von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.06.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Brigade Models: SF Neuheiten

Brigade Models veröffentlicht SF Neuheiten.

Brigade Models BP300 108 Brigade Models SlammersArtillery Brigade Models NonesuchGate Brigade Models B300 184 2 Brigade Models B300 185 1 Brigade Models B300 180 1 Brigade Models B300 184 3

Compound Walls

For safety and security, colonists have often enclosed their new settlements with walls to keep out local predators (and raiding gangs!). Today we’re releasing sets of wall sections in our 1/300th Desert Buildings rangeso you can keep your own micro-settlers safe from harm.

The sturdy walls are 21mm high and come in lengths of 80mm or 40mm. The L-shaped ends are designed so that they can be assembled either way round. There are two lengths of wall, two types of corner and a gateway. There are also two very useful defensive pieces – an open watchtower and a small gun tower with a number of turret options. The Town Walls set (above) contains thirteen pieces that will enclose an area 240x200mm.

The walls would also work in 15mm as much smaller pieces for making compounds, gardens etc. The gateway is just about tall enough to allow 15mm figures to walk through.

BP300-108 – Town Wall Set – £11.00
B300-180 – Long Wall Sections (x4) – £4.00
B300-181 – Short Wall Sections (x4) – £2.50
B300-182 – Corner Sections (x4) – £4.00
B300-183 – Curved Corner Sections (x4) – £4.00
B300-184 – Open Gateway – £1.50
B300-185 – Watchtower (x2) – £3.00
B300-185 – Gun Tower (x2)- £2.00

Brigade Models BunkersRelease


I had a couple of days off last week, hence no new release on Friday (and I’m also a bit behind on orders, most will be posted today but there are a couple left over – but everything should ship by the end of this week).

Catching up with the release today, and continuing with the plan of having plenty of new 6mm stuff for Joy of Sixnext month, we have four new 1/300th scale bunkers today. There’s a Turret Bunker with lots of options for the turret, a smaller AA Bunker, again with different turret options, a pair of twin Checkpoints and a Command Bunker.

B300-1002 – Turret Bunker – £1.25
B300-1003 – Checkpoint – £1.25
B300-1004 – Command Bunker – £1.00
B300-1005 – AA Bunker – £1.25

Link: Brigade Models

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Nachdem ich immer fleissig deren Türme, auf Bunker anderer Hersteller geklebt hatte, kommen die nun mit eigenen Bunkern um´s Eck. Na, eine Bestellung, wird noch vor dem Brexit drin sein.

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