von BK-Marcel | 22.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

Age of Sigmar: Neues zum Pen and Paper

Es gibt neues von Cubicle7 neue Informationen zum AOS RPG.

Cubicle 7 Entertainment_Warhammer Age of Sigmar Pen and Paper Roleplaying Game

On the Cover

Firstly, we are incredibly excited to share with you the cover for the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game. This amazing piece of art was created by the incredibly talented Johan Grenier and was first revealed on the Warhammer TV Twitch channel. You may recognise Johan’s work from other Age of Sigmar products, including the triumphant return of Gotrek in Realmslayer. Johan has a wealth of knowledge and experience with Age of Sigmar so having him create the cover for the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game was hugely exciting for us. On the cover itself, you can see a band of heroes from across the Mortal Realms facing down the forces of Chaos and the undead legions of Nagash, the Lord of Death. Our group of heroes is made up of a valiant Knight-Questor of the Stormcast Eternals, a devoted Excelsior Warpriest, an Isharann Tidecaster of the mysterious Idoneth Deepkin, a resourceful Endrinrigger of the Kharadron Overlords, and a towering Kurnoth Hunter of the Sylvaneth. These represent some of the types of characters you’ll be able to play in the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game, but there are many more to choose from and build yourself. With that in mind, let’s talk about the game itself.

C7 Corebook Cover

As we mentioned in an earlier update, the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game uses a D6 dice pool system. You’ll create your dice pool by adding your Attributes together with any Skills you are proficient with. Attributes describe your innate capabilities such as physical prowess, intelligence, and strength of will, while Skills represent your competency and experience in a particular area. Each character has 3 Attributes — Body, Mind, and Soul — and can choose from up to 24 unique Skills.

As well as Attributes and Skills, you will also have Talents. Talents are unique abilities and features that further define what you are capable of, such as spellcasting, aethercraft, or channeling the power of Sigmar into your strikes. When you choose your Archetype (read on for more on Archetypes!) you will have a predetermined list of Skills and Talents to choose from, but as your character grows you will be able to select from a wide array of unique options. This will give you a huge amount of freedom with how you grow and shape your character.

We also have a number of systems within the corebook centred on having your party work together, interacting with the factions of the realms, crafting, pets and mounts, and creating your own spells. We will discuss these and more in future updates.


The Archetypes

Your Archetype is who you are when you begin playing the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game. It may be your job, a calling, a military rank, or something a little more esoteric, but whatever it is it represents who you are when you first pick up the dice. Your Archetype is who you are now, but who, or what, you might become has yet to be decided.

Each Archetype presents your Species, your starting Attributes, your Core Skill and a number of other Skills to choose from, your Core Talent and a number of other Talents to choose from, your faction Influence, your starting equipment, and anything else that is important for your character.

The Archetypes presented in the corebook are drawn from some of the most well-known heroes of the Forces of Order. We will share more details and artwork for each Archetype in a future update, but for now we are happy to confirm the Knight-Questor and Knight-Incantor of the Stormcast Eternals, Auric Runesmiter of the Fyreslayers, Aether-Khemist of the Kharadron Overlords, Isharann Tidecaster of the Idoneth Deepkin, Witch Aelf of the Daughters of Khaine, Excelsior Warpriest of the Devoted of Sigmar, Former Freeguild Soldier of the Free Peoples, Kurnoth Hunter of the Sylvaneth, Skink Starpriest of the Seraphon, and the mysterious Realmswalker.

For players who prefer a more free-form approach to character creation, we also present rules for creating characters without Archetypes. Future products will introduce expanded player options, including Archetypes from outside the Forces of Order.

The Team

To help us create the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game we sought out some of the authors who have helped to shape the Mortal Realms into what we know today. David Guymer (Realmslayer, Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods), Josh Reynolds (Soul Wars, Plague Garden), and Clint Werner (The Tainted Heart, Overlords of the Iron Dragon) have all contributed to the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game. Their input, insight, and knowledge of the Realms has been immense. These talented folk are some of the people who know the Realms best so to be able to pick their brains has been great. Expect to see more from them as the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game grows and we explore more of the Mortal Realms.

What’s Next?

In the coming months we will continue to share more information on the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game. Future updates will focus in detail on how Archetypes work, showcase some of our talented artists, explore the complicated relationships of the factions of the Realms, and look into the future of what you can expect from the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game. Be sure to keep an eye on our website and social media channels as we announce where you can come meet us, including which events to attend for a chance to be one of the first people in the world to play the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game.

Until then, blessings of Sigmar be upon you!

Kurze Zusammenfassung von uns:

  • Würfelwürfe werden durch eine Kombination aus Attribut und Skill bestimmt
  • Es gibt drei Attribute (Körper, Geist und Seele) und 24 Skills
  • Zusätzlich hat jeder Charaktere noch Talente
  • Obiges wird am Anfang durch die Wahl des Archetyp festgelegt, kann jedoch im Laufe der Abenteuer erweitert werden.
  • Archetypen stellen berühmte Arten von Soldaten, Priester etc. dar.
  • Spieler können jedoch auch eigene Archetypen erschaffen.
  • Es wird direkt Mechaniken für Reittiere, Haustiere, Crafting und das erschaffen von eigenen Zaubersprüchen in den Grundregeln geben.

Link: Cubicle 7


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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