by Andrew May and cast in white metal.
  •  14k UNLOCKED – the SQUIPPET is FREE to all backers. An Amphiran import, this octopoid pet is genetically engineered to emit a range of empathic waves. Soothing to infants and also used by Baung junkies as a downer. Sculpted by Andrew May and cast in white metal.
  •  16k UNLOCKED – the AMBULATORY FUNGOID is FREE to all backers. Growing in the vast labyrinth of tunnels, sewers, Maran-Tchi cysts and chambers below the colony, it remains unkown if this sentient fungus is a native or mutation triggered by hazardous wastes. Sculpted by Andrew May and cast in white metal.
  •  18k UNLOCKED – the HOMUNCULID is FREE to all backers. A status symbol amongst the dynastic families, these gothic ‘pets’ are grown to order. Rumours persist of rogue packs of the creatures roaming the disused service tunnels under the Artists’ Quarter. Sculpted by Andrew May and cast in white metal.
  •  20k UNLOCKED – the NAN-O-BOT is FREE to all backers. Never be far from baby, with this domestic servobot beaming your face to your child over a range of six light years. Sculpted by Ernst Veingart and cast in white metal.
  •  22k LOCKED – the BOTCOT will be FREE to all backers at 22k. This hands-free, ion-powered mobile manger is perfect for the busy parent around town. Sculpted by Ernst Veingart and cast in white metal.
  •  24k LOCKED – the STREET VENDOR will be FREE to all backers at 24k. Feeling peckish while wandering around the marketplace, then pick up a snack from Lazlo Zhao, peddler of cronk-burgers, algaeslurps and bolafingers. Sculpted by Andrew May and cast in white metal.

Die Kampagne endet heute.

Quelle: Colony 87 – The Third Wave – 28mm Sci-Fi Civilians


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Bin echt noch am überlegen einzusteigen. Habe zwar noch keine Ahnung wofür ich die Miniaturen brauche, aber machen sich bestimmt gut für ein noch nicht genauer definiertes Projekt Nr. 1064 in der Projektwarteschlange.
    Erste Ideen für den Einsatz sind, als NPC`s auf meinen nicht vorhandenen Infinity oder Star Wars Legion Spieltischen 😉

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