von BK-Bob | 22.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Pulp, Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Hydrophilia Neuheiten

Für das hauseigene System von Artel „W“, Hydrophilia, gibt es neue Figuren.

Artel W NX SF Solifuge 1 Artel W NX SF Solifuge 2 Artel W NX SF Solifuge 3 Artel W NX SF Solifuge 4 Artel W NX SF Solifuge 5 Artel W NX SF Solifuge 6 Artel W NX SF Solifuge 7 Artel W NX SF Solifuge 8 Artel W NX SF Solifuge 9

NX-SF „Solifuge“ – 18,99 $

Product Details

Brand: Hydrophilia

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Nishimura

The NX-SF Solifuge combat bot is built on the same chassis as the NX-BH Behemoth, but this is where their similarities end. Solifuge is armed with powerful energy weapons, which requires a fair amount of energy. Its turbo-reactor allows not only to feed such firepower, but also to accelerate the bot above its maximum speed, not without harm to the chassis, though.

The “Whiplash” pattern is effective at close range and is ideal for smoking groups of enemies out of cover.

“Himawari” pattern is able to hit the target at any distance. The main thing is to ensure that your allies do not get in the way of the laser, and do not forget that open laser flaps can lead to damage of the expensive equipment.

Rarity: 1/25

Cost: 8 points

Size: 1.5, base – 60mm

HP: 7

MOV: 4

EVA: 7 (6)

ARM: 5

CYB: 2

PSY: –

Combat role: Long Range, Weapon Platform

Purchasing this set you`ll receive:

  • 1 resin miniature of NX-SF „Solifuge“ (unassembled and unpainted)
  • 2 Character cards for Whiplash and Himawari patterns
  • 1x60mm base for the miniature

Attention! The painted miniatures on the photos are just an example of a possible painting scheme! All the miniatures in the set are unassembled and unpainted!

Artel W Technician Controller 1 Artel W Technician Controller 2 Artel W Technician Controller 3 Artel W Technician Controller 5 Artel W Technician Controller 7 Artel W Technician Controller 9 Artel W Technician Controller 11 Artel W Technician Controller 13 Artel W Technician Controller 4 Artel W Technician Controller 6 Artel W Technician Controller 8 Artel W Technician Controller 10 Artel W Technician Controller 12 Artel W Technician Controller 14

Technician/Controller – 11,99$

Product Details

Brand: Hydrophilia

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Nishimura

This kit could be assemble in two different ways – as Technician or Controller of Nishimura corp. Despite the fact that these two units are assembling from the same set, their role on the table is very different.

The Technician allows you to literally „heal“ robots right on the battlefield. He can fight back in hand-to-hand combat, which means he allows you to cover the retreat of a more valuable unit with his own body.

The Controller lives up to his name and allows you to control drones. Together with Tetsui, they can bring out an army of cheap droids. And the ability to claim certain missions goals without approaching it will allow him to avoid sudden death.

Rarity: 1/25

Cost: 5 points

Size: 1 (human), base – 25mm

HP: 5

MOV: 5

EVA: 8

ARM: 4

CYB: 3

PSY: 2

Combat role: Support, healer, mission claimer

Purchasing this set you`ll receive:

  • 1 resin miniature of Technician, could be assembled in two different ways(unassembled and unpainted)
  • 2 Character cards
  • 1x25mm base for the miniature

Attention! The painted miniatures on the photos are just an example of a possible painting scheme! All the miniatures in the set are unassembled and unpainted!

Artel W Hydroidess 1 Artel W Hydroidess 2 Artel W Hydroidess 3 Artel W Hydroidess 4 Artel W Hydroidess 5 Artel W Hydroidess 6 Artel W Hydroidess 7

Hydroidess – 11,99$

Product Details

Brand: Hydrophilia

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Syndicate

What can you not find in the Poleis junkyards? For example, the result of an unsuccessful Government’s attempt to create android super soldier, whose mechanical frame is covered with living and synthetic flesh. Well, Hydroidess may be trash for the Government, but a treasure for the Syndicate’s craftsmen.

