von BK-Herr Kemper | 11.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Antenociti’s Workshop: Squiddly Diddly

Leckere Octo-Snacks – der neue Squiddly Diddly macht jetzt auch in Deiner Nähe auf.

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Squiddly Diddly – 32,50 GBP

Squiddly Diddly, a 28mm scale prepainted seafood and sushi hut, Designed For Infinity.

The building boasts high detail inside and out: Inside, Squiddly Diddly has many fridges, an ordering counter, a kitchen work surface, a cupboard and a fish tank. The center fridges have been designed to cut line of fire through the building, aiding Infinity gameplay. Outside, the blank walls can be spiced up with the cartoon sealife provided, whilst the fringed awning, tentacled roof and Chubbs make it a building to be remembered.

Squiddly Diddly is made of prepainted MDF, card, acrylic, photo prints, and comes with a free 3D printed squid which can be used as a roof-removal-handle.

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Squiddly Tables – 7,50 GBP

Squiddly Tables – a set of 4 x 28mm scale prepainted scatter terrain, Designed For Infinity.

Your fast seafood and sushi needs to be eaten sitting down, and Squiddly Tables are the place to do it. These tables are combined seats and tabletops, standing 25mm tall, providing partial cover to S2 silhouettes. Squiddly Tables are simple and cheap scatter terrain, and can brighten up the game table.

Squiddly Tables is a set of 4. They are made of pre-painted MDF and card.

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Squiddly Bins – 9,50 GBP

Squiddly Bins, a set of 4 x 28mm scale prepainted scatter terrain, Designed For Infinity.

Every restaurant and food hut needs bins, and the better the branding, the better the bins. Squiddly Bins are tall triangular/hexagon shaped stands with a wide base, meant for the depositing or rubbish into the bottom. Squiddly Bins are tall enough and wide enough to provide cover to S2 silhouettes in Infinity.

Squiddly Bins are made of pre-painted MDF, card, acrylic and photo prints.


Link: Antenociti’s Workshop

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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