von BK-Nils | 13.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

AoS: Neue Warcry Bande enthüllt

Aus Shyish, dem Reich des Todes kommt eine weitere Bande für Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry.

Warcry’s Scariest Warband Revealed!

It’s an eternal question. Just what in the Mortal Realms is more horrifying – the formless, shifting ravages of Chaos, or the inevitable coldness of Death?

At last, we have an answer – BOTH. Meet Shyish’s scariest inhabitants – a Warcry warband that make the Nighthaunt look like a basket of kittens.

These are the Unmade. Like many Warcry warbands, they hail from a specific Mortal Realm – if you hadn’t guessed by the skulls, black robes and general vibe of oppressive, crawling terror, these folks are from Shyish, the Realm of Death.

Games Workshop Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warcry Unmade Preview 1

Once upon a time, the Unmade were benevolent philosopher-kings renowned across the Realm of Death for their wisdom and nobility (If you’re a long-time Warhammer lore fan, your “senseless tragic downfall” alarm is probably going off right now.) Desperate to fight back the hordes of undead, the inhabitants of this land (a place known as Tzlid) were driven to worship the Chaos Gods – who promptly rewarded them by turning them into maniacal cultists obsessed with pain and mutilation. Seriously – they’re wearing their own faces as belts.

Games Workshop Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warcry Unmade Preview 2

The Unmade will make for a deadly Warcry warband for fans of Death and Chaos alike, and are ideal for those of you who can’t get enough grim darkness in your hobby. On a serious note, these models are incredibly interesting for lore fans, giving us an insight into just what the morbid cultures of the Realm of Death might look like – and the kind of impact that the cumulative existential horror of living in the Mortal Realms has on “ordinary” humans…

Games Workshop Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warcry Unmade Preview 3 Games Workshop Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warcry Unmade Preview 4 Games Workshop Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warcry Unmade Preview 5

We know you guys are hungry for more Warcry news, responding to Archaon’s call with dark rituals, pledges of eternal loyalty and anguished pleas on Facebook. Fear not, servant of Chaos – we’ll have more updates for you on the game of skirmish combat in the Mortal Realms very, very soon! Make sure you don’t miss it – subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates delivered right to your inbox.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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