von BK-Bob | 13.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

City of Jordoba Gelände Kickstarter

Zurzeit gibt es einen 3D-Druck Gelände Kickstarter mit Cthulhu Feeling

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This is not your ordinary „fantasy city“ — it’s built on sword & sorcery fiction, not on „high fantasy.“ Sword & sorcery fiction – the heart of D&D – isn’t really set in the worlds of Tudor and Gothic architecture. For example, Conan strides through realms that are mostly akin to the Fertile Crescent and Africa — nothing like Merry Olde England. Fafyrd and the Grey Mouser swagger around in cities based on Alexandria, Tyre, and Seville. This is the realm of the Black Company, not the the Fellowship. Not only is sword & sorcery fiction „based“ outside of Western Europe, it takes imaginary versions of these places and adds the strange, the weird, and the alien.

Who better to portray the strange, the weird, and the alien than famed D&D artist Erol Otus? For our fantasy city we’ve teamed up Erol Otus as a concept artist, Iain Lovecraft as the sculptor and designer, and Matt Finch as concept artist and designer. Our objective — to offer a swords & sorcery city that’s different from anything else out there.

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After dark, the citizens of Jordoba avoid the Octopus Fountain …

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Cult following? Yeah, pretty close. Erol’s work on early D&D art includes the cover of the Basic Set and the famous Cthulhu Mythos section of Deities and Demigods that TSR removed from the book in later printings. He has, let’s say, a reputation for weird, phantasmagorical imagery, which made him perfect for what we wanted to do with this Kickstarter. We got Erol to do a lot of the concept art upon which this Kickstarter is based, with contributions from Matt Finch. Iain Lovecraft’s well-known work as a 3D sculptor/designer is, of course, present throughout.

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A typical market scene at Jordoba. Composed with separate miniatures and props available in the set.

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 There are two Core Sets at the base of the Kickstarter: the Bazaar of the Bizarre, and the Den of Thieves. Each can be purchased separately (with no stretch goals) or both can be purchased together — in which case the backer gets all of the stretch goals. Pieces shown as add-ons may be purchased in the Backerkit after the Kickstarter. It is not necessary to add the price of add-ons to your pledge (although you can). Money can be added during the Backerkit phase to purchase whichever add-ons you decide you want.

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The pieces from this Kickstarter can be combined to create a vast, strange city for your RPG of choice. It’s not just D&D – consider it for Call of Cthulhu or Savage Worlds, just as a couple of examples!

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Get your hands out of the picture!

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Domes and turret-tops from our list of stretch goals fit all the turrets of the city, allowing customization and variation.

Und das sind die beiden Core Sets:

The two core sets are the Bazaar of the Bizarre and the Den of Thieves. These boxes show the contents of the Core Sets only — to see unlocked and upcoming Stretch Goals, scroll past the Core Sets. Models are in 28mm scale.

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Bazaar of the Bizarre

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Den of Thieves

The Den of Thieves is the core of Jordoba’s highly-modular building set. The core pieces can be rearranged in several different configurations — for simplicity, all of our pictures show half of a courtyard. If you print the pieces a second time, the two sets will connect up into a complete, symmetrical courtyard. By using the stretch goal pieces, you can create tremendous variations (as well as building streets and other arrangements, of course).

Ein Core Set Pledge kostest 30,00 USD und beinhalten keine Stretch Goals.

Das All-In Pledge:

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Das All-In Pledge kostet 59,00 USD und beinhaltet alle Stretch Goals.

Die Stretch Goals:

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Und die Add Ons:

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Add-ons are products you can purchase by ordering them in BackerKit after the Kickstarter. You can add the cost to your pledge now, or add it to your pledge once you receive the BackerKit when the Kickstarter is complete.

Auch gibt es einige Bilder von Testdrucken:

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FDM Test Print of palm, no supports.

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Resin Printed Palms, can also be printed upright with no support structure.

Der Kickstarter ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 7 Tage.

Quelle: City of Jordoba: 3D Printable Terrain by Otus and Lovecraft


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Mal eine ganz blöde Frage: Warum werden beim SLA-Druck die Objekte immer schräg gedruckt? Um die Kontaktfläche zur Platte möglichst gering zu halten, damit man das gedruckte Objekt nachher problemlos wieder abbekommt?

    • Bei SLA ist höhe Zeit. Je höher das Objekt desto mehr Schichten und Zeit. Das ist der grosse Unterschied zu FDM. Die Zeit bleibt gleich ob du jetzt 1 Mini druckst oder 10, solange sie auf das Druckbett gehen.

      Ich drucke Minis aber auch oft aufrecht. Kommt aber die die Supports an. Hier besteht halt oft die Gefahr, das untersupportete Bereich wegbrecken. Ganz Flach zu drucken geht auch, geht aber nur vielen Supports. So muss man ebene Flächen rotieren oder heftig supporten sonst kommts zu durchhängern.

  • Umkehrschluss, große Fläche, das das Objekt an der auf dem Kopfstehenden Druckplatte gut hält. Abbekommen ist nie wirklich ein Problem.

  • Ich freue mich schon darauf im Alter mit nem rundum sorglos 3D Drucker meinen Lebensabend zu verbringen. 😀

    Das Set hier ist sehr cool, aber mir fehlt irgendwie der Lovecraft Bezug… von dem einen Brunnen mal abgesehen.

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