Rarity: 1/24

Cost: 8 points

Size: 1 (human), base – 25mm

HP: 6

MOV: 6

EVA: 8

ARM: 4

CYB: 2

PSY: –

Combat role: support, equipment manipulation, distraction.

  • 1 resin miniature of Hydroidess (unassembled and unpainted)
  • 1 Character card
  • 1x25mm base for the miniature

Artel W Firebrand 1 Artel W Firebrand 2 Artel W Firebrand 3 Artel W Firebrand 4 Artel W Firebrand 5 Artel W Firebrand 6 Artel W Firebrand 7

Firebrand – 11,99$

Product Details

Brand: Hydrophilia

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Syndicate

The firebrands inflame and lead a protest – often in the interests of those who are reaping the fruits of anarchy, staying in the shadow. Firebrand is not quite good fighter himself, but the power of this leader lies in his gang. Besides the fact that his presence gives bonuses to the rioters, he is also able to strengthen allies and debuff nearby opponents.

Rarity: Leader

Cost: 7 points

Size: 1 (human), base – 25mm

HP: 5

MOV: 6

EVA: 9

ARM: 2

CYB: 6

PSY: 3

Combat role: Leader, buffer/debuffer.

Purchasing this set you`ll receive:

  • 1 resin miniature of Firebrand (unassembled and unpainted)
  • 1 Character card
  • 1x25mm base for the miniature

Attention! The painted miniatures on the photos are just an example of a possible painting scheme! All the miniatures in the set are unassembled and unpainted!

Artel W Protester Agressor 1 Artel W Protester Agressor 2 Artel W Protester Agressor 3 Artel W Protester Agressor 4 Artel W Protester Agressor 5 Artel W Protester Agressor 6 Artel W Protester Agressor 7 Artel W Protester Agressor 8

Protester „Agressor“

Artel W Protester Agitator 1 Artel W Protester Agitator 2 Artel W Protester Agitator 3 Artel W Protester Agitator 4 Artel W Protester Agitator 5 Artel W Protester Agitator 6

Protester „Agitator“

Artel W Protester Thrower 1 Artel W Protester Thrower 2 Artel W Protester Thrower 3 Artel W Protester Thrower 4 Artel W Protester Thrower 5 Artel W Protester Thrower 6 Artel W Protester Thrower 7

Protester „Thrower“

Protester „Agressor“/ „Agitator“/ „Thrower“ – 11,99$

Product Details

Brand: Hydrophilia

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Syndicate

These ardent anarchists have no idea about political or philosophical theory of anarchism but they do have a vast practical experience. A true Protester is always gonna be against any social order or system. Ironically, these sons of anarchy have a strong flocking instinct and willingly join street mobs. Not all of them can read and write but everyone is brilliant at using Molotov cocktail, their favourite weapon. Protesters’ immense experience in confronting law enforcers makes them dangerous opponents. A Protester can perfectly blend in with a crowd or some ruins and sneak up close enough to make a pinpoint throw. And no doubt this fighter can find a gap in a wall of shields and knows all the soft spots of policemen’s fit-out. The sight of a burning patrolman drives Protesters to frenzy and this is usually the moment when they suffer heavy casualties. They don’t live long, but still… it was worth it, wasn’t it?

Rarity: 1/13

Cost: 5 points

Size: 1 (human), base – 25mm

HP: 5

MOV: 6

EVA: 8

ARM: 3

CYB: 6

PSY: 2

Combat role: Cheap melee and short-range mobster .

Purchasing this set you`ll receive:

  • 1 resin miniature of Protester (unassembled and unpainted)
  • 1 Character card
  • 1x25mm base for the miniature

Attention! The painted miniatures on the photos are just an example of a possible painting scheme! All the miniatures in the set are unassembled and unpainted!

