von BK-Bob | 20.09.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Citizens of the Old World Kickstarter

Zurzeit läuft ein Kickstarter für Fantasy Zivilisten aus Resin und als STL von HeresyLab.

HERESYLAB – Many years in the hobby, covering all aspects of it, and with 20 years of experience in manufacturing metal, resin and plastic models. In the past 18 months I have designed over 80 models for our range, and delivered over 60000 miniatures to our backers and customers, facing some rough circumstances and unexpected issues. To include last one HG2.0 were we delivered 16000 miniatures (1250 packages) on schedule.

Axia – one of the brains behind this project and is following its aspect and style. Commission painter and head of Axia painting studio, until last November was part of the Forgeworld ‚Eavy metal team. Before that he worked with several companies and he wants now to put his experience in developing a line of grimdark, low fantasy models that can fit several games, ranging from miniatures games to pure rpg ones.

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Citizens of the Old World will begin with 10 figures and expand to add more figures, add-ons, and freebies based on funding. If a picture is worth a thousand words than these images should speak for themselves.

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Our team has many years of experience in miniature design and production. We understand that there is no better way to judge the quality of a model than to hold it in your own hands. The proportions and every detail of a model is best experienced in person. When sculpting we do it with our experience and utilize some of the best techniques and machines available to produce the final models.

1 – DETAILS – Yes, a rendered image looks great, but how well will it paint? We balance details by not overcrowding them and knowing that simple clean lines will produce better finished results both in production and painting.

2RENDERS – Renders are just the beginning. All of our models are printed at a high quality for evaluation after they are initially designed. We inspect these test prints to ensure that details and proportions are as intended before committing them to production.

3SCALE – Not too big not too small –  We want our models to be compatible with the majority of game systems currently on the market. Presently the most common scale has become 32mm.

4PRODUCTION – It is not easy to produce the high quality of detail that we aim for in resin models. Knowledge, experience and dedication come together to enable us to achieve this goal. A significant part of our success in production starts in the design process. clean lines and the right quantity of individual pieces enable a higher quality of production.

5MATERIAL – For this project we have selected some of the highest quality resin available on the market. Our resin will withstand heat and will also be as flexible as possible. All to help your models avoid actual damage on the battlefield.

6 – UNIQUENESS – One thing we’ve learned is that each model is different and we approach every new piece with the understanding and expectation that it must be optimized in a unique way. We could write a book covering all of the considerations that come into play for each model, but instead we will just put that experience to work.

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Worried about details?

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Or size? We are sizing all the models to fit the most recent games on the market.

Zu den Pledges:

Citizens Of The Old World Pledges 1

In the past Kickstarters we offered 3D printed models as an option for larger scale. This Kickstarter will offer the same service for the models not produced in resin, these will be handled after the Kickstarter and limited to a set number of copies.
If you want a 54mm specific model not available in resin please contact us to reserve a spot, these will be limited. All 3D printed models will be printed at the max resolution with a Formlabs 2 printer, and supplied with the supports and cured.

Citizens Of The Old World Pledges 2

With your pledge you have the option to replace your miniatures with the digital copy of them. Level Noble gives you 11 models and all stretch goals related to them.

In the pledge manager you will be given the choice to choose the digital option. Backers choosing the STL digital version will receive a download link for the files that will allow you to print the models on any 3D printer that supports STL format files. You will get the same files we use to print our models for production, and all related upgrades and options.

Purchasing the STL files „WILL NOT“ grant you permission to use them for commercial use. You will not be able to sell the files, the prints or models or any derivative from such files for profit.

Add Ons:

Citizens Of The Old World Add Ons

This KS will have a few add-on models, mostly 54mm versions of the actual models. The past Kickstarers we had several backers asking for 3D printed large scale models. Offering resin copies will not only reduce the price for them, but will also give you a higher quality model.

The first model available is: AX008 – Taqui el Agha as a 25€ Add-On or 27€ Stand Alone model.

Stretch Goals:

Citizens Of The Old World Stretch Goals


Citizens Of The Old World Versand

Shipping costs for rewards will be charged after the campaign and added in the pledge manager. This approach allows us to charge only the actual shipping costs incurred, which will vary based on how many miniatures you select. For 8 or more miniatures the shipping price will include 3 to 5 days delivery with a Courier. Online tracking will be provided.
Please note shipping charges are approximate and may vary by the time we are ready to ship, but we are confident that they will stay the same as we have been using this courier for all our shipping.

Der Kickstarter ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 20 Tage.

Quelle: Citizens of the Old World – Resin and STL by HeresyLab


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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