von BK-Bob | 02.09.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Anyaral: Zhontain’s Juice Bar Kickstarter

Zurzeit läuft ein Kickstarter für einen Safthändler und sein überbeladenes Lasttier.

Anyaral Zhontain’s Juice Bar 2

Zhontain al Griba and one of his Juice Bars in the bustling city of Gar Loren

Anyaral Zhontain’s Juice Bar 1

As those who have been following my explorations of Anyaral over the years will no doubt have noticed, I do particularly enjoy sculpting the weird and wonderful creatures! In 2017 I did a series of sketches of those creatures and several of those creatures have since made it into miniature form.

Anyaral Zhontain’s Juice Bar 3

One of those sketches, ‚Juicy‘, was of a very wealthy trader from Gar Loren who has made his fortune selling a variety of potent juices from his patented mobile juice bars. The juice bars are Voralls; heavily armoured creatures who have had their tusks removed and large quantities of juice strapped to their backs.

Anyaral Zhontain’s Juice Bar 4

I sculpted a Vorall last year, fully intending to cover the poor creature in as much baggage as I could squeeze onto its shell. I have now had some master casts done and would like to get it into full production. I sent Joe one of the master casts and he has already worked his magic on it.

This is going to be another very simple campaign so I can get everything produced and out to backers as quickly as possible! I do have a few ideas for little stretch goals and potential additions during the campaign though, so I hope you give me the excuse I need to bring those to fruition!

Das sind die Pledges:

Anyaral Zhontain’s Juice Bar Pledges 1 Anyaral Zhontain’s Juice Bar Pledges 2


There are a couple of add-on options in case you need more Juice bars or would like a fancy resin base for your juice bar. If you have ordered The Juice Bar pledge level then simply increase your pledge by the necessary amount and I will ask for details after the kickstarter is over.

  • £5: Additional Metal Zhontain
  • £20: Additional Resin Vorall Juice Bar with wooden base
  • £22: Additional Resin Zhontain and Juice Bar with wooden base
  • £2: 60mm resin base (max of one per Juice Bar ordered)

Die Kampagne läuft noch 10 Tage und ist bereits finanziert.

Quelle: Anyaral: Zhontain’s Juice Bar


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich mag die Designs so gern. Für mich hat es immer auch etwas von Dark Crystal. Und wenn ich nicht schon so viele verschiedene Systeme hätte, wäre Anyaral das erste, das ich auch noch haben wollen würde.
    Auch cool, dass über Jahre immer wieder Neues rauskommt und die Welt lebendig bleibt.

  • Die Twilight-Viecher sind putzig. V.a., wenn sie ernstere Sachen machen wie Kämpfen, Stehlen etc. 😀

    Btw, was heißt jetzt Anyaral, was Twilight?

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