Artel W Punk Plumber 1 Artel W Punk Plumber 2 Artel W Punk Plumber 3 Artel W Punk Plumber 4 Artel W Punk Plumber 5 Artel W Punk Plumber 6 Artel W Punk Plumber 7 Artel W Punk Plumber 8

Punk „Plumber“

Artel W Punk Ms Bat 1 Artel W Punk Ms Bat 2 Artel W Punk Ms Bat 3 Artel W Punk Ms Bat 4 Artel W Punk Ms Bat 5 Artel W Punk Ms Bat 6 Artel W Punk Ms Bat 7 Artel W Punk Ms Bat 8 Artel W Punk Ms Bat 9

Punk „Ms. Bat“

Artel W Punk Vandal 1 Artel W Punk Vandal 2 Artel W Punk Vandal 3 Artel W Punk Vandal 4 Artel W Punk Vandal 5 Artel W Punk Vandal 6

Punk „Vandal“

Punk „Plumber“/ „Ms. Bat“/ „Vandal“ – 11,99$

Product Details

Brand: Hydrophilia

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Syndicate

Life is hard and depressing on the city outskirts. Most local inhabitants live in extreme poverty, but there always will be those who don’t fancy wasting their life and youth working hard for peanuts. Every feature of a Punk’s appearance – including clothes, hairstyle, speech and body language – howls out defiance. Punks are always too ready to bully everyone into respecting their unique personalities, but they are not inclined to individual terror.

The Government has very little concern in punk mobs’ clashes and police can easily play off one mob against another. Unfortunately for patrolmen, that doesn’t help to decrease the number of punks.

Chains, knuckle dusters, baseball bats or a piece of a metal tube… You cannot trust punks with more sophisticated weapons, and quite frankly, punks don’t even need them. Cleaning a gun? Zeroing of an SMG? What’s next, are you going to suggest washing hair?

Most punks get killed in all kinds of brawls, die of drug O.D.’s or from cheap booze, but sometimes even more horrible thing happens: a punk shaves off his mohawk, gets rid of a showy outfit and drops out of the movement. Punks may renounce old way of life, but their kids will almost certainly join those who you don’t want to meet in a back alley.

Rarity: 1/13

Cost: 4 points

Size: 1 (human), base – 25mm

HP: 5

MOV: 6

EVA: 8

ARM: 3

CYB: 5

PSY: 2

Combat role: Cheap melee mobster .

Purchasing this set you`ll receive:

  • 1 resin miniature of Punk (unassembled and unpainted)
  • 1 Character card
  • 1x25mm base for the miniature

Attention! The painted miniatures on the photos are just an example of a possible painting scheme! All the miniatures in the set are unassembled and unpainted!

Artel W Streets On Fire Syndicate Starter Set

Hydrophilia presents: Streets on Fire – Syndicate Starter Set – 44,99$

Product Details

Brand: Hydrophilia

Type: Set of Miniatures

Collection/Faction: Syndicate

Purchase any two starters to receive Tactics/Missions and Equipment Cards Packs for free! Purchase all three faction starters and get 2 Terminal Objective Markers packs (6 items) also!

Even those who have no idea that The Syndicate actually exists, can become its unwitting accomplices. It’s especially easy to guide those young and passionate with implacable hatred for totalitarian regime. Rioters may be too committed and furious to obey anyone, but the chaos they create on polis streets can always be turned to The Syndicate’s advantage.

This box contains all you need to start playing Hydrophilia with Syndicate faction. Purchasing this set you`ll receive:

  • 8 resin miniatures for Punks and Protesters characters – 40pts squad (unassembled and unpainted):
    • Firebrand (leader of the gang, buffing allies, debuffing enemies)
    • 3xPunks (cheap melee fighters)
    • 3xProtesters (cheap short-range fighters)
    • Hydroidess (unstoppable machine of death)
  • 8 Character cards
  • 6 Leader Tactics Cards for Firebrand
  • 3 Equipment cards to adjust your squad for battle
  • Cardboard ruler with designations of nominal model`s sizes
  • Bases for the miniatures

My city! My streets! My protest!

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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