von BK-Nils | 25.09.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

AoSRPG: Excelsior Warpriest und Kurnoth Hunter

Zwei weitere Archetypen wurden für das das kommende Warhammer Age of Sigmar Pen and Paper Rollenspiel von Cubicle Seven vorgestellt, der Excelsior Warpriest und der Kurnoth Hunter.

Age of Sigmar Soulbound: Excelsior Warpriest

Cubicle Seven Entertainment Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Soulbound Age Of Sigmar Soulbound Excelsior Warpriest

Devoted of Sigmar

You are a warrior-priest of the God-King, willing to do anything in the name of your divine liege.

The Mortal Realms are huge, and there are times when the high throne of Azyr can feel very far away indeed. The Excelsior Warpriest is the most zealous of Sigmar’s devoted, gladly carrying the word of the God-King to places that have not felt the light of Sigendil in generations. The miracles that an Excelsior Warpriest can perform vary depending on the proclivities of the individual priest and, to a decidedly lesser extent, on the needs of the mission in question. With the power of faith alone a warpriest can heal the sick and the lame, but just as easily scour the life of the tainted, the possessed and the wicked of spirit. While predominantly a product of the Sigmarite faith, the culture of Azyr has marched into the Mortal Realms with its armies and put down roots with its settlers. Hammerhall-Ghyra is known to harbour warpriests devoted to Alarielle, while groups dedicated to Tyrion the Blind King scour the hinterlands of Hysh. Doubtless there are many such groups in the Mortal Realms carrying the light of their gods on the flat of a war hammer in the example of the Excelsior Warpriest.

“Kneel, and trust that Sigmar can tell the innocent from the guilty.”

  • Ortam ‘The  Crimson Azyrite’ Sallismar

Excelsior Warpriests have a sacred calling to deliver the light of their faith to the most desperate places, be it a destitute quarter of a mighty Free City or a lightless enclave of the Mortal Realms. Many will surround themselves with like-minded adventurers, honest Sigmarites with whom to share their mission and fortify each other’s faith. There are, however, those with a particular proselytizing zeal, who relish the opportunity to confront a Khainite or the godlessness of a Kharadron and choose their travelling companions accordingly.


Mirko Failoni

Age of Sigmar Soulbound: Kurnoth Hunter

Cubicle Seven Entertainment Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Soulbound Age Of Sigmar Soulbound Kurnoth Hunter

Today we’re looking at another Archetype for Age of Sigmar: Soulbound — the commanding Kurnoth Hunter of the Sylvaneth.

Guardian of the Sylvaneth

Cultivated to serve as a defender of the natural order, you wield bow, sword, and scythe to oppose all who threaten the Sylvaneth.

The Kurnoth Hunter is a Free Spirit cultivated by Alarielle as one of her elite warriors. His purpose is to hunt down those who threaten the natural order. In this role he is well-equipped, able to move swiftly and silently across the land. Physically he is a formidable opponent, much larger than a dryad and with a body encased in thick, armour-like bark. The Kurnoth Hunter is more than simply a soldier, however. He will stalk enemies of the Sylvaneth with indefatigable resolve, biding his time until he is certain of success. Many times his hunts will take him far beyond the boundaries of an enclave, well into lands claimed by enemies. Yet nothing will stay a Kurnoth Hunter from his task, for it is a sacred trust bestowed on him and one in which he cannot waver.

“The song of your doom was written by your deeds. There is no pleasure in destruction, only necessity.”- Thornheart, Far-Stalker of Bramblegrip Enclav

A Kurnoth Hunter has within him some of the wrath of the hunter god Kurnoth. While he venerates Alarielle as the mother goddess, he also worships Kurnoth as spirit father, a duality of devotion that makes other Sylvanth suspicious. It is not helped that the Hunter is very different in his conduct than their fellow Sylvaneth. While even the great Treelords will display a capriciousness and whimsy at times, the Kurnoth Hunter has a mindset of intense focus. His spirit is calm and stoic, meeting ordeals with a fatalistic acceptance. He will tend to be cautious in his dealings, always calculated towards the purpose he is focused upon. Accustomed to ranging far from their enclaves, the Kurnoth Hunter is more familiar with outside threats than other Sylvaneth, and more adaptable in his methods to protect the natural order.

What Next?

Over the coming weeks we’ll continue to share information on Age of Sigmar: Soulbound. Be sure to sign up to our newsletter so you don’t miss out.


Clara-Marie Morin

Quelle: Cubicle 7


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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