von BK-Bob | 10.09.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Battle Bits: Rattenmenschen Bit Kickstarter

Zurzeit läuft ein Kickstarter für Rattenmenschen Umbausätze.

Battle Bits, Who are we?

Battle Bits is an independent organisation and producer of wargaming parts and gaming accessories.

Our Mission

Our mission is is simple – We want to provide you with high quality conversion sets, parts and gaming accessories on the market.

Battle Bits – Ratmen Conversion Sets


Box 1 – Gunrat Conversion Set This fantastic set contains enough parts to convert 6 miniatures (3 teams).

Box 2 – Globerat Conversion Sets This fantastic set contains enough  parts to convert 5 miniatures.

In order to keep things simple, our pledges are sold in quantities of boxes.  The more boxes you buy of any combination, the cheaper the boxes become.  Simply decide how many boxes you want and pledge away!

We will identify how many boxes of each type of box 1 and box 2 you require in the survey, so you don’t have to worry about that now!

Please note: The digital boxes are visual representations of the kits and are not representations of the final product.  

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 1

RRP Price Per Box:£16

1+ Boxes Kickstarter Price:£14 (per box)

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 2

RRP Price Per Box:£16

3+ Boxes Kickstarter Price:£13.50 (per box)

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 3

RRP Price Per Box:£16

6+ Boxes Kickstarter Price: £13 (per box)

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 4

RRP Price Per Box:£16

9+ Boxes Kickstarter Price: £12.50 (per box)

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 5

RRP Price Per Box:£16

12+ Boxes Kickstarter Price: £12 (per box)

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 6

RRP Price Per Box:£16

15+ Boxes Kickstarter Price: £11.50 (per box)

Pledges on kickstarter have to be to the nearest £, so where applicable we have rounded pricing down for you. 

Prices for 1-15 boxes are listed in the rewards for you.

Product details 

The items will be cast in high quality pewter or white metal, the reason we chose these over any other material is durability, price and quality. As these are conversion sets, we wanted to offer you the ability to manipulate the parts to fit your existing parts as much as possible.  We will be testing metals once moulds are produced, to give you the best possible product for your money.

The Parts 

Please note: We may alter some of the renders before production.  If we do, they will be minor changes and shouldn’t change the overall aesthetics of the parts. 


Set 1 – Gunrats 

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 7

3 Heads

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 8

 3 Guns

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 9

3 Shields & 3 Shield Arms


Set 2 – Globethrowers

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 10

5 Heads

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 11

5 Backpacks

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter 12

3 Double Arms, 1 Right Hand Globe, 1 Left Hand Globe, 1 Right Hand Dagger & 1 Left Hand Dagger

Keeping things simple

We know we have a fantastic starting product and to enable us to produce the models quickly and to the highest quality, we want to keep our first kickstater project both manageable and deliverable.

Depending on the success of the campaign, we do have a few stretch goals that we can introduce. We have however limited these to what we know is deliverable, given the production and delivery schedule laid out below.

Stretch Goals:

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter Stretch Goals 1


Work in progress: This will be a 2 model kit (Loader and Gunner) with interchangeable barrels.  The picture shows the gunner twice with 2 of the 3 barrel options. The loader will be carrying a large pack.  This also includes 4 magnets require to magnetise the kit.

As soon as this becomes UNLOCKED:

You can add 1 team (loader and gunner) to your pledge for £13


Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter Stretch Goals 2


This head will be added to every box of Globethrowers you purchase! This head is a limited run for this Kickstarter only!

Battle Bits Ratmen Conversion Kickstarter Community Stretch Goal

Community Stretch Goal!

How will it work? This is running until the end of the Kickstarter and is open to backers and non-backers alike.

To take part all you have to do is:

1) Send me a message and I will create you a unique URL to the Kickstarter page that we can track.

2) Share, share and share some more!

Examples of how you could help:

1) See someone looking to build ratmen army, give them your unique link .

2) If you have a blog or channel give us a plug, and pop the link up.

3) If you have followers on social media create some posts.

4) Share it with fellow ratty players at your clubs or on messaging groups.

5) Know a good review site, pass on our details and your unique link.

Why should you Whats the Prize/Reward?

This isn’t just about opening more stretch goals, although that is great, we really want to make this special for you!

If we get 20+ backers collectively from all of your combined activity, we will give the person with the most referrals a truly awesome prize.

You will get to pick either a gunrat of globethrower set, totally free of charge!  Is that all I hear you ask?  No, No. No.   We will then create custom heads for each miniature in that set, these will be yours and yours alone!

If we get 30+ backers, I will also add a new sculpt of a Gunrat head to every box that every backer receives.

