von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Black Site Studios: Neuheiten

Back Site Studios veröffentlich neue Gelände-Sets.


Black Site Studio 3567 West Cedars Apartment Building Black Site Studio 3567 West Cedars Apartment Building2 Black Site Studio 3567 West Cedars Apartment Building3 Black Site Studio 3567 West Cedars Apartment Building4 Black Site Studio 3567 West Cedars Apartment Building5

Black Site Studios – 3567 West Cedars Apartment Building – 69,99 USD

Featuring an ocean view, security gate, and private car park, this icon of the Hollywood skyline is no stranger to real life dramatic events. Designed and built by the famous J. W. Kaufman, this large sprawling apartment building is home to various celebrities and socialites, many of whom pay a premium for this discreet location.

Black Site Studio  The Forgotten Overpass Ramp Black Site Studio  The Forgotten Overpass Ramp2 Black Site Studio  The Forgotten Overpass Ramp3

Black Site Studios – The Forgotten Overpass Ramp – 49,99 USD

Once the fastest way to travel from Storer City to any of the other large metropolitan areas, these broken highways are all that’s left of the main arteries that ran all across the USA…

Now just decaying havens for traders, mutants and bandits, these raised bastions can offer a traveler a chance to gain a vantage point over the lowly monsters that lurk the blasted landscapes.

Black Site Studio  The Forgotten Overpass Ramp4

Black Site Studios – The Forgotten Overpass Walkways – 13,99 USD

It’s amazing how useful a little scrap wood and sheet metal can be in the apocalypse. Almost as useful as a towel.

Link: Black Site Studios

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • ein echt schönes Haus. Und auch noch interessant bespielbar, selbst wenn man nicht ins Innere geht

  • Gefällt mir auch sehr das kommt mir auf jeden Fall nach Hause.

    Der Preis ist für ein so großes Prepainted Geländestück sogar sehr fair.

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