von BK-Christian | 02.05.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Breachstorm: Kickstarter Relaunch

Der Kicstarter von Breachstorm ist zurück.

The guns of conflict are silent… but in the shadows a war still rages.

Breachstorm is a 30mm scale sci-fi skirmish miniature game that pits small teams of 6-8 elite troopers against each other over asymmetric, narrative objectives.  The game features a range of highly detailed, resin & pewter miniatures.

Breachstorm originally launched with the Zhren’thrar Prides and Homeworld Confederacy factions in January, 2019 with a successful pre-order on breachstorm.com.

The Breachstorm: Reloaded campaign seeks to add new miniatures to the range, including a new faction in the insectoid Volucrid Host.  Funds from this campaign will go towards any remaining digital sculpting and manufacture necessary to complete the new miniatures and next print-run of the existing sets.

The first preorder fulfilled completely within 6 weeks, and are committed to delivering a similar turnaround time once the final design work is completed.

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Breachstorm features a range of highly detailed miniatures cast pewter and pre-colored resin in a 30mm scale that fits seamlessly into most popular miniature ranges.

See a full gallery of Breachstorm miniatures on the online store here.

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Breachstorm miniatures are multi-part, but easy to assemble and customize with your own poses.

Kickstarter Exclusives:

These limited-edition sculpts are only available during the campaign. All limited edition poses can be added to your pledge as described in „Add-ons“ below.

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Infos zu den Spielregeln:

During the game you must fight through your opponent’s team to score Victory Points according to your chosen objective, while stopping your opponent from completing theirs first!


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Your troops are lead by several battlefield commanders known as Field Officers.  During the game players take turns activating Field Officers who can in turn command your regular infantry to activate alongside them while buffing them with powerful Order abilities.

This turn structure incorporates resource token management and ensures that neither player is out of the fight for long.

The layout of the battlefield is determined by simple, but impactful terrain templates that are set up by the players before the game starts.  Setting up a battlespace that’s conducive to your game plan gives your team an important boost once the operation starts.

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Add-ons gibt es auch:

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Und das sind Infos zu den Fraktionen:

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The terrifying Volucrid Host is a migratory insectoid species that poses a constant threat to the civilizations of the galactic spur, who must quickly eliminate their scouts and give their lumbering colonization fleets a wide berth lest they invite invasion. More numerous than the elite teams of other factions, the unique Consume mechanic allows Volucrid combat strains to power their abilities using the bodies of their allies and project blisteringly fast waves of aggression.

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The Homeworld Confederacy is the single largest human government within the Spur – controlling hundreds of inhabited systems and trillions of citizens.  Teams deployed by the Homeworld Confederacy rely on teamwork and the ranged superiority afforded by their cutting-edge military technology to achieve victory. Acting as a cohesive unit, Homeworld fire teams use overlapping buffs to synergize together and devastate even the toughest opponents.

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The Zhren’thrar Prides are a feudal collection of autocratic nation-states, grounded in ideals of personal and collective honor. Teams of Zhren’thrar packwarriors are fearsome close-range combatants. Using powerful plasma weaponry and the Fury token mechanic, Zhren’thrar troops become more powerful if their comrades are cut down in pursuit of an honorable death.

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Und das sind die Stretch Goals:

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Upon completion of the campaign, all pledges must be confirmed on our Breachstorm pledge manager.  A link and instructions to confirm your pledge will be provided when the campaign concludes.  Additional add-ons can be added at this stage.

Shipping is NOT included in the cost of pledge levels, but will be calculated using the pledge manager at the end of the campaign.  Shipping costs will vary based on your location and the size of your pledge; see estimates below:

  •  US   $8-14
  •  Canada   $15-25
  •  UK/Europe   $20-30
  •  Rest of the World   $25-40

All shipments will be fulfilled from our Beverly, MA facility using USPS.

If you’d prefer a different carrier, contact us immediately upon the conclusion of the campaign.  Alternate carriers will incur additional charges.  Free local pickup is also available.

Die Kampagne endet in 15 Tagen.

Quelle: Breachstorm: Reloaded – Resin Sci-fi Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Krass was die Einfärbung ausmacht!
    Die rote Mini macht einen deutlich besseren eindruck als die Blaue. Wobei die Arme viel zu lang erscheinen.

    • Ja den Effekt habe Ich bei Star Saga schon mal bemerkt.
      Da haben alle erst geschimpft dass die Minis nicht auf den Niveau der Walking Dead Minis sind. Wenn man sie aber Grundiert hatte waren die von einer ähnlichen Qualität. Ist schon ein krasser Unterschied was die Farbe da auslöst. Ist mir beim 3D Druck jetzt auch wieder aufgefallen.

  • Die Volucriden sind ja mal ein nettes Alien-Konzept. Die hätte ich gerne solo für 40k-Setting…:D

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