Delivery Schedule 

We are aiming to have these items produced and shipped by the beginning of December 2019. See risks and challenges for more information.


I sent out some sample individual models to fans, here is what they had to say:

“ They were done by Battle Bits,really nice product,nice sharp detail,easy to paint even for me “  Mr L Taylor

„For pre-production models they are fantastic. I’m really excited to see the final pieces  post production. Thank you for letting me test this one out. „ Mr C Morrow

„The quality of the sculpts and the parts is fantastic. These make building ratmen conversions easy and affordable, to a high standard.“ Mr G Wheel

We can’t do this alone!

In order to make this project come to life we are working with a number of specialist partners.  Of all the research conducted before embarking on this journey, this was my top priority. Reliability and quality of our partners services are key to us delivering a quality product in a timely fashion. All of our chosen partners have experience of producing and distributing miniatures to the highest possible standard, as well as having experience of producing/delivering Kickstarter on a deadline.



  • EUROPE: £12.00
  • Rest of the world £13

Where your country allows, we will be sending tracked parcels. There are two reasons for this:

  • To keep you informed
  • For us to see where your parcels are in case of any issues

Unfortunately, different import laws and customs mean we are unable to ship pledge rewards to the following countries:

Afghanistan, Argentina, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Gyana, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria, Libya, Mali, Martinique, Mexico, New Caledonia, North Korea, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Reunion Island, Somalia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, The Republic of Maldives, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe, the Canadian province of Quebec and American State of Rhode Island.

If your country is listed above we hope to be able to offer this product to you at retail but are unable to commit to shipping to these territories during the Kickstarter.

Import Duty and Local Taxes

On top of postage charges, please take in to account any tax or import charges you will be responsible for when backing this project. Battle Bits can’t be held responsible for local charges you are subject to when the product is sent to you. Our product will be manufactured in the UK.


Sorry to have to bring it up, however if you are backing from Europe there may be additional shipping charges based on the outcome of Brexit. We will do our best to work with you to keep the fees as low as possible.

Production Timelines 

When will you get your parts delivered, I hear you asking!  We are setting an estimated timeline for shipping of goods as W/C 25th November.  The only thing that can really have an impact on this, would be demand, however we can rapidly increase casting capabilities if required.  We will be uploading a running commentary on progress on the Kickstarter backers page. Like you, I have been on the receiving end of poor communication from projects and know how frustrating this  can be.  We will keep updates honest and realistic, so that we ensure that you will know what is going on at all times.

Der Kickstarter ist schon finanziert und läuft noch 19 Tage.

Quelle: Battle Bits – Ratmen Conversion Parts


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Schade, hätte Einzelteile deutlich interessanter gefunden wie 10 der Köpfe oder 10 der Rückenmodule als diese mit Verlaub Recht teuren Sets. Drei Köpfe, drei Waffen, drei Schilde und Arme für 14 Pfund sind (meistens) preislich gleich oder sogar teurer als Bits in diversen Shops. In Anbetracht, dass die Skavenmodelle auf die abzielt werden allerdings auch teurer sind, wird es durchaus seine Abnehmer finden.

  • Sehr schön, den Kickstarter hier zu sehen. Ein Freund und ich sind seit einigen Wochen mit dem Initiator in Kontakt und haben natürlich beim Kickstarter gepledged. Die Preise sind, wie er im T9A Board bereits erklärt hat, recht knapp kalkuliert und stellen durchaus eine günstige Alternative zum den GW Modellen dar. Stilistisch passt auch alles tadellos in eine Plastik-Skaven Armee rein und wenn man verbesserungsvorschläge liefert, modifiziert der Modellierer gern mal seine Produkte. (zb hat er auf anfrage der community gleich mal die schilde der jezzails ersetzt).

    ich finds absolut unterstützenswert und in anbetracht des ständig schrumpfenden klassischen warhammer sortiment auf der GW seite eine notwendige entwicklung und service für fans des alten systems bzw die T9A community.

  • Also irgendwie sieht mir die Gewehr-Haltung komisch aus. Die Schulterstütze liegt anscheinend nur am Unterarm an. Bei einer Kurzlaufwaffe vielleicht noch ok, aber bei einer Waffe wie eine Muskete wirkt das doch etwas komisch.

    Aber vielleicht sieht das an einer Mini ja nochmal ganz anders aus.

    • Die Jezzails gehören vorne am Lauf noch auf ein Schild gestützt.
      Ob es das aber realistischer macht, ist eine andere Frage 😉.

  • Richtig schick.
    Da werden sich jetzt einige Skavenspieler echt freuen.
    Die Bitz bieten wirklich.eine weit schönere Alternative als die lange veralteten Modelle von GW.

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