von BK-Herr Kemper | 20.06.2019 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Achtung! Cthulhu: Neuerscheinungen

Modiphius hat für Achtung! Cthulhu einige neue Miniaturen veröffentlicht – verwendbar für das Rollenspiel, den Skirmisher (dessen Regeln auf denen von Dystopian Legions basieren) oder natürlich für jedes andere System.

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Black Sun Commanders – 27,99 EUR

A staple of the Black Sun’s forces in the field, the Masters are a powerful, sorcerous presence during any battle. They can employ both conventional weapons and arcane sorcery to brutalise and crush their opponents.

Battlefield Royalty, the Black Sun Canons are instantly recognisable by their silk masks and mastery of the dark arts. Trained in the disciplines of pain, and terror, they are capable of wrecking utter havoc on their enemies.

As the Black Sun’s military overlord, Albrecht Lohmann rules over his troops with an iron fist Cruel and Heartless to the core, his enthusiasm for the Black Sun’s ultimate triumph has made him a close confidant of Exarch Weissler.

Malevolent and mischievous, ‘Sweet’ Liesel Bohm is a Black Sun agent of renown and considers herself a true magical adept and student of the dark arts. She delights in chaos and confusion and is capable of random acts of both cruelty and generosity.

The not so good doctor Verner Verdrecht appears to be a typical Nazi scientist, but the writhing tentacles replacing his arm betray him as a foul spawn of the Mythos, while his crystal ray gun is capable of cutting through swathes his foes.

This box set of 5 characters can be added into your Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish or Achtung! Cthulhu: Combat games or Achtung! Cthulhu role-playing adventures.


1 x Black Sun Master (new sculpt)
1 x Black Sun Canon (new sculpt)
1 x Black Sun Albrecht Lohmann
1 x Black Sun ‘Sweet’ Liesel Bohm
1 x Black Sun Dr Verner Verdrecht

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Majestic Demon Hunter Pathfinders – 33,99 EUR

Only the bravest, most spiritual warriors of the North American tribes learn the ways of the demons and how to defeat them. These fearsome warriors are armed with a tomahawk, Tinglit armour and Thompson SMGs.

This box set of six Warriors can be added into your Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish or Achtung! Cthulhu: Combat games or Achtung! Cthulhu role-playing adventures.


6 x Majestic Demon Hunter Pathfinders

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Singh Unleashed – 8,99 EUR

Larceny led Singh to possess the eye, desperation led to it opening. Throwing himself into ever more dangerous situations, Singh has further tapped into the power of the mysterious pendant he “found” in the jungle. Wherever he goes now, trailing fingers of the dark mist surround him, pulsating and grasping for anyone nearby. This isolates him from his fellow soldiers, but hides him from the enemy, making him hard to target on the battlefield.

When he reaches enemy lines, the true power of the amulet is revealed, as it fully opens, and Singh moves faster than can be followed. Appearing as though he’s in multiple places at once, Singh’s blade reaps a bloody harvest from German soldiers who barely even register that their doom has arrived.

This blister pack of Singh Unleashed and can be added into your Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish or Achtung! Cthulhu: Combat games or Achtung! Cthulhu role-playing adventures.

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Ariane Unleashed & Demon – 11,99 EUR

Ariane has been at the sharp end of the conflict for too long and has seen too many friends and allies fall. Her grip on the Demon that accompanies her was always tenuous, but now it has near broken. As a result, the creature can fully manifest charging into battle looking for prey.

Ariane will be found following in its wake, firing volleys from her twin Lugers, often cutting down the Demon’s intended victims before it reaches them. This small mercy is better than the alternative.

This blister pack of Ariane Unleashed and her Demon can be added into your Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish or Achtung! Cthulhu: Combat games or Achtung! Cthulhu role-playing adventures.

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Section M Natalya Unleashed & Spirit – 8,99 EUR

The cold grip of winter is never far from where Natalya goes. She emerges suddenly from icy mists, ploughing into enemy units.

However, where previously the shadowy creature that could be glimpsed reaching from around her seemed contained, it now bursts into action, crawling from the darkness surrounding her and reaching out to rip and tear.

Able to shred tanks and bunkers without concern, this entity is known as the Spirit of the Motherland by Natalya and seems willing to assist in her efforts to bring ruin to the Axis forces, for now…

This blister pack of Natalya Unleashed and her Spirit of the Motherland can be added into your Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish or Achtung! Cthulhu: Combat games or Achtung! Cthulhu role-playing adventures.

1 x Section M Natalya Unleashed
1 x Section M Spirit of the Motherland

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Allied Heroes: Corporal Liebowitz and Jack McMasters – 11,99 EUR

Horrifically wounded by the Black Sun, Liebowitz’s mind was opened up to the power of the Mythos, his body mutated into a twisted blasphemy of tentacled flesh. When he loses control, his unconscious mind exacts a terrible revenge on his tormentors.

A much decorated and ever so slightly deranged Allied hero, Mad Jack’s fearless nature, ability to inspire men and mastery of both longbow and his broadsword ‘Nelly’ make him one of the Allies’ most potent weapons.

Leading the men of the Greywatch into battle, he never shirks from the front line and is eager to reap a toll with both blade and bow.

This blister pack of Corporal Liebowitz and Jack McMasters and can be added into your Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish or Achtung! Cthulhu: Combat games or Achtung! Cthulhu role-playing adventures.

Quelle: Modiphius Entertainment

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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