von BK-Marcel | 07.03.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

Black Library: Maledictions

Es gibt erste Infos zur Warhammer Horror Reihe der Black Library.

BL Horror

Warhammer Horror is nearly here. Later this month, this new range of stories from the 41st Millennium and the Mortal Realms will hit shelves, bringing you a host of terrifying tales that will give you a new perspective on your favourite universes. Among the launch titles is Maledictions, an anthology that includes 11 short stories from across both settings. Here to tell you more about what’s coming is Hannah, the editorial mastermind at Black Library behind Warhammer Horror.


Hannah: Maledictions is our inaugural collection of spine-chilling short stories. In this anthology, we welcome back long-established Black Library authors such as David Annandale, Graham McNeill, and C L Werner, and introduce a host of new and highly-regarded horror writers including Cassandra Khaw, Paul Kane and Lora Gray.

All have delved into the shadowy recesses of their imaginations to bring you flesh-creeping tales of the weird and uncanny. Their stories will expose nightmares, detail the macabre and possess the minds of hapless victims. They feature creatures whose baleful malevolence will freeze the blood in your veins. This collection sets the sinister tone of Warhammer Horror and displays the full diversity of dread experienced by those who suffer the 41st Millennium and endure the Mortal Realms.

From Gothic tales of grief and tragedy and harrowing accounts of psychological torment to murderous hauntings and bizarre, cosmic horrors, we’re taken on a terrifying and emotional journey to discover the wakeful terror of life in the Warhammer universes.

Thank you, Hannah. Maledictions will be available to pre-order in paperback and eBook formats on the 23rd of March, and in stores on the 30th. Alongside it will be two more titles, which we’ll talk about in more depth soon – but today, we can also reveal that the horror doesn’t end there…

Over the next few months, Warhammer Horror will be bolstered with some classic Warhammer stories by a master of the genre. Kim Newman’s Genevieve the Vampire tales, set in the world-that-was, are among the original Warhammer fiction, with the inaugural novel Drachenfels even predating Black Library itself. It, along with sequels Genevieve Undead, Beasts in Velvet and Silver Nails, will be joining the Warhammer Horror range in brand-new editions, including new introductions by Kim Newman.

BLMaledictaions Drachenfels

Later in 2019, when the nights start to draw in and darkness falls, Warhammer Horror will rise once again from the grave for a season of chilling adventures, with three novels delving into the darkest depths of the Warhammer universes. Josh Reynolds will detail the Dark Harvest, David Annandale will open the doors to The House of Night and Chain, and C L Werner will venture into the Castle of Blood. In addition to these, a new short story anthology and more audio dramas will ensure that you have plenty of terrifying tales to keep you huddled under the bedsheets with a book all winter long.


Link: Warhammer Community


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  • Will man einem da wirklich Drachenfels als „Horrorgeschichte“ verkaufen? Das finde ich ja gruselig … 😂

    • Es ist ein eine Weile her, dass ich Drachenfels gelesen habe, aber ich denke schon, dass er etliche Elemente klassicher Horrorliteratur sowie ihrer Subgenres wie der Gothic Noviel enthält.

      • Einer der wenigen Romane die ich gerne mehrfach gelesen habe. Auch wenn die Vampirdarstellung etwas schief auf mich wirkte, so sind die Geschichten um Genevieve Dieudonné mit meine Liebsten in Warhammer. Ich sag nur Herr Breughel 🙂

        Und ja, es ist wohl kein klassischer Horror, aber sehr sehr stark im Gothic-Genre anzusiedeln.

  • Drachenfels fand ich super! Vor 20+ Jahren. Wie der Roman gealtert ist, kann ich gar nicht sagen… Bin gespannt auf die Reihe, das Konzept gefällt mir. Aber eigentlich nur der 40k Teil. AOS ist mir viel zu bunt und kindisch um vernünftige Horror Stories zu bringen. Lasse mich aber gern positiv überraschen.

    • Ich hab Drachenfels grad nochmal gelesen. Man merkt schon, dass es noch die alte Alte Welt ist. Da hat sich bis zum Weltuntergang schon nochmal einiges verändert…

      Aber macht immer noch Spaß 🙂

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