Aristeia!: Master of Puppets Preview
Corvus belli zeigen eine Vurschau auf die nächste Aristeia!-Erweiterung und verbinden dies direkt mit einem Gewinnspiel.
Masters of Puppets
“Obey Your Master”
Metallica (1986), Master Of Puppets
For the second time this year, we are bringing you fresh news about the next Aristeia! expansion. This time, it’s all about two young ladies who will forever change Aristeia! playing style rules. They are the Masters of Puppets.
This expansion brings a new element to the game: Minions, tools that the Controllers will use to play their game inside the HexaDome.
Nadezhda “Fiddler” Vorobiov is an Ariadnan engineer. She lived her first years locked in a body that didn’t allow her to develop her full potential, trapped in a society that didn’t understand those that were like her. Her rebellious soul searched around and found others who also suffered for being different, treated as second-class citizens. She committed acts of vandalism that led her to seek political asylum within the Nomad Nation, where she finally found a hardware maintenance team job and where she would get her nickname “Fiddler” because of the way she held the key with her chin against her shoulder.
It wasn’t until she arrived at the Nomad Nation when she started to feel free to become whatever she wanted to be.
Fiddler can adopt different forms in the HexaDome: she can be very offensive, fire and burn everything in Reach, or control the game – making it difficult for the opponent to advance.
Zoe „Gaia“ Foster is a Robotic Engineer originally from Damak, on the planet Varuna. During her senior year in high school, she researched technology consisting of human-machine interfacing based on mineral material extractors on the seabed for which she received a scholarship to start her university studies on Neoterra.
That’s where she developed TESS (Tentacle Extraction Subaquatic Structure), tentacles of Atlasium and Teseum that are able to work together or separately, subjected to high pressures such as those at bottom of the sea. However, the device had a major flaw: it only worked in Zoe’s hands. Despite the brilliance of the device, she hasn’t been able to replicate its effects with another controller other than herself. The only way to keep her research to find the origin of this mysterious error was to accept Moto. Tronica’s offer to join the Aristeia! circuit, where she ended up as an all-star, both because of her game and her elegant fighting style.
Gaia enjoys mobility never before seen in the HexaDome that she’s able to apply to her allies. Alongside the possibility of blocking enemies, it results in one of the Aristos most likely to blow your head off when she’s on your team. Quite a double-edged sword!
Fiddler and Gaia come to increase the Aristeia! family up to 28 aristos providing us with alternatives never seen in the HexaDome.
What are the secrets these two girls and their minions hide?
Welcome to the age of the minions! Long live the HexaDome masters!
Well, that might be too epic. It’s best if you see them performing in the arena! They will be available on June 28, 2019.
An article by Marcos Bello.
Und natürlich das Gewinnspiel von Facebook:
We are celebrating the launch of Masters of Puppets! This is why we present this raffle in collaboration with Warsenal.
To participate you have to comment on this post using the hashtag #MoParisteia before may 23th.
Good luck to all!
Quelle: Offizielle Aristeia!-Homepage
Infinity ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.
so was von verpasstes Potential bei Gaia. das Artwork ist um SO vieles besser.
ein andere Kopf und sie ließe sich vielleicht als Sophotect verwenden
Stinkt ziemlich ab gegen das was Corvus Belli sonst so abliefert, was ist da los? Hoffentlich nur ein einmaliger Ausreißer.
Na das sind Brettspielfiguren die günstig hergestellt werden müssen
da kann sowas schon mal bei rauskommen.
Gefallen tut mir das aber auch nicht.
Die Modelle sind sehr gute Brettspielfigur Qualität.
Da stinkt garnix ab.
Dass die Modelle diesmal überhaupt nicht an die Artworks rankommen, hat nichts mit dem Brettspielmaterial zu tun, das haben die anderen Aristeia-Minis auch und die lösen das fast durch die Bank besser.
Nach den Artworks war ich ziemlich heiß auf dieses Set, aber die Minis stinken da halt leider in der Tat ziemlich ab, gerade Fiddler wäre einfach schöner möglich gewesen.
Auch Gaia wirkt am Modell einfach weniger schön, die Pose, das Gesicht, das ist einfach alles ein paar Stufen unter dem Artwork. Ziemlich schade, denn die erinnert mich ein wenig an eine Mischung aus Eliza Cassan und Zhao Yun Ru aus Deus Ex 3.
Naja, es gibt ja genug andere tolle Aristeia Minis.
Geschmackssache halt.
Die Minis hatte ich bis jetzt noch nicht in der Hand, finde aber trotzdem „abstinken“ zu überzogen.