von BK-Bob | 30.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Rogue Skipper & The Captivess

Von Artel „W“ gibt es neu eine Besessene und eine Weltraumpiratin.

Artel W The Captivess 1 Artel W The Captivess 2 Artel W The Captivess 3 Artel W The Captivess 4 Artel W The Captivess 5 Artel W The Captivess 6 Artel W The Captivess 7 Artel W The Captivess 8

The Captivess – 14,99$

Product Details
Brand: Artel „W“ Miniatures
Type: Miniature
Collection/Faction: Inquisition

!!!Shipping will start at 6th of December!!!

Daemonic entity in human body, bonded to serve the purposes of mortals. Blasphemous creation of some ruthless servant of Humanity… or of the hidden enemy? She`s ready to unleash her unearthly powers at her master`s foes – and to betray hem or her at first opportunity.

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Kate Gricishina
Kit consists of 11 parts.
Scale: 28mm
Size: 28mm from the feet to the eyes; 49mm total
Material: high quality resin

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm base included.

Artel W Rogue Skipper 1 Artel W Rogue Skipper 2 Artel W Rogue Skipper 3 Artel W Rogue Skipper 4 Artel W Rogue Skipper 5 Artel W Rogue Skipper 6 Artel W Rogue Skipper 7 Artel W Rogue Skipper 8 Artel W Rogue Skipper 9

Rogue Skipper – 14,99$

Product Details
Brand: Artel „W“ Miniatures
Type: Miniature
Collection/Faction: Inquisition

!!!Shipping will start at 6th of December!!!

Trader today, corsair tomorrow, loyal servant of Humanity or unscrupulous bargainer, bold explorer or greedy raider? All of that – and many more, that`s the life of Rogue Skipper.
Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Marina Rykova

Kit consists of 12 parts, including two heads and 2 left arms.

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 30mm from the feet to the eyes; 34mm total

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm base included.

Artel W Discount

Wer plant demnächst bei Artel „W“ etwas zu bestellen für den haben wir noch etwas. Denn bis zum 1.12 gibt es einen 15 % Rabatt mit dem Code: LONGFRIDAY19

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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