von BK-Christian | 01.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Burrows & Badgers: Neuer Kickstarter

Es gibt wieder diverse Tiere bei Kickstarter.

We love miniatures. We love tabletop games. We love anthropomorphic animals, from Disney’s Robin Hood through The Wind in the Willows to Brian Jaques‘ Redwall books. So we combined the things we love in our Burrows & Badgers tabletop skirmish game and the accompanying range of miniatures. And our Kickstarter backers have already helped us to grow the range to over 100 miniatures – but now it’s time to add some more!

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Why are we making more miniatures?

Because we want more characters for our Burrows & Badgers games – my Freebeast warband needs reinforcements, for a start!

And we know a lot of other people are looking for more anthropomorphic animal miniatures too. A lot of people are playing Burrows & Badgers now, and many of them have asked for Massive Hounds and a Massive Raptor, so we’ve sculpted them! Some will want to use them for other tabletop or roleplaying games, while others love painting miniatures, and our figures are perfect for that, full of character ready to be brought to life with your paintbrush….

And some people just love collecting miniatures; again, we’ve made this new set of Burrows & Badgers figures perfect for collectors. They are all single piece models, with integral bases, so there are no fiddly parts to be glued on.

We love making miniatures; we hope you’ll love our miniatures too.

Why we need your help…

We’ve got 17 new miniatures sculpted, but they need to have moulds made before we can start producing the miniatures. And that’s why we need funding; to get the production moulds made, and get the casting process started.

About the miniatures…

There are other ranges of anthropomorphic animal miniatures out there, but ours are a little different. We didn’t want all the races of animals to be the same size. Instead, we’ve scaled them to each other; so a shrew or a mouse is a very small model, about 20mm tall, and a really big animal like a badger will stand about 50mm tall, for example.

Each sculpted figure shown below has a scale picture with it, showing its height in millimetres. All our models are supplied unpainted.

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The Pledges

We’re keeping it as simple as possible; there’s an ‘All-in’ pledge, which gets you all the new miniatures in this Kickstarter, and any bonus bits that may come along… there’s also a ‘Pick’n’Mix’ Pledge, if you just want to get a few of the new miniatures. For the Pick’n’Mix, just total up the prices of all the miniatures you want, and pledge for that amount. There’s a minimum pledge of £10.

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Pictures of the miniature sculpts

Below you can see pictures of each of the miniatures, and there’s a scale image at the bottom right of each picture to show the height of the model in millimetres. There’s also a price at the bottom of each picture, for the Pick’n’Mix pledge, or to add extra models to an ‘All-In’ pledge, if you wanted to.

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Painted examples

The miniatures are supplied unpainted, but we’ve painted a few to show off possible colour schemes…

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Shipping costs are included in the pledge costs, wherever you are in the world; though bear in mind you are responsible for any Customs charges or import duties applied by your country.

Die Kampagne endet in drei Tagen.

Quelle: Burrows & Badgers: Great & Small anthro minis by Oathsworn


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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