von BK-Nils | 26.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Ares Games: Battlestar Galactica Wave 2

Ares Games kündigen die nächste Welle für das Battlestar Galactica Miniaturenspiel an.

Ares Games Battlestar Galaktica Next Wave Announdement 1

The second wave of Spaceship Packs for Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles, the combat miniature game based on the Battlestar Galactica™ TV series, is due to release this Summer, introducing the Colonial Raptor and the Cylon Heavy Raider. Each of them will be featured in three different versions, and the game’s sections is updated with information and images of these upcoming expansions.

Ares Games Battlestar Galaktica Next Wave Announdement 2

The Raptor is designed to play multiple roles, ranging from reconnaissance and scouting, to supporting missions with electronic countermeasures and deploying additional firepower. It is slower and less maneuverable than a Viper, but it is capable of short-range FTL jumps and can be armed to fight back Cylons. The three versions coming are the generic SAR/ECM, the Assault/Combat and the Sharon “Boomer” Valerii’s Raptor.

Ares Games Battlestar Galaktica Next Wave Announdement 3

The Heavy Raider is a Cylon multifunctional spacecraft, used to attack colonial ships and transport Cylon fighters on boarding missions. Like a Cylon Raider, this spacecraft is sentient and self–flying. It can also be piloted by Centurions or human–form Cylons, but its lack of windows forces the pilot to rely on electronics only to navigate. It’s featured in three versions – generic Combat/Transport, Veteran and Captured.

The Spaceship Packs allow players to add more spaceships to the game. Each pack includes a ready-to-play model – painted and assembled, spaceship card, gaming base, maneuver deck and a set of pilot cards.

For more information about the game and these upcoming Spaceship Packs, visite the Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles section.

Quelle: Ares Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Wave 1 waren die Jäger aus der Grundbox als Einzelpackungen, also die Colonial Viper und der Cylon Raider.

      • Öhm und Starbuck und Starbuck im Captured Raider sowie Scar wenn ich mich nicht irre.
        Habe ich zumindest alle hier stehen.

        Oder kann es sein dass diese Wave hier in der News Wave 3 ist?

  • Schöne Modelle und gutes Spiel. Leider etwas schwer zu beschaffen.
    Bislang ist Wave 1 immer noch nicht zu kriegen (zumindest in Deutschland).

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