von BK-Bob | 16.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Aenor Miniatures Ogres and Orcs Kickstartker

Zurzeit läuft ein Kickstarter für handgeknetete Orks und Oger aus Frankreich.

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2 years ago, with the help of my backers, we funded 22 Goblins, 2 Trolls and a Giant.

Now I’m back, trying to fund a warband of their nasty cousins, the Orcs and the Ogres!

The first encounter consists of a huge Ogre Brute and a patrol of 5 Orc warriors!

All the miniatures have been hand-sculpted, and the pictures show either the original sculpts (in various colors, depending on the sculpting medium) or the resin castings (uniform grey).

The resin models featured in this campaign are exactly what you get if you pick a resin pledge (assembly required!)

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The Orc patrol (resin version)

For the Orcs, I wanted to get back to the roots. I discovered fantasy through reading The Lord of the Rings, and Tolkien’s orcs aren’t the most dangerous of enemies, but they are vicious, cruel… and mostly numerous to make up for their cowardice. They are humanoid in size and stature, but dysmorphous, and vary a lot in appearance.

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The Ogre Brute, a true monster, standing 60mm tall

I wanted my Ogres to match the size of the usual descriptions of them, which is over 10 feet, rather than the usual size of miniatures produced by other companies. So they’re almost twice the size of an orc or human!

I hope you’ll enjoy my interpretations of these monsters!

So sehen die verschiedenen Pledges aus:

-A la carte: use this pledge if you want to add individual models, want to follow us but prefer to wait until the end of the campaign to choose your miniatures, or if you just want to support us!

– Lone Ogre: just an Ogre (a big one!)

-Orc Patrol: the first 5 Orc warriors, as shown in the picture, in resin or metal

-Rearguard: you’ll get an Ogre and 5 orcs, as shown in the picture, in resin or metal

-Vanguard Party: the first 20 backers to select this pledge will get the first castings as I get them from the caster. You’ll get an Ogre Brute and the first 5 orc warriors as shown in the picture. (It’s exactly the same pledge as a Rearguard, with the only difference that you will get your toys sooner!)

Also, you can add several pledges together, or add single models to your pledge, by simply changing the amount of your contribution. You’ll tell us what you want in the survey after the campaign.

Die Stretchgoals:


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The Ogre Raider (work in progress)

Here is the current Stretch Goal: a new Ogre Raider! which will unlock at 4500€. Once unlocked, you’ll be able to select him as a Lone Ogre reward or add him to your existing pledges for 22€.

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The previous unlock were 2 Orc warriors, you can now add the new orc to your pledge, just add 6€ to your pledge for a each metal copy, or 7€ for a resin one.

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The previous unlock was another orc warrior, you can now add the new orc to your pledge, just add 6€ to your pledge for a metal copy, or 7€ for a resin one.

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We also unlocked a new alternate head for the Ogre (free with every Ogre Brute) and 2 weapon sprue (free with each Orc Patrol including Rearguard/Vanguard).

Example of alternate build for the Orcs with the new sprues

Resin oder Metall?

In the Goblins‘ campaign some backers weren’t sure about the choice of material for their pledge, so here is a short explanation.

Resin takes details better, which means the casting is the best you can get, an almost perfect copy of the sculpt. It is lighter, easier to clean and build. However, it’s a bit more expensive to produce and not quite as resilient as metal (although our resin isn’t brittle and I’ve seen many minis resist a fall from a desk or table without breaking).

Metal is a more traditional material for wargamers. It’s heavier (a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask!) and a bit cheaper (the shipping will be a bit more expensive though, owing to its weight). The castings are still good quality, they may be a little longer to clean because of flash, but the details are almost as accurate.

To be honest, it’s a matter of preference, that’s why I offer the Orcs in both materials! Ogres are only available in resin as for them metal would be rather impractical (weight, cost, etc).

As an example, here is a goblin from our previous campaign:

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from left to right: original sculpt, resin casting, metal casting, metal casting with a wash of black ink to show the details


Shipping will be charged after the campaign, since it may change according to the miniatures you might add to your pledge as they become available.

As an example of shipping fees:

-1-2 Ogre(s) or up to 30 resin orcs, or 1 ogre and 15 resin orcs or 5 metal orcs: 4€ worldwide

-up to 12 metal orcs or 6 ogres or 70 resin orcs, or a combination of these: 8€ to the European Union, 9€ to the rest of the world

The weight of some miniatures may differ, and Stretch Goals may change these numbers. However, I’ll let you know in time.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 12 Tage.

Quelle: Ogres & Orcs!


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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