von BK-Thorsten | 10.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Blotz: Neuheiten

Bei Blotz gibt es jede Menge Neuheiten.

Blotz GaslandsLargeTemplate 01 Blotz GaslandsLargeTemplate 02

Gaslands Template (Large) – 1,00 GBP (MDF); 1,25 GBP (Acryl, Farbe wählbar)

A single large template suitable for use with the game of Gaslands by Osprey games to represent oil slicks, glue droppers, flame throwers, etc.

Blotz GaslandsSmallTemplate 01 Blotz GaslandsSmallTemplate 02

Gaslands Template (Small) – 0,50 GBP (MDF); 0,80 GBP (Acryl, Farbe wählbar)

A single small templates suitable for use with the game of Gaslands by Osprey games to represent caltrops, mines, etc.

Blotz GaslandsLargeEffectBases

Gaslands Effects Bases (Large) (set of 3) (MDF) – 1,50 GBP

A set of 3 bases matching the „large template“ suitable for use with the game of Gaslands by Osprey games which can be used to create scenic items to represent oil sticks, glue droppers, flame throwers, etc.

Blotz GaslandsSmallEffectBases

Gaslands Effects Bases (Small) (set of 3) (MDF) – 1,00 GBP

A set of 3 bases matching the „small template“ suitable for use with the game of Gaslands by Osprey games which can be used to create scenic items to represent caltrops, mines, etc.

Blotz GaslandsRacingGates

Racing Gates #2 (Start / Finish) – 4,00 GBP

A pair of racing gates with Start / Finish signs suitable for use with games such as Gaslands by Osprey Games.

Height: 75mm
Width: 212mm
Distance between uprights: 80mm
Internal height of arch: 57mm

Blotz WildWestSurgeon15mm 01 Blotz WildWestSurgeon15mm 02 Blotz WildWestSurgeon15mm 03

Surgeon / Barber (15mm) – 5,50 GBP

This is Old West store, which an either be „Dr Brown Surgeon“ or „Goodmans Barber“. It is a single storey building with a tar paper roof.

Width: 52mm
Depth: 85mm
Height: 54mm

Blotz WildWestWesternUnion15mm 01 Blotz WildWestWesternUnion15mm 02

Western Union / Bakery (15mm) – 5,50 GBP

This is Old West store which can be either a „Western Union“ or „Jacksons Bakery“. It is a single storey building with a sloped plank roof.
The doors are hinged so will open / close.

Width: 52mm
Depth: 85mm
Height: 60mm

Blotz WildWestGenericStore15mm 01 Blotz WildWestGenericStore15mm 02

Generic Store (15mm) – 5,50 GBP

This is 15mm scale Old West generic store, which is a single storey building with a sloped plank roof.

Width: 52mm
Depth: 85mm
Height: 58mm

Blotz Doors1 01 Blotz Doors1 02 Blotz Doors1 03

Blotz Doors2 01 Blotz Doors2 02 Blotz Doors2 03

Blotz Doors3 01 Blotz Doors3 02 Blotz Doors3 03

Doors (28mm) 1, 2 und 3 – je Set 2,50 GBP

A set of three 28mm scale doors designed to be added to an existing building to give more detail to it.
They have the look of an industrial door with a wheel lock.
Suitable for use with games such as 40K, Infinity, Dredd, Warmachine, Necromunda, etc.

Quelle: Blotz


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Das mit den Türen meinen die nicht ernst, oder? No.1 ist super und ich werd den gerne mein Geld geben, aber die anderen beiden Versionen sehen sehr lieblos und detailarm aus. 🙁

    • Ja, das finde ich auch.
      „Hm, ja die Tür ist gut. Mach mal schnell noch zwei alternativen. Und mal noch nen cadianer an!“

  • Nicht übel, die Gaslands-Sachen hatte ich mir per Email gewünscht und zwei Tage später sind sie im Shop so dass ich sie regulär bestellen konnte. Simon und Sue sind echt total kundennah, ich mag den Laden!

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